The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1322: packing luggage

"Stupid boy, when I go to the capital this time, I will definitely meet a lot of young ladies. Prepare more sachets and veils. When the time comes, I will give people away, reward people, and make good relations with those young ladies. You see, Xiaoyi embroiders are all first-class. When the time comes, I will give them to the ladies. The things I embroidered with your aunt will be used to reward people. Look, I will put the other side alone. You can Don't forget." Gu Fangxi put the things in his hands and told Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Auntie, just tell Zuo, I can't remember! In my eyes, the things you embroider are the same!"

After speaking, he put the thing in his hand to its original place, but Gu Fangxi quickly picked it up: "Hey, don't put this thing indiscriminately, it's different!"

Gu Xiaowan was curious: "What's different! I think it's the same!"

"Where is the same? Look at Xiaoyi's stitches, and then look at my stitches. It's completely different! Xiaoyi's things are sold for dozens of taels of silver in a kerchief and a sachet in Beijing. There is no market. If it is sent out, it will be more face. Anyway, I will tell Zuo, and I also tell you, you must not make a mistake!" Gu Fangxi exhorted Wan to say it over and over again, Zuo I'm already so familiar with it, Gu Fangxi still doesn't worry, let's talk about it!

Seeing her advice and caution, Gu Xiaowan smiled and had no choice but to respond.

Gu Fangxi and Zuo had nothing to do with their things. Gu Xiaowan could only sit aside and drink two sips of tea. Suddenly, as if thinking of something, she asked, "What are you doing with Brother Yizhi recently? Never see him?"

I really can't see it!

In the daytime, Qin Yizhi could not be seen at all.

Zuo knew it, but she couldn't say it either, only as a dumb.

Gu Fangxi put down the things in his hands, straightened up, and asked curiously: "Yes, I haven't seen him very much recently, and I don't know what I'm doing?"

The work in Zuo Zuo didn't stop, and suddenly I heard Gu Xiaowan asking herself: "Zuo, do you know?"

Zuo hurriedly shook his head like a rattle: "I don't know, haven't I been following the girl recently? I don't know what Brother Qin is up to!"

Gu Xiao nodded clearly, seeing that the time was too early, and he still had to come back if he wanted to come, so he clapped his hands and said, "I'll go around in the yard!"

At this turn, he switched to dinner, but Qin Yizhi still did not come back.

Gu Xiaowan was a little angry and ate dinner glumly, but Qin Yizhi still did not come back.

Looking at the table, Gu Xiaowan was very uncomfortable when she deliberately asked Aunt Zhang to cook several dishes that Qin Yizhi loved.

"Xiaowan, I'm afraid Xiao Qin won't come back for dinner, I took things away? Gu Xiaowan walked in the yard and digested, and couldn't remember how many times it was. Aunt Zhang came to the yard to ask her opinion.

The food was hot and cold, cold and hot, watching the stars climb up, and the sky was completely dark, Qin Yizhi still did not come back, and would not come back to eat if he wanted to.

Gu Xiaowan could only nod her head: "Okay, Aunt Zhang, you can go home and rest as soon as you are done!"

"What about you?" Aunt Zhang looked distressedly at Gu Xiaowan's expression with an anxious expression: "Maybe Xiao Qin has something to do with him! He has been busy during this time!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Well, I know, Aunt Zhang, I'll walk two more laps, you go back first!" Seeing that she insisted, Aunt Zhang could give up. She went back to the kitchen and collected everything. When she came out, she was still walking in the yard and wanted to say something , And didn't know what to say, Zuo had been guarding under the corridor, and Aunt Zhang couldn't say anything, so she could only go back to the room.

Gu Xiaowan waited, but she had no choice but to return to the room.

Muttering, anyone can see her unhappy at the moment.

Upon seeing this, Zuo asked cautiously: "Girl, maybe Brother Qin is busy going out with important things!"

There are indeed important things to be busy!

What's so good is that I can't come back today! Just let the girl watch!

On weekdays, although Qin Yizhi is also busy, but fortunately, he went out early in the morning and was able to come back when he had dinner at night. Gu Xiaowan had been busy outside because he was also busy outside, but he didn't notice anything!

This time it's fine, let her see no one for a day.

Zuo quickly helped Qin Yizhi say something nice, but Gu Xiaowan didn't say a word. After washing, she went to bed and rested.

Seeing that he could not say what he said, Zuo had no choice but to turn off the lights and go out, but at the gate, waiting for Qin Yizhi anxiously.

In the second half of the night, Qin Yizhi came here eagerly. He was cautious and didn't want to startle anyone. Zuo at the door was awakened. Seeing that Qin Yizhi had returned, he hurriedly stood up and whispered: "The girl has been waiting for you all night!"

Qin Yuzhi picked up his phoenix eyes, and gave the rein in his hand directly to Zuo, and then walked straight in.

Qin Yizhi's footsteps were very light, as light as stepping on the clouds.

He didn't rest in the middle of the night, and although his walking was still brisk, fatigue was still visible on his face.

Qin Yizhi didn't hesitate, and walked directly to Gu Xiaowan's room. When he came to the door, he stood still and couldn't knock on the door.

In the middle of the night, the kitten is afraid that she is asleep. If she wakes her up

Qin Yizhi smiled bitterly, but she was grabbed by her today for how good it was.

Forget it, come back tomorrow and plead with her!

Qin Yizhi turned around and was about to leave. Suddenly, there was the sound of small footsteps in the house, and then the door creaked and was pulled open.

Qin Yizhi's turn to leave stopped abruptly. When he turned his head, he saw the kitten in a plain white shirt and long black hair that reached his waist, standing on himself like a picture with no powder and black hair. In front of.

The little mouth was raised up, expressing dissatisfaction with him.

But the translucent look in his eyes was expressing the surprise and surprise when he looked at him.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the person in front of her incredulously, as if she was still dreaming. She stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes and opened her eyes wider. When she confirmed that she was not dreaming, the arc of the grin at the corner of her mouth showed her heart. joy.

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