The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1390: Pigs are the happiest

Gu Xiaowan looked at Gu Ningping’s painful look, feeling really uncomfortable, pressed his hand, and said, “Ningping, she asked you before, and my sister saw it. As long as my sister talked about you, she was very happy and said hello. Just fine!"

"Really?" The stars flashed, like a light, illuminating the dark heart.

"Ning Ping, let's go to the General's Mansion to post a message tomorrow, I will take you to meet her!" Gu Xiaowan said.

Gu Ningping shook his head: "Sister, how can I be worthy of her now, she is so noble, I can't accomplish anything, what can I use to get close to her!"

Gu Ningping looked weakly at his deprived hands, slumped on the ground weakly, holding his head, and embracing himself, like a child who has lost his most beloved toy. It feels so lonely and distressing.

This night, Gu Xiaowan tossed and turned, and when she closed her eyes, she could see Gu Ningping’s panicked, longing but somewhat desperate eyes, where there was still the look of the past, like the light of a candle that has been put out. Total darkness.

Tossing and turning at night, but the more I think about it, the more I can't sleep.

Zuo, who was sleeping outside the house, heard Gu Xiaowan's tossing around and couldn't sleep. He lit a lamp and came over: "Girl, can't you sleep?"

Across the curtain, Gu Xiaowan could feel Azuo's deep concern.

Gu Xiaowan nodded. Regarding Zuo, she is a little older than herself, but because of her rich experience in ancient life, Gu Xiaowan did not regard Zuo as her maid, but as her sister. If she has any doubts When it is difficult, I will tell her that Zuo is very knowledgeable and sometimes gives a lot of pertinent suggestions.

Gu Xiaowan sat up, opened the curtain, and patted the place beside her: "A Zuo, come and sit with me!"

This is not the first time, Zuo familiarly put the candle in his hand aside, and did it beside the bed.

Seeing no sleep at all, Gu Xiaowan asked, "Girl, but you worry about seeing Princess Huguo in the afternoon?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Yes, Huguo Princess. Sometimes when I think about it, I feel that this world is really amazing. A Huguo princess who is far away in the capital has the opportunity to meet her and become good friends. It's incredible."

Gu Xiaowan said mockingly.

Zuo said seriously: "Girl, you can't say that! Although you were born in a mountain village, you have the tenacity and hard work that ordinary girls do not have. People like you who fight like you, even if they are far away from the capital, One day, I will come to the capital and become a master!"

It turns out that Gu Xiaowan's idea is to become a master, earn the most money, buy more land, live in a good house, and eat good food. This is her long-term lofty ideal.

It's just that, with it, there are more troubles than when there is nothing!

Just like Gu Ningping!

If they had been in obscurity all their lives, just because they were worried about their livelihood and solved the food and clothing problem, they would never have so many thoughts, maybe at this time, she would have been married and became a mother.

And Gu Ningping, maybe he was an apprentice in a shop in the town, and then he went back to the village, married a wife from the same village, and then had a child. He stayed in the village for the rest of his life, without the opportunity to see the outside world.

In this way, there is nothing bad!

Carefree for the rest of my life, eating is sleeping, sleeping is eating, where there are so many troubles!

Zuo smiled and looked at Gu Xiaowan who was talking angry and said: "Girls love to tell jokes, they go to bed when they eat, and they eat when they sleep, isn't that a pig!"

"It’s good to be a pig. When you’re hungry, someone feeds you, and you sleep when you’re full. You don’t even need to exercise. If you lose weight, someone will give you extra meals. You don’t have to worry about losing weight when you are fat. The more fat people are, the more they love. Except for the white knives in and out of the red knives with open eyes during the Chinese New Year, there is hardly any trouble. This pig's life is so happy!" Gu Xiaowan said with emotion.

Although Zuo felt that Gu Xiaowan's analogy was not very good, it seemed that it was indeed the case.

"Girl, listening to what you say, it seems to be such a rationale!" In this life, a person has to eat, drink and sleep, fight against the heavens and the earth, fight against the people, and have good fame and fortune. What is not good at fighting will become a cloud of smoke. He has toiled all his life, and in the end all things will not be brought by birth or death. This is really the truth!

"Puff" this time around, Gu Xiaowan smiled. Seeing that Zuo was nodding in agreement, Gu Xiaowan laughed and clicked on Ah Zuo's cheek: "So you really believe it, knowing that people and pigs are the biggest What is the difference?" "Where?"

