The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1442: Invite

"Hey" Gu Xiaowan sighed, lying on Qin Mozhi's shoulder, holding Qin Mozhi like an octopus, and said helplessly: "I don't want to be so popular, I just want to be quiet and silent. Stay!"

She still doesn't know how many people have offended!

At the very least, the county lord of Mingdu must have offended her. Seeing her almost crooked face when she finally left, she knew how angry she was this time!

There are other ladies, I am afraid they have offended a lot.

Gu Xiaowan lamented in her heart that she offended these people the first time she went out to attend a banquet.

It seems that there will be absolutely no good fruit in the future!

Gu Xiaowan shuddered unconsciously at the thought of the **** wind coming soon.

She is not afraid of them!

It's just that this is in the capital, which is not comparable in the countryside. Everyone has no background, no family background, and no backstage. If they are offended, nothing will happen.

But these people are not the same. Behind these delicate and soft-looking girls, there are the leading officials in the capital. Behind them, they represent the relationship between power and killing.

For these people who have money, power, and relationships, what they do to stabbing a knife in the back is easy.

Although Gu Xiaowan knew that she was just a fifth-rank Anping county head, it would be a fuss to make these high officials stabbing herself behind the back, but those ladies are not fuel-efficient lamps!

Gu Xiaowan is not alone now. There are also her favorite siblings, her aunt, and her favorite man.

Gu Xiaowan put her arms around Qin Mozhi, withdrew her head from his shoulders, and came to Qin Mozhi's front, using the tip of his nose to move the tip of his nose.

This is her favorite gesture, she likes to hug him and touch the bridge of his nose.

Qin Yizhi allowed her to move, and his eyes were full of irresistible pampering, just staring at Gu Xiaowan without blinking, for fear that he might miss a glance.

"In the future, you have to take care of yourself. I offend such a person, I'm afraid I won't let it go!" Gu Xiaowan said quietly.

After Qin Yizhi heard this, he understood.

No wonder the kitten came back, but there was no smile on her face. It turned out that she thought she had offended the powerful, for fear that they would retaliate against the family.

"Wan'er" Qin Mozhi saw Gu Xiaowan's nervous look, and wanted to speak so that she would not worry, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know how to speak.

Now that he is just a businessman, what right does he have to persuade the little cat not to worry!

Since ancient times, the people did not sue, the officials did not harass, and only officials have always harassed the people. How can the people harass the officials?

Qin Yizhi could only hug Gu Xiaowan again and put her in his arms, not knowing where he flew.

On the second day, as soon as Gu Xiaowan got up, Zuo walked in with the basin. After refreshing Gu Xiaowan, she served her breakfast. Then she took out something from her arms and said, "Miss, this is Su. A greeting sent by someone early in the morning!"

Su family?

Gu Xiaowan frowned, thinking of the delicate little girl yesterday who was familiar with Shu Min.

Sure enough, as soon as I opened the greeting card, I saw the words Su Qianyue.

I want to ask myself to have dinner at Fujinlou at noon tomorrow.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the greeting note without saying anything, then dropped it aside and continued to eat.

At the side, Zuo saw that the girl did not speak, her face was still a little gloomy, and he thought about it and asked, "Miss, do you want me to push this invitation?"

After Gu Xiaowan finished eating the last dumpling, she swallowed it and wiped her mouth with her kerchief: "No, it's on our own site anyway, why would she dare to eat me!"

If Gu Xiaowan guessed correctly, then Su Qianyue would invite herself to eat at Fujinlou, and she must have other thoughts.

Fujinlou is a place to eat hot pot, does she want to see herself surprised and embarrassed?

If this is the case, it would be a big fuss, right?

Moreover, he and Su Qianyue are not so familiar with each other, so after meeting, why do you invite yourself to dinner?

This Su Qianyue has an extraordinary relationship with Mingdu, and her brother is also the sweetheart of the Mingdu Princess. How do you look and feel

Gu Xiaowan didn’t speak, she glanced at the post again, and said, “Go back, just say I will be on time tomorrow!” Zuo took the order and was about to leave. Gu Xiaowan frowned, “Go and inform Xia Huguo. Sheriff!"

On the second day, Gu Xiaowan dressed and dressed.

This is going to eat hot pot. There is a lot of mist inside. If it is very inconvenient to wear complicated clothes, and the hair must be combed, otherwise, when the time comes, if the hair falls into the soup pot, it will be fine. Oh no.

Gu Xiaowan wore a black dress with a red blouse. She wore a wide red belt around her waist, which made the waist which she was holding Yingying hook even more uneven.

All the dark blue silk was combed behind, and a light bun was combed on the head, fixed with the wooden orchid hairpin, and the rest of the hair was combed with a braid, which was wrapped with red ribbon. .

It's simple, but generous and decent.

The carriage quickly arrived at the Fujin Building. As soon as I got off the carriage, I saw a maid standing at the door eagerly looking forward to seeing a carriage coming, so he hurriedly went forward to look, "But the county owner’s carriage?"

Zuo replied and helped Gu Xiaowan get out of the carriage.

When the little maid saw Gu Xiaowan appear, she was shocked to see that she was wearing such a simple dress.

But after all, I have seen the scene, and it is the close girl who is with Su Qianyue. Cuizhu smiled and stood by the carriage, smiling and welcoming: "Anping County Lord, my lady is waiting for you inside!"

Gu Xiaowan followed her, walked across the lobby, and onto the third floor.

When I arrived at a wing, I saw Li Fan standing inside to greet.

"Miss Su, it's been a long time since I saw you!" Su Qianyue is also a frequent visitor here, and often comes over.

Su Qianyue smiled and said: "I have invited a distinguished guest today. Later, boss Li will greet him happily. Don't scare my customer."

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