The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1435: Banquet

After the episode just now, Shu Min walked over and said with an embarrassed smile: "Anping County Lord, I was so embarrassed just now. Ms. Huang has always been this temperament, and she has to compete with others! The county owner is not easy to stop! However, I did not expect the county owner to be so clever and able to make Miss Huang retreat!"

Retire in trouble?

She meant that Gu Xiaowan defeated Huang Ru?

Shu Min's last sentence was very loud, as if he was afraid that others would not be able to hear it.

The young ladies didn't go far, they still gathered around the place just now, looking at Gu Xiaowan's side. At this moment, Princess Mingdu said aloud, as if she was afraid Huang Ru didn't hear it.

Gu Xiaowan saw through her tricks, this person is still afraid that the world will not be chaotic!

"The princess is too worried, Miss Huang is straightforward and a lover of personality. If she doesn't look pleasing to the eye, just say a few more words, but it is because I am new to Beijing, and I don't understand many etiquettes and rules. Forgive me!"

Talking nonsense with your eyes open, who can't.

Gu Xiaowan has lived for decades at any rate, and is intrigue with these teenage girls, really think she is scared?

A joke, Demon City has more than ten years of experience, that's not a blow!

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan had said this, Shu Min smiled weirdly, and said nothing more.

"Then Yushu, Hello, lead the county lord of Anping to get to know all the sisters. I still have business here, so I won't accompany you more!"

Shu Min smiled and left.

Tan Yushu was anxious for her to go away, and when she saw her gone, he let out a long sigh of relief: "It's gone!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled and hissed when she saw her like that.

This is still Shu Min's territory, who knows if the person standing next to them is Shu Min's person.

What they were saying now might reach Shu Min's ears in the next second.

When Tan Yushu saw this, he closed his mouth hurriedly and smiled and held Gu Xiaowan's hand: "Sister, the scenery of the Ming Palace is not blown away. Many plants here are not visible outside. Let's come back. Feast your eyes!"

Tan Yushu even said that he couldn't see it outside, so it was naturally top grade.

Gu Xiaowan didn't refuse, but Tan Yushu looked around with her arm in arm.

The ladies who were still in the same room just now saw that Shu Min was gone, and they all scattered around. However, everyone was full of curiosity about the new Anping county owner, and looked at Gu Xiao from time to time. Wan over there.

I wanted to hear what they said, but I didn't hear anything. I could only hear Tan Yushu's hearty laughter and Fang Peiya's heavy breathing occasionally.

Zuo did not follow up, but like other maids, waiting at the gate of the yard, but with keen hearing, he knew more or less what happened inside.

After enjoying the scenery in the yard, Shu Min came back at this moment.

The golden bright bright dress just now was replaced with a set of crimson palace dress.

That Shu Min was already white and gorgeous. After putting on the crimson palace costume, it was even more white than snow, like a fairy in Yaochi.

With that graceful figure, a wide white belt squeezed the whole waist like a bee waist, raising his hands and making gestures, between a frown and a smile, it was really brilliant.

It's just that the corners of his eyes are somewhat perverse because of the perennial fierceness, which destroys such a sense of beauty. When people see it, they feel that this person is difficult to deal with.

Seeing that Shu Min came out, the "prince" all the young ladies came forward and saluted Shu Min again.

"Everyone is a guest today, so don't say so! Okay, please take your seats!"

Shu Min gave the order, and the maids led the ladies to their seats. In the middle of the courtyard, there was a large open space. The three sides were full of short tables, and the short tables were filled with beautiful fruits and snacks.

The order of seating is arranged according to the identities of the ladies!

Tan Yushu is the only princess other than Shu Min, and this position is naturally the first position of Shu Min's lower right hand.

Fang Peiya's father was an official of the second grade, and he was also sitting very close.

Since Gu Xiaowan was the county owner of the fifth rank, this location was naturally far away.

"Anping County Lord, please come with me!" A maid came to Gu Xiaowan and said.

Tan Yushu has always followed Gu Xiaowan, even if a maid wants to take her to the table, she did not go, she has to watch Gu Xiaowan sit down.

When Gu Xiaowan came to her position, it was the farthest and most remote position. When Tan Yushu saw it, her mouth grinned, and he pulled Gu Xiaowan to leave: "Sister, go, you take my seat!"

Seeing Tan Yushu's anger, the maid beside her dared to say a word. She lowered her head, bent over, and stood aside.

Seeing Tan Yushu's anger, Gu Xiaowan smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll sit here, you go to the table!"

"I don't want to go, my sister won't go up and sit down, I won't go up and sit down either. The two of us must have to sit in one place!" After speaking, Tan Yushu sat down regardless.

Seeing what Tan Yushu looked like, Fang Peiya on the side also said: "I'm not going anymore, I will sit with you!"

It was all right now, a soft stool that could only accommodate one person, forced three people to squeeze.

Seeing that they insisted on sitting, Gu Xiaowan also sat down after knowing that they were both for themselves.

With three people sitting here, the places for Tan Yushu and Fang Peiya were naturally empty.

Shu Min's eyes have been swept over here as if nothing, and seeing the movement of Gu Xiaowan here, her brows moved invisibly.

She deliberately arranged the most remote location for Gu Xiaowan. There is nothing wrong with it. Who can single out the mistake?

But this Tan Yushu had to fight against herself, and instead of sitting in a position arranged for her, she had to sit with Gu Xiaowan.

Is the relationship between her and Gu Xiaowan that good?

How come I’ve never heard of the familiar relationship between Huguo Princess and a commoner!

Seeing their intimate appearance, the relationship between them is definitely not as simple as normal!

Shu Min frowned and looked at that place. Soon, his eyebrows were loosened, stood up, and walked to Gu Xiaowan's side.

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