"Here, here." Gu Xiaowan pointed her temple with her index finger: "The biggest difference between a man and a pig is that one has thoughts and the other has no thoughts. If a person lives forever, without the ability to think, he is really a pig!"

"Girl, although Zuo doesn't understand what you said too much, but Zuo has also heard a saying since he was a child, one must first sharpen his tools if he wants to do his work well. If you want to carve exquisite jewelry, you must have a good knife. , Don't you think?"

Seeing Gu Xiaowan not speaking, Zuo continued: "A Zuo also heard that as long as the skill is deep, the iron rod can be ground into needles, and there will be setbacks temporarily, but after this period of time, there will be another village. !"

Gu Xiaowan lowered her head slightly, thinking of what Zuo had said about Liu Yinhua and another village, and then she smiled heartily: "What a Liu Yinhua and another village, Zuo, I usually comfort others, but I didn't expect to be caught today. You make sense. That's right, there must be a road in front of the mountain. Help me polish the ink. I want to write a greeting!"

When the greeting was written, Gu Xiaowan handed things to Zuo’s hand: "You will go to the gate of the General’s Mansion and wait tomorrow morning, and give this greeting to the lord Huguo! She said I want to see her. , The sooner the better!"

"Girl, don't worry, Zuo will go to run this trip tomorrow before dawn, and the matter will be done! Girl, the night is already late, the girl should rest early! Otherwise, the body can't stand it."

Gu Xiaowan had something to do, and then she felt brisk all over, blew out the lights, lay down again, closed her eyes, and fell asleep after a while.

Early the next morning, Gu Xiaowan had just opened her eyes. It was still a little dark outside. She thought that the day would not be full. Gu Xiaowan called A Zuo twice. No one responded, but Gu Fangxi responded: "Xiao Wan is awake? Zuo Tian got up and left before it turned on!"

"Aunt, why are you so early?" Gu Xiaowan hurriedly got up and saw Gu Fangxi lifted the curtain and walked in with a pot of hot water in her hand.

"I went to bed early last night and got up early. It was you. I didn't close my eyes very much last night. Look at these eyes. Would you like to lie down again?" Gu Fangxi said distressedly.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "No need for my aunt, let me get up, maybe a message from the general's mansion is about to come! I'll be waiting!"

"Or is it for Ningping's business?" Gu Fangxi sighed, "This kid is a solid eye! After so many years, I still wonder in my heart, I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing!"

Gu Fangxi said with emotion.

Gu Xiaowan got up, dressed and washed well, and Gu Fangxi brought breakfast.

Just after eating, someone over there came to report: "Girl, there is a girl outside the door saying that she wants to see you! She said she was Ayu, the personal servant of Princess Huguo!"

The person who came was a maid surnamed Kou, dressed in a green palace costume, with a big face, looking at a naive person, but with some strength, Qin Mozhi said that he was a reliable and trustworthy son from the previous family. Gu Xiaowan stayed.

A girl named Kou Dan, and a man named Kou Hai, both of Qin Yizhi’s previous family-born children and twins. Their parents used to work with Qin Yizhi’s parents on errands. Later, after the family fell into trouble, this A pair of twins, Qin Yizhi let them go.

Unexpectedly, they met again later. The two people saw Qin Yizhi, and they had to follow him whenever they said. Qin Yizhi just thought that someone from the big house would come to serve him, so he agreed.

Kou Dan was placed in the inner house, and Kou Hai was placed in the outer house. Although he looked naive, he was very wise and sincere.

Hearing that the maid said that Ayu was coming, Gu Xiaowan said hurriedly, "Go please!"

Then he stood up hurriedly, didn't even eat breakfast, got up and walked outside.

Gu Fangxi saw that Gu Xiaowan woke up early in the morning and didn't eat anything. He was very distressed. He picked up a plate of crystal dumplings and shouted at the back: "Xiaowan, Xiaowan, you didn't eat anything, just eat two dumplings!"

Gu Xiaowan turned her head and waved at Gu Fangxi: "Auntie, wait for me to come back to eat!"

After speaking, he walked out of the yard quickly, and angrily Gu Fangxi stomped his feet: "It should be cold when you come back. How can you eat it!"

Gu Fangxi felt distressed. After thinking about it, he picked up the dumplings and went out, and walked quickly in the direction where Gu Xiaowan was going.

Gu Xiaowan walked through the corridor familiarly, and when she came to the front hall, she happened to see Ayu walking here.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan, Ayu immediately helped her body down: "Ayu greets the lord of Anping County!"

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stepped forward and gave her a false help: "Girl Ayu doesn't need to be like this, get up quickly!"

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