The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1546: Clue

Su Mansion was full of uproar at the moment.

"Mother, look at your elder brother, look at your elder brother!" Su Qianyue walked up and down the hall anxiously with a look of anxiety.

"Mother, my brother actually interceded for the country girl in front of the princess. What does this make Sister Min think, what does she think!" Su Qianyue screamed.

The maids of Su Mansion all knelt on the ground, and tremblingly did not dare to look up at the second lady who was gentle like water at the moment but like a she-wolf.

"Qianyue!" Madam Su said helplessly: "You can't wait for your brother to come back. Can you listen to your brother's explanation?"

Madam Su looked at Su Qianyue who was trying to talk to Shu Min for an explanation, and felt helpless. For Shu Min, this Qianyue could really be counted down by her brother.

"Mother, is there anything else I can explain? Sister Min has seen everything? Isn't what she saw with her eyes is more convincing than what her brother explained?"

Su Qianyue said angrily, her eyes full of dissatisfaction.

"Madam, the eldest son is here!" Nuan Qiu stood at the door and announced inside.

As soon as Su Ziyue walked in, she saw that Su Qianyue ran up to Su Ziyue in two steps, raised her head high and faced Su Ziyue's gaze, her eyes filled with deep questioning and scolding: " Brother, why do you want to plead for that **** Gu Xiaowan?"

"Qianyue!" Su Zi asked himself when she saw that Su Qianyue was so slanderous of the county lord of Anping. He couldn't help but get angry. He twisted his eyebrows and looked at her strongly and hard.

"Su Ziyue, I ask you, why do you want to intercede for that **** Gu Xiaowan, you know how much Sister Min hates that bitch!" Seeing Su Ziyue not answering, Su Qianyue waved her hands and yelled almost hysterically. With such excitement and anger, even Madam Su was a little surprised and surprised.

"Qianyue, what's wrong with you? That Princess Mingdu is an outsider, but your brother is standing in front of you, how can you criticize your brother like this!" Madam Su looked at Su Qianyue who was hysterical, and she felt a little agitated and busy. Shouted loudly.

When Su Qianyue heard that, her mother also said that she was too mad, and she was trembling with anger. She turned her head, glanced at Madam Su, and then gritted her teeth at the cold Su Ziyu: "Is your brother forgotten? Is Princess Mingdu a person? She admires you so Confucianly, but you speak for that bitch, and your heart is toward that bitch. Isn’t the elder brother afraid that Gu Xiaowan will die without a place to burial, neither can we Su family Good death? Brother, are you watching our Su family’s century-old foundation ruined?"

Su Qianyue has always been elegant and generous, but the hysterical appearance now makes Su Ziyue unfamiliar, but, no matter what, the woman in front of her is bleeding with the same blood.

Su Ziyue suppressed her temper and said, "She is the head of Anping County who was personally canonized by the emperor. She came from the countryside and participated in such a gathering for the first time. What happened today was originally the fault of our Su Mansion. The maid also admitted personally that someone bought her and did this. As a guest of our Su Mansion, shouldn't our Su Mansion seek justice for Xiao Wan"

"Xiao Wan?" Su Qianyue's eyes widened and looked at Su Ziyue in disbelief, interrupted him, then looked at him up and down, and suddenly shouted sharply: "Brother, you Is she crazy? Princess Mingdu regards her as a thorn in her eyes. That is sister Min’s enemy. She made our Su Mansion shame among the family and is also our enemy. You even called her name? To say that she is only a fifth-grade Anping county host, and to be able to enter our Su Mansion to participate in the banquet is already a high look at her. She is just a lowly status, but she is a wild girl from the countryside, because of her lowliness. What's the humble appearance?"

Su Qianyue is gentle and kind in daily life. Why does he have such an attitude today?

At this moment, her hysterical appearance made Su Ziyue very unpleasant, but he thought about this as his own sister. He clenched his fists and endured.

"Qianyue, my brother understands the jealousy of being a woman very well. Today, Anping County's lord yanked the Quartet. He is indeed a rare and wonderful person in Beijing. My brother will intercede for her today. If you don't have anything else, just talk about it! This matter It’s Su Mansion’s fault. Su Mansion should find the real culprit and give justice to the county lord of Anping.

Su Ziyue squinted her eyes and looked at Su Qianyue's slightly distorted and hideous face, and said coldly.

In the star-like eyes, there was the stubbornness that Su Qianyue was familiar with.

That was the look she had seen since she was a child.

Knowing who or what happened, even if the road ahead will hit him with bloodshed, he will not give up to continue chasing!

Su Qianyue suddenly felt a little frightened. If he was chasing her elder brother like this, who was so stubborn and persistent, what should he do if she really let him know that the mastermind of this matter was her?

Su Qianyue trembled slightly, her face lightly powdered, pale and terrifying at the moment!

"Brother, do you really have to find the murderer?" Su Qianyue asked coldly.

"Yes!" Su Ziyue replied decisively.

"Why?" Su Qianyue didn't give up: "Even if it is related to the reputation of our Su Mansion, but Gu Xiaowan has said it, she doesn't care about it, she doesn't pursue it, she gave up, brother, what are you still doing? ?"

Su Qianyue's eyes stared at Su Ziyue unblinkingly, not letting go of his eyes and movements.

Su Ziyue looked at Su Qianyue. Under such inquiring eyes, he didn't know what to say, how to answer?

Did you tell Su Qianyue that you were moved by Gu Xiaowan?

Or tell Su Qianyue that he fell in love with Gu Xiaowan at first sight, goodbye, and will not marry the present Feiqing?

Su Ziyue did not dare to answer, and he dared not tell anyone in front of him any answer.

Now, he can't even show a little love.

It was the silence of this period of time that Su Qianyue could not catch anything.

It was the ray of thought that floated to her heart at this moment, which made Su Qianyue stunned.

"Brother, that's just a wild girl from the countryside, you are the son of the second-grade Shang Shuling, you are unparalleled, how can you!" Su Qianyue screamed angrily, clenching her fist.

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