The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1418: Go to incense

Su Ziyue looked at it, and there was a hint of displeasure in his heart, but he did not dare to be disrespectful to this person, with a decent smile on the corner of his mouth: "Lin Xiaoshizi is joking, where did I look at the girl, but Seeing that Fujin Building is doing very well, just look at it more."

When Su Ziyue said that Fujinlou's business was good, she felt very resentful when she thought that Suiyu Guzhai hadn't got the mysterious recipes of Fujinlou recently.

A trace of obvious anger was swept across his face, he looked at the crowded scene in the lobby, and said, "Bah, what! You dare to fight with Sui Yu Gu Zhai! It depends on your life to make money. , No such life flower!"

A vicious light flashed in Shu Lin's eyes, and immediately, ignoring Su Ziyue, he walked straight to the luxurious wing.

Su Ziyue looked at Shu Lin with a fierce face, did not speak, and had a decent smile on his face, but when Shu Lin's figure disappeared in the wing, the smile on his face disappeared and his eyes were full. Afraid of resentment and anger, the clenched hands held the folding fan of the white jade bone china, the blue veins in the hands were all visible, but in the end, he was helpless and could only shake his head and smile.

Fu turned around again, looked in the direction where the woman who had just appeared in the line of sight had left, lost in thought.

Gu Xiaowan was still worried about Tan Yexing's body. Early the next morning, Tan Yushu personally came over, saying that her grandfather woke up last night, and like a okay person, he was alive and well, just as if she slept for a few days and her spirits were better than before. Everything is much better.

Although Gu Xiaowan was very suspicious in her heart, seeing Tan Yushu's excitement, maybe she didn't know many things herself, so she only swallowed all the doubts into her stomach.

"Sister, tomorrow is nineteen, let's go to the temple to burn incense?" Tan Yushu said nervously with Grandpa's body.

She has never believed in these ghosts and gods very much, but her grandpa's health went up and down, which really frightened her.

"It must be the Buddha who blamed me for not going there. Grandpa's body is like this!" Tan Yushu said guiltily. Although Gu Xiaowan didn't believe this, she was able to travel here with her soul. Thinking about it, there are some strange things. It is very reasonable to explain, thinking of being in another world for so long, I have not burned a stick of incense or worshiped a Bodhisattva, so I nodded.

The two agreed, and the carriage from Tan Mansion will come to pick up Gu Xiaowan tomorrow, and Tan Yushu will leave.

When Qin Yizhi came back in the evening, I heard that Gu Xiaowan was going to burn incense with Tan Yushu, so she told her to take Zuo and Ahmad with her, and to be careful alone when she went outside. Seeing his cautiousness, Gu Xiaowan smiled and cursed. , But not annoyed to see Qin Yizhi, turned her head and kissed the rosy lips. She couldn't breathe smoothly when she kissed her. Qin Yizhi let her go and snorted with satisfaction: "Can you still speak? Anyway, my mouth is fine today, and it’s okay to be long-winded!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled and punched it, but to Qin Yizhi it was no different from punching him on the back. She smiled and grabbed the restless little hands. The two were in a group, and laughter and laughter came from time to time. Also happy.

In the early morning of the second day, Gu Xiaowan got up early and just prepared to go out together, when Tan Yushu's carriage arrived at the gate of Qingyuan.

Moreover, there are two sedan chairs made of blue cloth behind the carriage. Looking at the weight, the sedan chair should be empty. Gu Xiaowan was curious, and then got into the carriage.

Tan Yushu used a carriage in the mansion that looked very ordinary.

I saw that the carriage was drawn by two horses, a blue-and-white carriage, from the outside, it was very simple and elegant, just like an ordinary people's carriage.

However, after sitting in the carriage, the luxurious decoration inside is breathtaking.

The carriage is covered with light blue Jiangnan woven blankets, and the curtains inside are made of fine Suzhou embroidery. The soft mattresses, even the small pillows on the backrest, are embroidered exquisitely and refined.

Although the carriage did not indicate that it belonged to the Tan family, it was actually used by Tan Yushu on weekdays. As long as she was not going to the palace, she was riding in such a simple carriage.

The furnishings in the carriage are all available, such as exquisite ceramic tea cups, exquisite pots for boiling water, and a small carbon furnace, even the carbon furnace is made of fine porcelain.

Gu Xiaowan got into the carriage, and she saw Tan Yushu waiting for her with her back leaning on her back. Ayu also followed. She was sitting on her knees and making tea. The tea was made in front of Gu Xiaowan, steaming hot. , Smelling an elegant fragrance.

"Sister, although Guangyuan Temple is not far from the capital, because it is located on the top of the mountain, after we reach the foot of the mountain, we have to sit on a sedan chair!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, it seems that the two sedan chairs just now serve this purpose.

"The capital originally had three temples. One was used by the emperor and the queen to worship and burn incense, but ordinary people couldn't get in at all. The other Huguo temple was where the emperors and dignitaries burn incense and worship the Buddha on weekdays. It was just beside the capital. It’s not far away, and it’s at the foot of the mountain. It’s very convenient. However, it’s not Huguo Temple that we’re going to. Everyone says that Guangyuan Temple is far away, but it’s the most spiritual of the Buddha! My grandpa Having said that, when you go to the incense to worship Buddha, you naturally have to go to the temple on the top of the mountain, which is the closest to the sky, and naturally the most spiritual!” Tan Yushu said.

A hint of resentment flashed across his face: "My grandpa didn't believe in the Buddha at first, but after so many things happened at home, grandpa also believed. To burn incense and worship Buddha, he never went to Huguo Temple. The Buddhas are all made of golden bodies, and they are very luxurious. Those dignitaries like to go there to burn incense and worship the Buddha. The luxurious temples just reflect their nobility. Haha"

A sneer flashed across Tan Yushu's face: "This Buddha, who is tainted with the smell of copper, do you still remember what you wished for!"

Seeing her upset, Gu Xiaowan must have many bad memories in her heart. Although she didn't know what it was, she must be uncomfortable to see her so annoyed.

She stretched out her hand, pulled Tan Yushu's hand, placed it in her palm, warmed her with the temperature of her palm, and said: "Too much mundane troubles will indeed divide the Buddha's heart. We want to worship, and naturally we must worship without distracting thoughts. Bodhisattva."

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