The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1408: Curious

"Young Master has come long ago?" Could it be that he was hiding outside and didn't come in? Master Liao looked left and right. When he sent the two girls out just now, he didn't see the young master's carriage!

"What's wrong? Didn't you just come here?" Shen Wenjun didn't understand what Master Liao meant.

Seeing Master Liao and Changgui looking at each other, both eyes were incredibly surprised.

"Master, the customer who just came to buy things, said before leaving, the words you said are exactly the same as you, Master! Not a single word is bad!" Chang Gui was surprised when he heard Shen Wenjun's words, and said strangely.

After listening, Shen Wenjun looked at Master Liao, who nodded, and suddenly became curious: "Oh? Really?"

Master Liao nodded: "Yes, it is exactly the same as what you said, Master!"

"Master, do you know? That customer is still a little older girl, she is only twelve or thirteen years old, regardless of her young age, but she speaks the same way!" Changgui also sighed Said, with surprise on his face.

Shen Wenjun is also very curious, such a big girl, like the gray material?

"She wants to buy it back for the elders in her family?" Shen Wenjun asked curiously.

"No, I heard that I bought them back to make clothes for her sister. Her sister happened to be there, and she was probably only 16 or 17 years old!" Master Liao said.

These two girls really shocked him a lot.

Regardless of his young age, he has his own opinions. Moreover, although the clothes are very ordinary, they have their own temperament in it, which is extremely difficult to underestimate.

When Shen Wenjun heard this, he became curious about the thirteen-year-old girl with such a vision: "Do you know which house it is?"

Master Liao thought for a while, shook his head and said, “I’ve never seen it before. I don’t seem to be from Beijing. I saw it last time, saying that it’s the treasure of the town shop you kept. We think it’s impossible to embroider on it. There is nothing more to say!"

"Just that piece of silk as thin as a cicada's wing?" Shen Wenjun pointed to the piece of cloth and said.

Chang Gui nodded: "Well, that's it. Last time I said that the girl was talking nonsense. How can such thin silk embroider on it!"

Shen Wenjun nodded, seeing that they couldn't say any extra information, he said: "That's OK, if the little girl comes again, you must stop it gracefully. The girl has vision, I really want to see it!"

It's really rare for such a young girl to have such a good vision.

I really need to see you well.

Seeing that Shen Wenjun was so interested, Master Liao nodded in response, and waited for the next time he came back to ask him where he was.

Changsheng brought in a lot of cloth, Shen Wenjun checked the things with Master Liao, and after putting the things in the warehouse, he left the Fairview Cloth Shop.

When Gu Xiaowan and the others arrived in Qingyuan, it was already late. Gu Xiaoyi held the gray cloth in her arms as if she was holding a baby, and was not willing to let others touch it, so she hugged it directly into Qingyuan.

When Gu Fangxi saw Gu Xiaoyi holding the material so happy, he was also a little puzzled: "This little girl from other people's family likes things like red, green, yellow, and so on. Why did you buy this gray? It's really dull!"

Gu Xiaoyi smiled and said, "Auntie, don't dislike this material. When I cut it out, I will make a dress for my sister, and keep it so that you will find the clothes so beautiful."

Seeing Gu Xiaoyi so confident, Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaowan also followed her.

After entering the Qingyuan Garden and cleaning his hands, everyone had a meal, and Gu Xiaoyi carried the gray material into the room.

Gu Xiaowan followed her all the way into the room.

The Baifu picture is placed in the room, most of which has been embroidered.

Mulberry silk is soft and delicate. Every stitch and thread on it will pull the mulberry silk and deform it. Therefore, most people will not embroider large areas of embroidery on mulberry silk.

However, the mulberry silk is as thin as a cicada's wings, and the undyed mulberry silk is as transparent as if it is embroidered on it, as if there is no base cloth, appearing out of thin air.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the Baifu picture seriously, Gu Xiaoyi embroidered every part carefully, the strength of every part was even, there was no extra wrinkle on the bottom fabric, and every stitch was smooth as if It's transparent, with no wrinkles at all.

This is the time to test Xiuniang's skills!

Gu Xiaoyi's embroidery is so brilliant, Gu Xiaowan is also very happy to see it!

"Xiao Yi, the embroidery of your Baifu picture is really good. Although the characters are embroidered, the surface is still smooth and tidy, just like blank!"

Gu Xiaowan said with emotion.

This younger sister really has a talent for embroidery. Fortunately, she learned embroidery from Fusao and Yueniang at the time. Otherwise, it would be a pity that such a good seedling was wasted!

"Sister, although this Baifu map is not difficult, it is time-consuming, labor-intensive and labor-intensive, and it can’t be done quickly. I can only embroider it slowly, but, sister, I have to work overtime to make this outfit for you. ! I can't wait to see how good your sister looks in this dress!" Gu Xiaoyi smiled sweetly.

Gu Xiaowan was curious and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Yi, do you like these gray clothes so much? And, do you think your sister looks good?"

Gu Xiaoyi nodded: "Sister, you believe me, yes, it must look good! I just thought, Brother Qin must have straight eyes!"

Gu Xiaoyi smiled from ear to ear, and Gu Xiaowan obediently asked her to help tailor her clothes.

After the amount was finished, Gu Xiaoyi had a lot of things. Gu Xiaowan told her not to be too tired, and went back to the house.

Back in the house, there was a person who hadn't seen him for several days.

As soon as I opened the door, the room was lighted up, and the room was bright. When Gu Xiaowan entered, she saw Zuo standing at the door with a strange expression on her face.

Gu Xiaowan glanced at her, then pushed the door straight in, and heard a familiar voice suddenly came from the room: "Wan'er, come here!"

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