The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1331: Zhao Family Fantian

"Madam, Madam" Madam Zhao fell backwards angrily, and the maid supporting her exclaimed. Zhao Xun turned her head and saw Madam Zhao lying pale in the arms of a maid, her eyes staring straight at the speech. Zhao Zijie.

Zhao Zijie is not afraid of her!

"Apologize to your mother!" Zhao Xun yelled.

"I don't! She is not my mother, my mother is Hong, not this tigress!" Zhao Zijie replied to Zhao Xun in a louder voice.

"Nizi! I'll kill you!" When Zhao Xun heard it, his face blushed and his neck was thick, and he hit Zhao Zijie after holding something.

Zhao Zijie didn't hide, the tea cup was thrown on his forehead, and a blood hole suddenly appeared!


Zhao Zijie was stunned, Zhao Yuner took him back to the yard and asked the doctor to go.

Zhao Xun slumped weakly on the chair, as if he had been sucked away in his last breath.

"Unfortunate son! My family is unfortunate! How did I give birth to such an inferior son! My family is unfortunate, my family is unfortunate!" Zhao Xun looked at the tablets of so many ancestors on the stage, and wept bitterly.

Mrs. Zhao had never seen Zhao Xun's painful and gloomy look, and she felt bad this time!

"Master, master, don't do this, don't scare me!" Madam Zhao hurriedly stepped forward to pull Zhao Xun's hand, trying to comfort him: "Everything will pass, everything will pass!"

Zhao Xun looked world-weary: "Madam, I knew I should have listened to you a long time ago. I shouldn't have brought these two rebels into Zhao's family! I was wrong, I was wrong! Ooo"

Zhao Xun held Madam Zhao's hand and burst into tears like a child.

When Zhao Yuner and Zhao Zijie were brought to Zhao’s house by Zhao Xun, they said that they asked Mrs. Zhao to raise these two children under her lap. This is also very obvious, which means that these two children are now back to the family. .

Madam Zhao had long known that Zhao Yun'er and Zhao Zijie's character and virtue were not decent children, so she was reluctant in every way.

Moreover, there is also a younger brother who is about the same age as his son. Isn't this looking for competitors for his own son?

The family business of the Zhao family will be given to Cong'er. If another Zhao Zijie comes in, will the Zhao family be divided into two halves in the future?

Madam Zhao did not let go, but did not agree. Then Zhao Xun had said all the good things. Seeing that Mrs. Zhao still did not let go, she proposed that Zhao Zicong’s family business will remain in the future. No matter what happens, Zhao family All the property belongs to Zhao Zicong.

He also wrote the letter of guarantee by himself. Seeing that Zhao Xun had promised this way, and Madam Zhao’s goal had been achieved, she also relaxed and nodded in agreement, but before that, it was a wake-up call for Zhao Xun: "Master, These two children used to follow the Hong family, and they would definitely not be in one mind with me. Moreover, if you treat their mother like that, I am afraid that these two children will hate you in your heart in the future!"

At that time, Zhao Xun only wanted to recognize the ancestors of the two children as soon as possible.

At this moment, recalling that Madam Zhao strongly disagreed at the time, Zhao Xun also regretted his intestines: "It would be fine if I listened to Madam's words at the time. Now the face of the Zhao family really cannot be found!"

"Master, is this really that serious?" Madam Zhao still held a glimmer of hope.

"Yun'er has personally confessed to her and Jie'er's tricks on the spot, to destroy the reputation of the county lord, and then force the county lord to marry him!" "The Hong family still refuses to give up!" Madam Zhao is also itchy: "The county owner didn't say anything, maybe she won't hold it accountable!"

"She won't be held accountable?" Zhao Xun laughed helplessly: "She won't be held accountable, but it doesn't mean that people around her won't be held accountable! Do you know the Qin Yizhi next to her?"

Madam Zhao nodded, it was the handsome man who looked like a god.

"The martial arts is strong, and he loves the county owner very much. He is not present today. If he knows about it," Zhao Xun didn't dare to continue, and his eyes were full of panic!

Qin Yizhi's martial arts is so powerful that he offends him

Is there any good fruit in the Zhao family?

The Zhao family is already going crazy in a hurry.

Gu Xiaowan, like a okay person, should eat, drink, and drink, as usual, with a friendly smile on her face, talking and laughing with her aunt and aunt.

The first person to know that Gu Xiaowan was eating was Gu Ningping.

Gu Ningping had a few friends in the town, and he heard this when he was with them. Just after listening, Gu Ningping’s lungs were blown up.

Before the meal was finished, he ran home directly.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan was safe and sound, she was relieved: "Sister, that Zhao family is really bullying!"

It was already afternoon, and Gu Xiaowan almost got up during her lunch break, and she saw Gu Ningping rushing in anxiously.

As soon as I walked in the door, I talked about it in a frantic manner. I'm afraid I can't hide this thing!

Gu Xiaowan sneered: "Let's wait for a good show!"

Gu Ningping's eyes lit up: "Sister, do you have any plans? Do you need my help?"

Gu Xiaowan smiled and shook her head: "No, no one needs to take action. Let's just wait for a good show!"

The foreplay of this scene starts with Gu Yuan's trouble.

Xu Xianlin and his wife also heard about what happened on the street and were worried about Gu Xiaowan's safety. They also went to Gu Yuan in a carriage to visit Gu Xiaowan.

So many people already knew it, and Gu Xiaowan knew that it wouldn't be long before she knew it, so she didn't plan to hide it from her family.

When I heard that Xiao Wan was almost bullied by Zhao Zijie on the street, everyone in the family was so angry that she would chop Zhao Zijie with a knife.

"This Zhao Zijie is really deceiving too much! No, I'm going to ask Xiao Wan for an explanation!" The stone had just recovered from his illness, and he yelled and rushed out.

Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi both rushed to see Gu Xiaowan, and asked with distress and concern whether her horse was hurt when she went crazy.

Gu Xiaowan asked Gu Ningping to stop the stone, smiled and explained that he was not injured, and the hearts of the people were put down.

Mrs. Xu looked worried: "Xiao Wan, how can the Zhao family not give up!"

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