The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1422: Build a beam

The girl in front of me didn't know her identity, but the temperament of her body, the people around her, and Tan Yushu's protection and hiding from her all told her that the beautiful and beautiful girl in front of her was no ordinary person.

Tan Yushu ignored what Shu Min said to her, just glanced at Shu Min, and then took Gu Xiaowan to leave.

"Why? Princess Huguo, the person who hurt me wants to leave? I heard that your grandfather just woke up not long ago. You said that if I go to the emperor to sue you, do you think your grandfather will do it again? I'm getting angry!"

"Shu Min! Don't overdo it!" Tan Yushu turned his head and cursed: "This place is not yours alone. We can come. You think we eavesdropped on your speech. We all apologize. You still don't follow it. Rao, if you are like this, you should go and sue! I just want to tell the emperor that you, the princess of Mingdu, are lawless in the capital, and you will think that it is your territory wherever you go!" Tan Yushuhao Do not show weakness, glaring at him.

Shu Min was not afraid, hehe sneered: "You are a king with a different surname, do you think the emperor believes you or my cousin!"

"You" Tan Yushu was extremely angry, unable to say a word.

"The person next to you is pretty good, Yushu, as long as you keep her, the grievances between us will be wiped out!" Shu Min pointed to Gu Xiaowan with a smile on her face, but the gloom in her eyes was It makes people shudder.

"You dream!" No one knows what kind of person the Mingdu princess is like. She has a small belly and narrow-minded mind, and she sees what good things Gu Xiaowan can do.

Tan Yushu’s refusal made Shu Min not annoyed. On the contrary, she believed that this woman was definitely extraordinary to Tan Yushu. Tan Yushu was her own enemy. She had long been unpleasant to her, but she was also the princess. And he is also the lord of the county guardian.

The word "protecting the country" is different from the word "Mingdu".

Judging from the words given by the emperor and the empress dowager, we can know the weight of this Tan Yushu in the Qing Dynasty.

However, no matter how heavy the weight is, it is just a king with a different surname, how can he be so pure than his own blood.

She is the daughter of the emperor's uncle, the cousin of the emperor's aunt, and the niece of the empress dowager.

Such an identity, how could that county protector compare.

I can't do anything with Tan Yushu, but the girl next to Tan Yushu can still handle it. If she can get her, let her repay the anger she suffered from Tan Yushu, which is really relieved.

And brother Zi Yue, who just looked at this woman more, how could this woman look better than herself?

Do your eyes look better than yourself?

Then dig out the woman's eyes, just to see if it is the beauty of her own glass or her eyes. Shu Min's sneer at the corner of his mouth made Tan Yushu's back chill. Tan Yushu knew exactly what he was hiding in his mind.

She has always had a grudge with Mingdu. She is a straightforward temper. She has always loved and hated. But this Shu Min is an arrogant and cruel person. Once this Shu Min killed a maid, and the maid was always there. There was no credit and hard work beside Shu Min. One life was violated. One can imagine how cruel Shu Min's temper is.

After learning about Shu Min's misdeeds, Tan Yushu paid more attention to this person, but he also looked at it from a distance, and had never seen it close.

Only once, this Shu Min drove a horse in the busy city and almost trampled a child to death. If it weren't for Tan Yushu's quick actions and rescued that child, he would have been trampled into a pool of blood.

This Shu Min is too disgusting!

Tan Yushu couldn't hold back anymore, so he told the queen mother.

The queen mother is a person who does not help her relatives with gifts, and almost hurt her own people when she runs in the street.

After the emperor knew it, Longyan was also furious, or his cousin. If this matter was fermented and spread, wouldn't he, the emperor, want to be a selfish person and disregard the safety of his people?

The emperor did not think for a long time, thinking about giving Shu Min a punishment, just taking advantage of the situation at the time, he deducted Shu Min's salary for one year, and asked her to think about it at home for three months. This is a very heavy punishment. Up.

Shu Min was kept in confinement at home and faced the wall for three months, but was suffocated. Her hatred of Tan Yushu even reached the point of eating his flesh, drinking his blood, and scraping his bones.

The Liangzi of the two people was formed, and it was not pleasing to anyone who looked at it. Shu Min wanted to avenge the revenge at the time, and even suffered from no chance. Finally, she seized such a good opportunity. Why? Will make it miss.

"Yu Shu, these two guards of mine are both armed with golden knives. The emperor's brother personally selected the guards for this princess. Today, you seriously injured my guards, you are disrespectful to the emperor's brother! "In the ears of the emperor's brother" Shu Min sneered: "You don't have anything, but the girl beside you seriously injured her guards. The death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin cannot escape!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at the beautiful but vicious-hearted Mingdu princess in front of her, her eyes calm and no panic and confusion.

Ah Mo kept standing in front of Gu Xiaowan, holding a sword in her hand, and there was no turbulence on her face, as if she hadn't heard the words of the Mingdu Princess.

"Shu Min, you don't need to take the emperor's brother to crush me!" Tan Yushu took Gu Xiaowan to leave: "Today we just want to leave. Do you think you can stop us?"

After that, under the protection of Ahmad and Zuo, and Shu Min frustrated, Tan Yushu took Gu Xiaowan away.

Shu Min stomped his feet angrily behind: "A bunch of rubbish, or the guards chosen by the emperor's brother, are useless guys!"

The two guards knelt on the ground and looked at each other without saying a word.

Looking at the back of Tan Yushu and the woman, Shu Min looked hideous, her eyes wide open and her face was odious.

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