The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1345: A bitter kiss

"Hell? Huh" Madam Zhao coldly snorted: "I didn't want to hide it for them! If it weren't for them to be kept under my lap now, I would blame the master, it's okay to let them be kept under my lap. This is so embarrassing. The thing, really is that all the great names of the first generation are destroyed in their hands!"

Children are ashamed, and parents are not much better!

Madam Zhao knows this truth. Although the two siblings were not born to her, they are now her children, and they have severed their relationship with Hong. What does this mean!

In the past, under the knees of the Hong family, the two brothers and sisters had nothing to do, but when they were in their own hands, all the shameful things came!

Isn't this asking others to point to their spine and scold them for teaching the two children bad?

If the lord believes this, then he won't show his face!

Madam Zhao’s face was very ugly, and the aunt Lian on the side hurriedly comforted her: "Madam, this is already the case. We have to deal with this matter properly this time. Otherwise, if this matter is spread, it will be true to the Zhao family. Will have an impact!"

Aunt Lian squeezed Madam Zhao's shoulder, and the comfortable strength made Madam Zhao's frowning brows better!

"Who would say no, these two children, as soon as they came to my hands, so many things happened. I know, I know that these two children are like this. If you don’t know this, others will not even scold me. Stump those two children!"

Mrs. Zhao has fought with the Hong clan for so many years, and finally won. She hasn't beaten the Hong clan to get up, so it is not a victory!

"Madam, as long as the master thinks you are right, you are right! Other people, we don't need to pay attention to them!" Aunt Lian said, lowered her head, and whispered in Madam Zhao's ear. Seeing Mrs. Zhao's face getting more and more open, she was overjoyed: "This is a good idea, why didn't I think of it!"

Sure enough, when Zhao Xun went home at night, he didn't know what happened at home, he just told Madam Zhao about the business things he was doing today.

Seeing that he was in a good mood today, Mrs. Zhao also smiled and said, “I don’t understand business matters, but if the master is so happy, I also want to be happy! Master, I want to say something you definitely love to hear. child"

"Oh? What's the matter?" Zhao Xun heard that Madam Zhao also had something happy, and asked what was it!

"My natal nephew has a faraway nephew who is in a very good family situation. Now that he is in his early twenties and has not yet married a wife, the family is bothered by this matter, so they want to quickly marry him a daughter-in-law, so I can rest assured. "Mrs. Zhao pinched Zhao Xun's shoulder and said.

This Mrs. Zhao is indeed a nephew with a distant house.

What I said is indeed as good as Madam Zhao said!

A wealthy family, wealthy and wealthy!

"Oh? Is there a girl you like?" When Zhao Xun heard it, he didn't think much, so he asked casually.

"The child has a high vision, and he hasn't seen a girl yet!" Madam Zhao said with a smile when she heard it, "His mother, that is my cousin. The girls in the town have watched them one by one, but none of them. I am really worried that this child will not be able to marry a daughter-in-law, so I thought about bringing that child to Liujia Town for two days to see if there is a girl that the child likes here. Maybe, if you change the place, you will be attracted. That's it!"

"Oh, that's a good thing!" When Zhao Xun heard it, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Isn't Yun'er the age to be married now? Why not match them up?"

Zhao Xun has been disappointed recently!

There were things happening one after another at home, and it really made him two big people!

Now that business matters have just improved a little bit, how can Zhao Xun not get excited after hearing such good news.

"Yun'er is also old and has reached the age of marriage," Zhao Xun said hurriedly, both eyes shining, and his eyes staring at Madam Zhao scorchingly.

Madam Zhao pretended not to understand what he said: "Yes, Yun'er is so beautiful, and she will marry a good man in the future, sir, I'm paying attention! It's just that, in this town, it seems that she is really looking for Not a suitable family!"

After Mrs. Zhao finished speaking, she blamed herself a little. As a mother, I didn't feel the guilt of giving my children a good marriage.

Zhao Xun said hurriedly: "Your nephew has always listened to you, looks good, has a good family background, and has never seen it before. It just so happens that I have met well this time. Jie'er and Yun'er have also never met. I haven't seen it, let them see this cousin!"

Both are full of joy, each with a ghost.

Zhan Hongyu disappeared after dropping a bomb in Zhao's house. All the people from Zhao's family who went to catch her rushed to their feet and guarded at the door of Zhan's house for several days. The trace of this person.

