The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1387: Re-meet the old

"Sister" Gu Xiaoyi gently pulled down Gu Xiaowan's clothes, called Gu Xiaowan in the voice of only two people, and then said: "Look, this material is as thin as a cicada's wings, the sky is smoky, minimal and luxurious, you say If you embroider a little white plum on it, will this cloth be more otherworldly and more beautiful?" Gu Xiaoyi pointed at the cloud and misty silk and said quietly.

Before Gu Xiaowan could answer, her long and expensive ears were very sharp, and she heard it all at once, and she shook her head like a rattle: "That's not good! Master, why would you think of embroidering on this? Look, This cloud is as thin as a cicada's wing! You may not know, why is it called a cloud, because the material is thin like nothing. Clouds and mists, are we common? They are thin like clouds and mist, and want to be on it. Embroidery? How is it possible! Don't joke about this young man!"

That Changgui looked unbelievable, and he didn't believe what Gu Xiaoyi said!

Seeing that Changgui didn’t believe in Xiao Yi, Li Miaomiao said, “Don’t underestimate people. My little brother can embroider on leaves. Even if your cloth is as thin as Zen, like The smoke is like fog, my little brother can embroider flowers!"

Li Miaomiao spoke very loudly. The person behind the desk who was playing with the abacus and talking softly with Gu Xiaowan just now turned his head and heard Li Miaomiao's words clearly, and a trace of his face flashed. Shocked.

Gu Xiaoyi saw Li Miaomiao's exaggeration, and quickly grabbed her and motioned her not to speak any more.

Li Miaomiao jumped out of her temper, and regretted it when she opened her mouth. She looked at Gu Xiaowan sadly, and said embarrassedly: "I'm in trouble again!"

A look of sadness and self-blame.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head amusedly and looked at her, and said, "Thank you, brother, for introducing so many styles to us. Please give me a cloth of that color and that color!"

"Good" Chang Gui Busi took down the cloth Gu Xiaowan wanted, and handed it to the person who settled the account: "Master Liao, you count it!"

The man called Master Liao played an abacus, and then reported a number to Gu Xiaowan. After Zuo paid the money, he was about to leave with the cloth.

Then Master Liao asked, "Don't you want to go after you tailor your clothes?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "Thank you Master Liao, we have a master at home."

Then Master Liao said, and walked out from behind the table to send Gu Xiaowan and the others out.

Just when Gu Xiaowan turned and was about to leave, suddenly, a familiar voice called out with some uncertainty: "Sister Xiaowan?"

Gu Xiaowan heard the voice with some doubts. Looking back, she saw a familiar figure standing not far behind him.

It's just been a few years since I've seen him, his stature has grown longer, and his cheeks that used to be a little fat on the baby's cheeks have now become melon seeds.

"Jade book?" Gu Xiaowan cried out in disbelief.

"Sister Xiaowan!" Hearing the person in front of him calling his name, Tan Yushu was even more sure that he had not confessed his mistake. Two lines of clear tears flowed down his cheeks, burst into tears, and ran forward and threw himself in. In Gu Xiaowan's arms, like a child, she burst into tears: "Sister Xiaowan, Sister Xiaowan has been around for so many years, why didn't you come to see me!"

Tan Yushu threw herself into Gu Xiaowan's arms like a child, letting him cry without image.

"Jade Book" Gu Xiaowan didn't expect Tan Yushu to be so sad, so she patted her on the back to calm her down: "Jade Book, don't cry, okay?"

Master Liao on the side saw this situation and immediately guessed what was going on.

Seeing that there are already young servants and masters in other big families looking towards this side with all their faces, Master Liao hurriedly said to Tan Yushu softly: "Princess, there are many people here, let's go to the back hall!"

Seeing that Master Liao knew the true identity of Tan Yushu, I would like to come to know Tan Yushu very well.

Ayu also hurriedly stepped forward and pulled on the crying makeup and Tan Yushu, who was about to spend her makeup, hurriedly persuaded: "Miss, there are so many people here, people will gossiping when they see it."

"Let them say it, this princess is happy today! Sister Xiaowan, you are finally here! Woo" Tan Yushu said in spite of everyone's astonishment, "You are back in the capital, you still Will you go?"

Master Liao on the side heard Tan Yushu calling Gu Xiaowan as her sister Xiaowan, and had never seen this girl. She had a pretty face, but she was so acquainted with Princess Huguo, and asked the Princess Huguo to call her sister Xiaowan. What is this girl disguised as a man!

Suddenly, an inspiration flashed in his mind, and he thought of someone who had only heard the name, but had never seen it before, the county lord of Anping from the countryside, I heard that it seemed that there was the word Xiaowan in his name.

Thinking of this, Master Liao glanced at Gu Xiaowan up and down again.

Although there has never been a story about this Anping county head in the capital, there are quite a few rumors.

I heard people say that this Anping county head is vulgar, ugly, and uneducated, and she is an out-and-out village girl, but looking at this girl in her current state, she is totally different at all!

Master Liao thought about it, and the rest of the people naturally thought about it. He has heard the name, but after listening to many people’s descriptions of the appearance of the legendary Anping county head, look at the person in front of him who speaks decently and is well dressed. People who don't dare to guess on it at all!

Some people were guessing about this, all curiously saw this here, and some people came here.

Seeing that the young lady in my family was originally dignified and beautiful, the crying pear blossoms were raining, everyone craned their necks and looked here curiously. Ayu was a little anxious, and hurriedly pulled Tan Yushu's arm, and persuaded him anxiously: "Little Miss There are many people here. Let's go to the back hall!"

Gu Xiaowan also nodded, and the kind Master Liao had already led them to the back hall.

Tan Yushu hurriedly wiped away the tears, wiped off the rouge and gouache on his face, tightly holding Gu Xiaowan's arm, and walked quickly to the back hall.

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