The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1430: Enter the house

"Piya sends greetings to Princess Mingdu!"

If Gu Xiaowan hadn't seen the hatred and jealousy that flashed through Shu Min's eyes when she looked at herself just now, she would really think that Shu Min really welcomed her with this passion.

A trace of resentment flashed in Shu Min's heart when she saw Gu Xiaowan's decent alienation.

I am the dignified county lord of Mingdu, the daughter of the prince, to show you good, you blind man, you still don't accept my kindness!

Shu Min smiled lightly, lowered her head slightly, and flashed the viciousness in her eyes. At this moment, two surprise calls came from behind: "Princess Mingdu"

They are Fang Peiya’s two twin sisters-Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun.

Seeing almost flattering smiles on the faces of the two people at this moment, it formed a strong contrast with the aggressiveness when Fang Peiya was seen outside.

Approaching, the two saluteed together: "Princess Mingdu"

Seeing these two men surrendered to her feet, Shu Min's consolation made her feel comfortable, and she temporarily forgot Gu Xiaowan's indifference.

"Didn't you ask you to come earlier? I'll entertain the sisters for this princess's good life, you are so late!" Shu Min said with a faint smile on his face, angrily. Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun trembled in fright, and subconsciously raised their heads and secretly glanced at Shu Min’s expression. They saw that her face was smiling, but she was not angry at all. It was a little strange. What happened to Princess Mingdu?

The two people looked at Shu Min who was agitated, with a smile on their lips. Although they were complaining that they were late, she clearly had a smile on her face, and it didn't seem to be blaming them!

When she was at a loss and not knowing how to answer, the girl Caiyue next to Shu Min opened her mouth and said with a smile: "Miss Fang Er, Miss Fang San, the princess of my family and the two young ladies are good friends. After such a grand party, the hostess in the mansion, except the princess, invited the sisters who had good friends on weekdays to come and support the scene early! It's just that the two ladies are really late! The guests are all here. Done!"

The implication is to let you come early, not to mention that you are here so late, the guests are still there, you are late, what use is it for you!

After speaking, Caiyue looked at the Fang family sisters a little bit irritably, as if full of complaints.

The princess of my family treats you as sisters sincerely, but I didn't expect that you were so indifferent to the princess' affairs, and you simply failed the princess's goodwill.

Fang Lanxin was a thoughtful person. She just glanced at Caiyue, a trace of sadness flashed across her face, and then quickly glanced at Fang Peiya before saying: "The princess, Lan Xin and Zhu Yun were originally I came here very early, but, just outside, something was delayed!"

The sad expression Fang Lanxin said, and his eyes were so pitiful, which formed a sharp contrast with the fat Fang Peiya on the side.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the three sisters curiously.

Fang Peiya’s eyes are very round, and her eyebrows are thick and thick. On the other hand, her concubine has thin eyebrows, like willow branches, and looks like a weak willow Fufeng. A desire that makes men want to protect.

On the other hand, Fang Peiya is strong and solid, and there is no way people want to protect them.

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