The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1376: Ninh Binh's anxiety

"Well, don't worry, we will be fine, and the same is true for you. There are many things in the capital, so you have to protect yourself! Come back and see us when you are free!" Fan Ling said with a sob.

"Sister-in-law, take your father to Gu Yuan to live, save you and run away. If you live together in this family, I can take care of it, so I can rest assured!" Gu Xiaowan continued.

When Fan Ling heard it, her eyes brightened, and she asked in disbelief, "Xiao Wan, is it really okay?"

"Of course, Gu Yuan still has a good empty house. If you take your uncle over and live in, then the elderly on both sides can take care of it, saving worry and effort!"

Fan Ling was so excited that she put her arms around Gu Xiaowan and was speechless for a long time.

In Gu Yuan, she is really another master of the Gu family, even if Gu Xiaowan is at home, she still treats her respectfully.

This was something she didn’t even think about when she got married. At that time, her father told her that after she got married, she should serve her in-laws and the county lord of Anping. But she has never been married for so long. She didn't serve Gu Xiaowan for a day. On the contrary, Gu Xiaowan left many of the Gu family's affairs to herself. She believed in herself and treated herself as a family.

"Sister-in-law, you are all my family! Everyone must be good!"

Gu Xiaowan said softly, holding Fan Ling tightly back, trying to work hard not to cry, but the tears from the corners of her eyes still couldn't help streaming down.

Over there, Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang even hugged each other tightly, and cried uncharacteristically: "Fangxi, you have to be fine when you arrive in the capital. Give me a message if you have nothing to do! Woo"

"Sister-in-law, you and your eldest brother are the same, we must all be well!"

Gu Xiaoyi and Gu Ningping also cried with the stone.

After saying goodbye for a long time, Gu Xiaowan got into the carriage. As the carriage moved slowly, the family members who were still standing there and beckoning to them had become smaller, but Gu Xiaowan still saw them standing there and never left. .

Gu Xiaowan resisted the tears that came out of her eyes and threw herself into Qin Yizhi's arms, choked up and said, "Brother Yizhi, I can't bear them!"

Qin Yizhi hugged Gu Xiaowan tightly, placed his head lightly on Gu Xiaowan's forehead, and looked at the shadow of the tree moving slowly backward outside the window. For the first time, he did not speak.

Because there are a lot of things to bring, the journey on this road is very slow, and I haven't reached the capital for more than half a month, but because there is no hurry, everyone on this road, stop and go, does not feel that the journey is hard.

But on the way, Gu Xiaowan found that Gu Ningping became more and more anxious, and less and less talkative. Sometimes looking at the direction of the capital, the whole person was taciturn and unsmiling, completely without the joy and excitement when he first left.

Gu Xiaoyi also noticed Gu Ningping's strangeness, and while Gu Ningping was away, secretly talked to Gu Xiaowan about him.

"Sister, brother, I seem to have something on my mind these days!" Gu Xiaoyi said mysteriously.

"Do you know what it is?" Gu Xiaowan asked. "It seems to be a matter of sister Yushu. I was fascinated by the jade pendant and veil that my brother always left sister Yushu for him recently!" Gu Xiaoyi smacked and said: "After so many years, my brother has not forgotten Sister Yushu!"

Now, the closer you are to the capital, the closer you are to Tan Yushu, while Gu Ningping is more flustered!

This night, he tossed and couldn't sleep again, so he could only get up secretly, walked into the yard, and looked at the moonlight outside.

Gu Xiaoyi slept soundly and made a soft snoring sound. Gu Xiaowan got up gently, put on his clothes, and went outside the house.

Under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, I saw that Gu Ningping was slightly fascinated by what was in his hand, but I didn't even notice Gu Xiaowan standing next to him.

The stitches on the veil, if you look closely, are not delicate, it looks like they were embroidered by a beginner!

However, it did not hinder someone's cherishment in the slightest, and kept rubbing the jade pendant in his hand, with excitement and panic in his eyes, and some sincereness!

"Ningping" Gu Xiaowan spoke softly.

"Sister Sister" Gu Ningping hurriedly hid things behind him when he heard the movement. Gu Xiaowan had been standing next to him for a long time, and she had already seen the things in his hands clearly.

"The jade pendant and veil that Yushu gave you, have you always stayed by your side?" Gu Xiaowan sat gently beside Gu Ningping and asked softly, her voice soft as water.

"Yeah!" Gu Ningping nodded and did not speak any more. He just took out the things hidden behind him again, looked at the crappy embroidery, and said with a smile: "Although the things are not beautiful, she embroidered them by herself. of!"

Gu Xiaowan took a look and said with a smile: "This craftsmanship is really not good. She embroidered a living mandarin duck into a duck!"

Gu Ningping smiled, "I like it whether it is a mandarin duck or a duck."

Seeing the joy of Gu Ningping's frown and smiling eyebrows, Gu Xiaowan also relaxed.

I didn't know how to talk about this with Gu Ningping, but seeing his joy, Gu Xiaowan planned to say something.

"Ninh Binh, you will be in the capital soon, are you happy?"

"Well, happy!" Gu Ningping nodded, never leaving the jade pendant and veil in his hand.

"Yu Shu should be a big girl now! I don't know if it's still as cute as when I was a kid!" Gu Xiaowan smiled and joked, "I don't know if I can recognize her when I see her again!"

When Gu Ningping heard this, he nodded firmly: "Yes, sister, even if Yushu can't recognize me, I will definitely recognize her!"

The person hiding in her heart, her face and smile are in front of her eyes, and she will pass it in her heart every day, even if ten, twenty or fifty years, even if she is gray-haired by the time of goodbye, she is still the one in her heart Forever jade book!

"Ning Ping, Yu Shu is already fourteen, or she has already married, or she is married as a wife!" Although this reality is cruel, Gu Xiaowan still wants to say.

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