This James is like the world has evaporated!

Madam Zhao was overjoyed when she heard that Zhan Hongyu had disappeared, but she couldn't find it one after another. I haven’t seen you for so many days, I’m afraid that Zhan Hongyu knew that the Zhao family would not let her go, and she had run away long ago. It seems that the pregnancy was made up by Zhan Hongyu. !

Just make it up!

Madam Zhao was extremely happy, it seemed that the absurd thing that happened that day seemed to have never happened before!

The body of the stone is better than the other day. It can already walk on the ground and do some things.

All of this seems to be under Gu Xiaowan's control. In the days when she left Liujiazhen, Gu Xiaowan was also very happy!

It's just that Qin Yizhi's complexion seemed to be painted with black charcoal, how could he not say anything every day!

Seeing that he was unhappy, Gu Xiaowan felt a little unhappy in her heart, and the speed of packing her luggage slowed down.

"If in the capital, there are other men who fall in love with you, what should I do? I have nothing, and now, all I have is you!" Qin Yizhi frowned tightly, very sad and uncomfortable.

Qin Mozhi sat on the stool, and Gu Xiaowan stood there.

After hearing Qin Yizhi’s words, Gu Xiaowan came to Qin Yizhi’s face and lifted his face gently with her hands. Seeing that the beautiful eyebrows were all frowned, the sad and uncomfortable eyebrows were twisted everywhere. Her heart grabbed her heart into pieces, Gu Xiaowan whispered a fool, and then she gently pulled his head into her arms.

Two of them, one standing and the other sitting, Gu Xiaowan hugged Qin Yizhi, and Qin Yizhi's hands wrapped around Gu Xiaowan's waist and hugged them tightly.

"Fool, let's make a kiss! Before we go to the capital, let's make a kiss!" Gu Xiaowan said softly, but her tone became more and more determined.

How could she be willing to make Qin Mozhi sad and uncomfortable.

"Wan'er" Qin Yizhi's voice was a little muffled, but he hugged Gu Xiaowan's waist unusually and firmly.

When Gu Xiaowan couldn't see it, Qin Mozhi's eyes showed a triumphant triumphant smile.

The long and narrow eyes of the phoenix cocked up like a fox, like a little fox who has successfully eaten.

Standing outside, Zuo and Ahmad, heard the movement inside, heard Qin Yizhi cry and said that he was afraid that Gu Xiaowan would meet a better man when he went to the capital. That was helpless and uncomfortable!

The two looked at each other, and they showed the expression of a girl you were fooled.

Going to the capital, is there anyone better than Qin Yizhi?

Let alone the capital, I am afraid that in the entire Qing Dynasty and Nanling, there is no one who can compare to his own master!

However, looking at the pity of the master is also very pleasant.

Qin Yizhi, who didn't blink on the battlefield to kill people, and the court officials who could scare the eyes of the court, did not even dare to get angry, you also have today!

Zuo and Ahmad wanted to laugh, but they were afraid of disturbing the people inside. They ran away hurriedly and ran to the front yard. They wanted to laugh, but they felt too close. They quickly opened the yard door and ran down the mountain. It was far enough before he burst into laughter.

Stone pulled a car of firewood up the mountain for half a while, and saw these two people running down the mountain quickly as if someone was chasing behind them, and then laughed loudly as no one was around. Stone was a little curious: "What are you doing? You laugh so happy?"

Only then did Ah Zuo and Ah Mo notice that there were people around them, and they swallowed their smiles abruptly. However, the tears from the smile just came out, this time there were tears on their faces, and they wiped them away. He kept returning: "It's okay, it's okay, just now we two heard a good joke, come and laugh!"

"You ran out of the house and laughed?" The stone looked puzzled. He looked at his house and saw that it was almost down the mountain, running so far to laugh?

What did Shishi want to ask, Ahmad interrupted him first: "Stone, pull the firewood! Your body is just right. We should do this physical work! Zuo, let's help!"

As the stone was stunned, Ahmad was pulling the car, and Zuo was pushing behind him. He walked quickly and there was no shadow. When the stone reacted, there was a figure nowhere to be seen. He turned into the yard.

What are they laughing at? Smile so happy

Also run out of the house deliberately?

The stone touched his head and couldn't figure out what they were doing!

Leaving Stone and Fan Ling, you look at me and I look at you, confused!

It's strange ####Sorry, yesterday's chapter number was wrong.

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