The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1464: Incredible

This girl didn't even make a calculation, and said that she was wrong. How dare Mr. Cheng believe it!

"Or, Mr. Cheng, do you take the abacus and do it again?" Seeing that Mr. Cheng didn't believe him, Li Fan sent someone to get the abacus.

Seeing the abacus in front of him, Mr. Cheng was a little unbelievable: "The shopkeeper, I have already calculated it several times, it can't be wrong!"

Unexpectedly, Li Fan smiled: "Mr. Cheng, you can do it again!"

Mr. Cheng looked at Li Fan who was smiling suspiciously, and then at Gu Xiaowan who was on the side. He saw the girl sitting indifferently, holding tea in her hand, her face filled with contentment.

At that moment, Mr. Cheng had a thought of suspicion.

Why does the boss believe that little girl? Don't believe in yourself?

Moreover, when the girl asked her question, the boss asked the girl's opinion without thinking about it, and seemed to trust the girl extremely!

Mr. Cheng drew a big question mark in his heart and became curious about the identity of this girl. He was not a ignorant person. Seeing Li Fan's request like this, he nodded his head, dialed the abacus seriously, and started the calculation again.

Mr. Cheng was afraid of making a mistake. This time he watched it more carefully and calculated carefully. When he played the last abacus, he let out a sigh of relief, and was even more surprised that he couldn't even close his mouth: "The shopkeeper, really counted one hundred and twenty-six more money!"

Tsk tsk, I just missed the twelve-two-six dollars still owed for the goods. If this is not counted, then someone else will have to post it by himself.

Thinking of this, Mr. Cheng felt scared for a while, these ten taels, but his own wages for a year!

The more Mr. Cheng thought about it, the more he became afraid, and he felt that this girl was not easy.

But Li Fan smiled, he didn't feel strange at all, it seemed to be in his sense: "You continue!"

Mr. Cheng didn't dare to take it lightly this time, and he didn't dare to underestimate the gentle girl.

For this girl's ability, I admire the five bodies.

She didn't even use an abacus, but after listening to the long list of numbers he reported, she could get the final result in her heart. Such arithmetic ability is amazing!

After closing the last page, Gu Xiaowan didn't speak again, and Mr. Cheng also let out a long sigh of relief.

If you do not speak, you prove that you are not wrong!

After finishing the calculations, I saw Li Fan look at Gu Xiaowan again, and then smiled and said, "Okay, let's go to the account!"

The belief in that girl has exceeded the scope of Mr. Cheng's guess.

Logically speaking, Mr. Cheng is about to go out after reporting the account books, but this time, he courageously said to Li Fan: "The shopkeeper, I have a ruthless please!" "What's wrong?" Li Fan looked at him suspiciously, but when he looked at Gu Xiaowan in the next moment, he guessed an idea.

"If it weren't for this girl just now, I would have calculated more than ten taels of silver for myself, I am afraid I will have to advance it myself. I want to thank this girl!" Mr. Cheng said.

Li Fan said with a smile: "That's true, you can thank you if you want to!"

Mr. Cheng got a quasi-trust, and he came to Gu Xiaowan's body and thanked him: "I thank you girl just now. If it weren't for a girl, I'm afraid that the old man will do nothing this year!"

Gu Xiaowan saw that the old man bowed in front of her, so she stood up and walked aside, not daring to accept the old man’s gratitude: "Mr. Cheng is too worried, I just listened to it. I felt that there was a mistake, so I said it too. If Xiaowan offends, don't worry about Mr. Wang Cheng!"

Mr. Cheng is a lover, hurriedly waved his hand, and said sincerely: "Where would it be, if it weren't for a girl, the old man will do nothing all this year! I want to thank the girl!"

Seeing that he insisted on thanking him, Gu Xiaowan glanced at Li Fan secretly. Seeing him nodded, she did not refuse: "Mr. Cheng, how polite!"

After receiving the gift from Mr. Cheng, Gu Xiaowan sat down again, but he didn't leave. He still stood beside Gu Xiaowan, seemingly hesitant to talk.

"Is there anything wrong with Mr. Cheng?" Gu Xiaowan couldn't help asking when he saw that he seemed to have something to say.

"There is something in the old man's heart, although it is a bit abrupt, but he doesn't vomit, and I hope the girl can answer him one or two!

"Mr. asked what I just settled the account?" Gu Xiaowan had seen it a long time ago, and she covered her mouth and smiled.

Mr. Cheng didn’t expect Gu Xiaowan’s words. Although a little embarrassed, he nodded: “Eh, the girl didn’t read the account book just now, she just listened to the old man to report the data. The girl can figure out the relationship. He can still calculate the final accurate accounts, and I really admire him. I have been the accountant for decades, and I have never seen a person who can calculate the answer quickly like a girl!"

Li Fan smiled happily: "Mr. Cheng, you can be regarded as asking the right person. I am afraid that you have never seen this girl before!"

Mr. Cheng was even more surprised when he heard it.

She glanced at Gu Xiaowan's face and left gracefully, but she felt surprised in her heart.

But a girl of fifteen or sixteen, still has this ability?

Although she didn't believe it in her heart, she discovered the mistakes in her account book just now, and she could quickly figure out the correct answer, as well as the trust of the shopkeeper in her. These all reminded him that the girl in front of her was really not easy!

"Mr. Cheng has ever heard me mention that my former accountant was young but shrewd and capable. She settled accounts quickly and accurately, and no one could compare it!" Li Fan said with a smile when he saw that he couldn't believe it.

"What?" After hearing Li Fan's words, Mr. Cheng looked even more incredulous: "Could it be that Mr. Accountant is the girl in front of you?"

Mr. Accountant?

Although I can't believe it, but according to these words, you will never leave ten!

Sure enough, Li Fan nodded and said proudly, "Sir, this is my former accountant. She was only nine years old when she entered Jinfu Building!"

Although Mr. Cheng guessed it, he was still shocked when he heard Li Fan say this.

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