The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1317: Hong's mind

Moreover, now that I am **** with five flowers and stay in this room, the servants and servants of the government still don’t know that they are sleeping in the adult’s room. If they are seen by those people, who will have a broken mouth? Yes, if you tell the newcomer

Master Xiang couldn't even think about his future and destiny compared to silver, who is less important, he has been immersed in officialdom for so many years, thinking with his toes, he knows which one is more important!

Master Xiang said all the things, and sure enough, as Gu Xiaowan had guessed, those people were really targeting themselves.

"The county lord, the Hong clan gave him a few hundred taels of silver, saying that he was holding people, then you will have a handle in her hands, and she will be able to pinch you!" Master Xiang really wanted to cry. Tears, those few hundred taels of silver were found in my pocket before it became hot.

"Shi Hong?" Gu Xiaowan asked back, "That Zhao Xun's outer room?"

I haven't heard of this person for a long time. I didn't expect that after so many years, she appeared again. Gu Xiaowan felt strange, what exactly this person wanted to do!

"Yes, yes, it's Master Zhao's outside room!" Master Xiang said hurriedly: "She found the little one and said that there is something to join with me!"

"Joining hands with you? I think it is the Hong who took the bullying of your elder brother Yizhi in exchange for taking down my handle, so that I can kill two birds with one stone?"

That Hong clan can pinch himself, Master Xiang can pinch Qin Yizhi, it really is a good strategy!

It's just that he is not familiar with that Fan Yu, even if he is a relative, he can know how much he has about himself in just a few days!

Suddenly, Gu Xiaowan seemed to have something in her mind, and she secretly said badly, pointing to Master Xiang and eagerly asking, "Where is Fan Yu now? Where did the Hong family catch him?"

"I don't know! She told me that I borrowed two people, saying that they would use them, and then return them to me after they are used up. I don't know anything else." Master Xiang does not know so much, just because After getting hundreds of taels of silver, he was very happy in his heart, and took the servants from the government office out to eat and drink.

I really don't know where the Hong family took Fan Yu!

Gu Xiaowan was worried that Fan Yu might be in trouble, and pointed to Master Xiang and said, "Amad, take care of him!"

Qin Yizhi also guessed it, and went outside with Gu Xiaowan.

"Brother Yizhi, if I didn't guess wrong, I'm afraid that the Hong clan locked up Fan Yu, and I'm afraid he wants to bend it as a trick!" Gu Xiaowan said eagerly.

Fan Ling had only been married to Shitou for a few days, and Fan Yu didn't know anything about him at all, but Hong said that he wanted to pinch himself, and he would definitely work **** Fan Yu's hands.

If Fan Yu can't bear it, what embarrassing words will you say?

Gu Xiaowan is not afraid of what Fan Yu said, she is not afraid of the shadow leaning, but

If Fan Yu really couldn't stand the punishment and really slandered himself with the Hong clan, it would not be him at all, but Fan Ling!

Gu Xiaowan was unwilling to use the marriage of Brother Shishi and Fan Ling as a bet. Now, she wants to find Fan Yu as soon as possible, before the Hong family has done anything to Fan Yu, and before she is defeated. "Wan'er, don't worry, I know what you are worried about! From Hong's place, let's go back and wait, Ahmad will copy it first."

The two returned to Gu Yuan and when they passed Fan Ling's house, they seemed to hear a slight noise inside, like Fan Ling getting up and doing something!

After these days of getting along, Zhang Shu's family treats Fan Ling like her own daughter, and Gu Xiaowan is very happy about the attitude of Brother Shitou towards Fan Ling.

Such a happy day is what Gu Xiaowan dreams of, she does not want to destroy it!

Back in the room, the night was already very deep, Gu Xiaowan worried about Fan Yu's safety and still couldn't sleep, Qin Yizhi accompanied her by the side.

"Wan'er, you are worried about what Fan Yu will say, which will affect the relationship between Fan Ling and Shishi, right?" Qin Yizhi and Gu Xiaowan were sitting on the bed, leaning on the back of the bed, and talking quietly.

Gu Xiaowan's arms around Qin Yi's waist tightened, and her head kept arching into his arms: "Well, I'm a little worried!"

Fan Yu doesn't live in Gu Yuan at all, nor has any contact with Gu Xiaowan. If he really said something, others would think it was Fan Ling who told Fan Yu all about Gu Xiaowan, so Fan Yu would know so much. . Then, others would think Fan Ling is a woman with long tongue.

It might even be someone who cares about her family and ignores her in-laws, which is not a good idea for Fan Ling.

When Fan Yu said, it will slander Gu Xiaowan as well as Fan Ling.

And the relationship between Fan Ling and Shishi will break the love and sweetness of this time because of this incident, and plant a thorn in the hearts of the two.

Obviously, this Hong's venomous mind just doesn't want everyone in Gu Yuan to have a better life!

From top to bottom!

But if Fan Yu didn't say anything, then the Hong clan also had a way to hold Gu Xiaowan.

People are in her hands, and life and death are in her hands. By that time, life or death will be a matter of life. Fan Yu's life can hold Fan Ling, and naturally, she can hold Gu Xiaowan.

Then the Hong family is ready to eat, and can control himself!

Gu Xiaowan buried her small head in Qin Feizhi's arms, and said angrily, "Brother Feizhi, do you think that Fan Yu will listen to Hong's words?"

Qin Yizhi was not familiar with Fan Yu, naturally, he couldn't guess whether he would listen!

No matter what others say, it has no effect on Gu Xiaowan! However, it has an impact on Fan Ling, and it can affect the lives of Fan Ling and Shitou, which is also a blow to Gu Xiaowan!

Qin Mozhi didn't speak, and the atmosphere became so quiet.

Gu Xiaowan was worried in her heart, leaning against Qin Yizhi's arms, the warm embrace and familiar breath calmed her mind instantly, and within a short while, there was a steady breathing snoring!

It was already the next morning when Zuo came back.

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