The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1445: Anti-General

Su Qianyue also nodded: "Yes, I also like to eat some vegetarian food first!"

Gu Xiaowan let out a cry, seemingly disappointed, but then said: "I also ate this for the first time. What the two ladies do, then what Xiaowan does!"

After finishing speaking, learning the appearance of Huang Rushi and Su Qianyue, I picked a mushroom and put it in the pot.

After eating the material for a while, Huang Ruo picked up the mutton, and said: "This mutton slice is cold, I will stir it up first before eating it!"

After that, she put the lamb slices into the pot, and Su Qianyue also learned something.

When Gu Xiaowan saw them thrown into the pot, she pretended not to know anything, and put the **** mutton into the pot.

When the lamb slices were picked up and there were no bloodshot eyes, Gu Xiaowan ate it in one bite, and then said excitedly: "Wow, this lamb is really delicious!"

After finishing talking, I clamped two more pieces and put them in the pot. In a blink of an eye, they picked up the two pieces of bloodshot lamb and put them on the plates of Su Qianyue and Huang Ruye again: "Two people Try more, miss, this lamb is really delicious!"

The excitement on his face deliberately ignored the hatred on Huang Rushi and Su Qianyue's faces.

Just at this moment, Li Fan came in.

He has always stayed on the third floor and didn't go very far, always watching the movements here.

Although Zuo was accompanied by Xiaowan, after all, these two young ladies were beaten out of deep boudoirs. Those tricks that kill people without seeing the blood move one after another, and Li Fan is afraid that Zuo will only Wugong does not go around these twists and turns, for fear that Gu Xiaowan will suffer.

So Li Fan brought another piece of Gu Xiaowan’s favorite Niu Baiye, knocked on the door and came in. He happened to see Gu Xiaowan cooking beef for Huang Ruye and Su Qianyue again, and saw that the two were blushing with the pig. Like the liver, watching the contents on the plate nervously.

Li Fan looked at it. After Gu Xiaowan threw the mutton into the pot, she picked it up in a blink of an eye and put it in the bowl of the two.

"Girl, this lamb is not cooked like this!" Li Fan "kindly" stepped forward to guide.

Seeing Li Fan coming, Su Qianyue and Huang Ruyi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh? What kind of shabu is that?" Gu Xiaowan didn't know anything.

"This mutton needs to be put in a pot and boiled a little bit more. After there is no red blood on it, it is cooked and can be eaten!" Li Fan smiled and guided.

"Huh?" Gu Xiaowan widened her eyes, and asked in disbelief: "But just now Miss Huang gave it to me like this!"

Huang Ruyi opened his eyes, but he was speechless to refute.

That's right, she just gave Gu Xiaowan like that.

Li Fan glanced at Huang Ruye without a trace, and became more determined that the two were here to bully Gu Xiaowan, and said with a smile: "This lamb must be cooked before it can be eaten! Otherwise, I am afraid that it will eat it up! "

Gu Xiaowan let out a cry, looked at the bloodshot lamb on Huang Ruye and Su Qianyue's plates, and said with some embarrassment: "Sorry, Miss Su, Miss Huang, I thought it would be edible, so I'll give it to you again. Shabu it!" Li Fan smiled and said, "I'm afraid it was Miss Huang's kindness. I wanted this lady to eat the deliciousness of our Jinfu Lou, but I didn't notice it!"

"Yeah, yeah! It's really delicious!" Gu Xiaowan praised with a smile.

I chatted with Li Fan, as if they were familiar with each other.

The faces of Huang Rushi and Su Qianyue suddenly stiffened again.

Seeing that it was almost time, Li Fan put the beef fennel he had brought on the table: "Three ladies, this is another signature dish in our store, beef fennel, it tastes very good, everyone, please try it!"

Hearing that it was Niu Baiye, Su Qianyue and Huang Ru covered their noses.

They don't eat things like offal!

However, Gu Xiaowan started to rinse like this for the first time.

This cow blinds is what she likes to eat, and there are not many things on the table that she likes!

Except for a lamb and a few vegetables, everything else is sweet. Gu Xiaowan doesn't like to eat sweet things very much.

At this moment, Li Fan sent a piece of beef louver, which of course suits her appetite.

Seeing that Su Qianyue and Huang Ruhe both said not to eat, Gu Xiaowan was not polite at all, so she poured them all into the pot and cooked them.

Huang Ruyi and Su Qianyue looked at each other, and saw that Gu Xiaowan was eating so much with relish, and that the manner in which she was able to cook up and eat the food was skillful, and it seemed like her first time to eat hot pot.

I wanted her to make a fool of myself, but I didn't expect to hurt myself.

Li Fan knew about the fact that he had cooked mutton for Gu Xiaowan just now, and he was afraid that this person would not have the guts to go outside.

Thinking of this, Huang Rushi was happy again.

"The county owner of Anping likes to eat that food?"

"Well, it's delicious, it's crunchy and delicious after it's rinsed out! Miss Huang, would you like to taste it?" When you gesture, you need to pick up a piece for Huang Ru to taste, Huang Ru busy covering the plate in front of him , Said disgustingly: "I don't eat that thing!"

"Oh! This thing is delicious!" Gu Xiaowan said regretfully.

"Anping County Lord, don't you know that the ladies don't eat such filthy things?" Su Qianyue said sarcastically, seeing the sweetness of Gu Xiaowan's food.

"Why don't you eat it? Where is this thing dirty?" Gu Xiaowan asked curiously.

"This thing is cow entrails, how dirty!" Su Qianyue covered her mouth and nose, as if she could still smell the stench of cow blinds.

"Qianyue, you don't understand this. The county lord of Anping has been growing up in the countryside since he was a child, so he can only eat this stuff on weekdays!" Huang Ruyi covered his mouth and laughed ironically.

Gu Xiaowan was a little displeased when she saw them using their status as a metaphor for them at every turn: "This thing is a good thing. Don't look at it as dirty, but it is rich in nutrients and has a crispy texture and a particularly good taste! This thing, in our place, can only be eaten by powerful people! Ordinary people, this thing cannot be eaten!"

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