The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1415: Reluctant

Gu Ningping nodded heavily: "Aunt, don't worry, you are the same, and you must take good care of your body. Sister and younger sister, I will take care of you!"

"You boy, what are you talking about!" Gu Fangxi wanted to cry after hearing this, and raised his head to try to hold back the tears in his eyes.

Everyone didn't speak, and if they were sent ten miles away, there would be an end.

Ten Mile Pavilion, a carriage, a black tall horse, Ahmad led the horse, standing aside, Gu Ningping said goodbye to everyone one by one.

Tan Yushu's beautiful face is like a flower, which is deeply blooming in his heart.

She smiled and showed a sweet smile at Gu Ning Ping: "Brother Ning Ping, Yu Shu is waiting for you! No matter how long it is, Yu Shu will be waiting for you at home!"

"Yeah" Gu Ningping heard this, and the soreness in his heart suddenly rushed to his heart. In an instant, the beautiful face standing in front of him was suddenly blurred. He turned around quickly, wiped a tear with his sleeve, and then Turning on his horse, looking at the relatives standing in front of him, his heart turned back and forth, he tried his best to hold back the tears that were about to fall again, and said with ease: "Treasure!"

His eyes swept across Tan Yushu.

Looking at her deeply, he wanted to engrave and engrave the beautiful face on his heart.

Tan Yushu also smiled and looked at Gu Ningping, with unspeakable reluctance and longing in his eyes.

Before the tears were about to fall, Gu Ningping turned the horse's head, rode the horse with a whip, and pinched the horse with his legs. The horse ate pain and galloped away, leaving only a long string of dust flying.

Everyone was reluctant to retract their eyes, watching the black horse take the people they missed away, disappearing in front of them, and then everyone retracted their reluctant gazes and looked at each other.

The tears couldn't help but burst out.

Tan Yushu leaned on Gu Xiaowan's shoulder and burst into tears: "Sister, woooo!"

"Aunty, I can't bear my brother!"

Gu Xiaoyi also leaned in Gu Fangxi's arms and burst into tears.

Back on the carriage, Gu Xiaowan put her arms around Tan Yushu, who was still choking, and patted her choked back from time to time, her eyes not knowing where she was looking.

How could she be willing?

However, this is the path Ning Ping chose by himself. He wants to be better, and there is only one way he can go.

Otherwise, he can't give any promises.

Including Gu Xiaowan, including Tan Yushu.

Along the way, the people in the carriage didn't say a word, just a sob or two from time to time. Gu Xiaowan came back from the Shili Pavilion without saying a word.

When he returned to the General's Mansion, Tan Yushu's eyes were red with tears, and Ayu looked distressed. "Yu Shu, go back and have a good rest, Qingyuan is your home, you are always welcome to go there!" Gu Xiaowan took Tan Yushu's hand and gently wiped her cheeks with her kerchief from time to time Tears.

Tan Yushu nodded heavily.

After sending off Tan Yushu and returning to Qingyuan, Gu Xiaowan went straight back to her house.

There was a step behind her, not hurried or slow, step by step, as if stepping in her heart, making her unusually at ease.

She knew who was following behind her.

Before reaching the house, Gu Xiaowan couldn't help it anymore, tears came from her eyes, which directly blurred her eyes and the road in front of her.

She couldn't see the way, so she didn't want to go. When she stayed where she was, and when the people behind her approached, she turned around and fell into the familiar and warm embrace, choked and said, "Brother Yizhi"

The crying voice was like a kitten, soft and soft, making Qin Yizhi's heart itchy and painful!


"I can't bear Ning Ping, such a far frontier, he has never been so far away, how can Ning Ping take care of himself!" Gu Xiaowan cried distressedly.

Qin Yizhi didn't say a word, hugged the little girl in front of him tightly, and slowly patted her on the back, letting her go.

Until Gu Xiaowan's mood calmed down a bit, Qin Yizhi said, "Don't worry, it's okay, he will come back in peace, I promise!"

I don’t know why, after listening to Qin Mozhi’s words, Gu Xiaowan felt at ease somehow. Although she knew that Qin Mozhi was comforting herself, she always thought it was correct. She nestled in her arms and nodded. Like a kitten, hum.

Leaning in his arms, he couldn't bear to move, and he didn't even want to move his footsteps.

"Wan'er, you wake up early in the morning, or go back and take a rest!"

Qin Yizhi listened to the sound of steady breathing from the person in his arms, and said distressedly.

"Yeah" the person in his arms snorted, and with permission, Qin Yizhi lifted Gu Xiaowan upside down, and hugged the person in his arms tightly. Gu Xiaowan buried her face deep in the warm arms, and put her arms around Qin Yizhi's neck, slowly closing her eyes, somehow, a sleepy feeling filled her heart.

Before he reached the bed, the person in his arms heard a steady breathing sound.

Qin Yizhi shook his head helplessly, carefully put the person in his arms on the bed, covered with the bedding, still reluctant to leave, sitting on the bed, holding Gu Xiaowan's hand, looking at the sleeping Gu Xiaowan, that familiar His face was engraved thousands of times in his mind, and every time he looked at it, it made him excited and happy.

He put Gu Xiaowan's hand to his lips, gently stamped a hot kiss on the back of her hand, and whispered as if swearing: "Wan'er, rest assured, I will protect your smile for the rest of my life. , Your happiness! Protect everyone you cherish!"

Until he felt that he had seen enough, Qin Yizhi put Gu Xiaowan's hand into the bedding and carefully lowered the curtain, and then tiptoed out the door.

Outside the door, Zuo and Ahmad have been waiting outside the door.

Seeing Qin Yizhi coming out, Ahmad said worriedly: "Master, let your subordinates come back to you! Ahwei's martial arts is the best. Now that he is gone, his subordinates are worried."

"Yes, master, you have not sent you to the son, now there are only two people around you, if so," Zuo also said worriedly.

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