The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1363: Home

Fortunately, Mrs. Zhao also came up with a good idea, and Zhao Xun and the two hurried to find Zhao Yuner.

Zhao Yuner slept sweetly, and was called out by Zhao Xun, with a look of displeasure: "Father, these three watchers are in the middle of the night, do you want anyone to rest! My daughter is all asleep!"

Zhao Xun was anxious. The Zhao family was about to be buried with others. Zhao Yun'er still complained and became angry: "Where is your brother? Where did your brother go?"

"My brother? Where did my brother go? How do I know that he is not a three-year-old kid, so how can he tell me where he is going!"

Zhao Yun'er rolled her eyes and said, yawning, she didn't care.

"You don't know? Your brother often comes to you, why don't you know?" Madam Zhao was furious when she saw Zhao Yuner's attitude, and pointed to Zhao Yuner's nose.

"What are you doing? I said I didn't know, but I didn't know! Dad, look at her, dare to point to me like this!" Zhao Yuner got up hurriedly and hid behind Zhao Xun, pouting aggrievedly, wanting to be in Zhao Xun here asks for comfort.

Zhao Xun usually treats this daughter very well, which also caused Zhao Yuner to be lawless in front of Zhao Xun. No matter what request was made, Zhao Xun would unconditionally agree.

It's just a pity that this time is different. Zhao Yuner doesn't know her current situation, she doesn't know how powerful Mrs. Zhao is, let alone what Zhao Xun's mood is at this moment.

A loud slap in the face suddenly rang in the night, breaking the unquiet night.

Where did Zhao Yun'er have the sleepy eyes just now, she opened her eyes wide, covering her flushed face, and looked at Zhao Xun in disbelief in disbelief: "Father, you hit me? You never hit me. You hit me?"

Zhao Xun's hand trembled a little. She pointed at Zhao Yuner and said sternly, "Hit you? If the Zhao family were destroyed in the hands of your brothers, I wouldn't be as simple as hitting you. The Zhao family is gone, I The first one to take you two to pay homage to the ancestors!"

"Father, what are you talking about? What is the end of the Zhao family?" Zhao Yuner's eyebrows were flustered, and she seemed to be a little bit happy, but quickly hid her emotions to prevent Zhao Xun from discovering.

It was dark at night, and only a candle was lit in the room. Zhao Yuner's movements were not noticed by Zhao Xun and Madam Zhao.

Moreover, even if it was discovered, it would only be Zhao Yuner's panic.

Madam Zhao said bitterly, "Yun'er, don't let your father get angry. Your father is worried. Tonight, the county lord of Anping is here!"

"Why is that **** woman here again?" Zhao Yuner screamed.

"What are you talking about? What are you scolding the county lord of Anping?" Zhao Xun raised his brow.

Madam Zhao was also panicked: "My ancestor, do you scold the county lord of Anping? If she hears this, she will lose her head!"

"Huh, what you lose your head, you are obviously a bitch. A **** bitch!" Zhao Yun'er was puzzled and scolded a few times again, without noticing that Zhao Xun's face was getting darker and darker. The carbon dust is average.

"Ni Nu!" Zhao Xun yelled, and kicked Zhao Yun'er on her knees and couldn't get up: "Ni Nu, how could I give birth to you two stupid pigs, early Knowing that I should have strangled you! Sure enough, there are mothers and children, things that can’t be used on the table, and the raw things are still on the table."

After Zhao Xun said this sentence in disgust, Mrs. Zhao on the side pulled the corner of her mouth and showed a faint smile.

Very proud.

Hong, did you hear that, even if you have been with the master for half a lifetime, what will happen to you, in the end, things that can't be used on the table are still not on the table.

Madam Zhao quickly flashed a smile. Seeing Zhao Xun’s chest rise and fall, she hurriedly stepped forward and stroked his chest smoothly: "Master, don’t worry, ask Yun'er well, let’s find where Zijie is. , As long as the grandson of the Gu family is rescued, the county owner and her sir will have a large number of them.

"What are you talking about? The county lord of Anping knew that my brother had taken Gu Ning'an?" Zhao Yuner's chest was so painful that he had broken a few ribs, but Zhao Yuner blurted out after hearing Madam Zhao's words.

At this moment, Zhao Xun was angry with a mouthful of old blood vomiting out: "Sure enough, it was the beast who took the Elder Gu family captive, so please tell me where your brother is, otherwise you really want to wait for the Zhao family to be destroyed ?""

"Yun'er, if the eldest son of the Gu family has two shortcomings, the Zhao family will also be finished!" Madam Zhao is not alarmist: "You are the young lady of the Zhao family, and the Zhao family is over, you can't get the slightest benefit! You have to rely on it. "

"Brother, brother is in the west of the city." After Zhao Yuner said a few words tremblingly, Zhao Xun glanced disgustingly at this girl he loved so much before, wishing to strip her muscles!

Zhao Yun'er trembled all over, the door of the room that was pushed open, a cool wind came in, and it poured straight into the chest cavity along the throat. Zhao Yun'er coughed, accidentally involving the ribs on the chest, and it was even more painful. grimace in pain!

Before dawn, Gu Ningan was sent to Gu Yuan, intact!

Apart from the embarrassment of his clothes, there was no wound.

However, fortunately, Zhao Xun went in time. If it is not in time, I am afraid that the scary instrument of torture has already been used on Gu Ning'an.

Zhao Xun had no time to say anything to Zhao Zijie, so he could only kneel in front of Gu Ning'an on the spot and ask for forgiveness. Then, he respectfully sent Gu Ning'an back. By the way, he **** Zhao Zijie and took him to Gu Yuan. .

Kneeling directly in front of Gu Xiaowan, crying bitterly: "Anping County Lord, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my family is unfortunate! My rebellious son has done such a rebellious thing, and I also ask the hostess to have a lot, Whatever the county owner wants to send, he will obey the county owner!"

Because Zhao Zijie was **** along the way, he never said a good word. Zhao Xun was afraid that Zhao Zijie would anger Gu Xiaowan when he said something bad, so he directly sealed Zhao Zijie's mouth with a rag.

At this moment, Zhao Zijie whimpered, looking at Gu Xiaowan in the seat with his eyes fiercely.

Gu Xiaowan had already looked at Gu Ning'an up and down at this moment, confirming that there were no injuries on his body, and then relieved.

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