The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1315: Fan Yu is missing

The master surnamed Xiang, who was so humiliated by Qin Yizhi in the cell at the time, was afraid that he would not let it go!

The new Lord Fuya is absent, and the old Lord Fuya has been arrested again. This situation can also be called a group of dragons without a leader.

However, there is an old saying that there is no tiger in the mountains, and the monkey is the king!

The one with the surname Xiang is the monkey!

"Girl, Fan Yu is one of our people, you mean they want" Zuo is a smart person who has been with Qin Yizhi for so long. She has seen a lot of such tricks, even more than this. It's more bloody, she hasn't seen it before!

Gu Xiaowan dialed a little, and Zuo understood.

"Yes, Fan Yu is our new relative. They can't touch our family, so they hit the fan with this crooked brain! If I guess right, the two brawny men must have run away. That's it!" Gu Xiaowan frowned, and a ruthless light appeared in her deep eyes!

Back in the medical hall, Shishi hadn't woke up yet. Fan Ling had been waiting by the side. Seeing Gu Xiaowan was back, she hurriedly walked out to ask Fan Yu's condition!

"Xiaowan, did Xiaoyu find it?" Fan Ling tugged at her sleeves. If she exerted more effort on her broad palm, she was afraid that the fabric would be torn into two.

At the beginning, a pair of eyes were filled with hope, but seeing Gu Xiaowan not speaking, Fan Ling's face was instantly full of sadness: "Xiaowan, woooo"

Fan Ling covered her mouth and tried not to let herself cry, for fear of disturbing her husband who was recuperating inside. However, the man who was arrested and still didn't know the life or death was his brother!

He is also the most important person in his life, and his dearest relative!

She is the same sadness, the same uncomfortable!

Seeing her crying, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly handed her the veil in her hand, and comforted: "Sister-in-law, don't worry about it! We went to the government office and the cell just now, but we didn't see Xiao Yu. This shows that Xiao Yu may still follow the two. If you are together, don’t worry about what matters to deal with, wait for us to go back, and then consider the long-term plan!"

When returning to Gu Yuan, Aunt Zhang saw the look of the stone and almost fainted. After listening to Gu Xiaowan's words, she said that Dr. Pan said that there would be no serious problems during the recuperation period, and she was relieved.

And Fan Daqu rushed to Gu Yuan from Fan's family, met Fan Ling, and talked about Fan Yu's trip to town today to sell things, Gu Xiaowan was also very confused!

Qin Yizhi happened to be back. He heard about Shishi and Fan Yu, and he was also very confused: "Those people bullied Fan Yu at the gate of Jinfu Tower?"

Only Qin Yizhi and Gu Xiaowan were in the room. They lit a few red candles and illuminated the whole room: "Well, I find it very strange. In the afternoon, I heard Uncle Fan said that Fan Yu was going to sell things in the town today. Logically speaking, the route he took was completely different from Jinfu Tower. How could he go to Jinfu Tower?"

"Perhaps, he was chased and beaten by the two strong men, wanting to go to Jinfulou for rescue?" Qin Yizhi frowned.

That is not impossible!

"One more thing. Today, Zuo and I went to the government office and the cell. There was no one inside except for the old jailer who took care of the prisoner!" Gu Xiaowan said that everything she saw in the government office and the cell was empty. Tell Qin Yizhi.

"If the new government official didn't come to take office, and those government officials and jailers were all idle, then why were the two government officials there when Fan Yu was beaten? He took Fan Yu away! And, he didn't take him to the government. Ya, didn't take it to the cell, where would it go?" Gu Xiaowan's eyes were black as ink.

Qin Yizhi also nodded, tapping his fingers on the table one after another.

After staying with Qin Mozhi for a long time, Gu Xiaowan naturally knew that it was Qin Mozhi's inertial movement when thinking about things.

Gu Xiaowan didn't just wait for Qin Yizhi to say that, instead, she tried hard to think of a countermeasure!

"Do you recognize the two government officials?" Qin Mozhi asked Gu Xiaowan without thinking for too long.

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Ning Ping recognizes that they are two government officials!"

Now that he recognizes it, it is a real yaman.

"Where are the two strong men who beat people?"

"I don’t recognize it. I heard people say that the two of them had very raw faces. They said they came to Liujia Town from a different place. They happened to buy something in Fan Yu’s hands. The person said that Fan Yu was selling fakes. , Saying that Fan Yu lied to them!" Fan Daqu said a little bit, combined with what Gu Ningping and the people present at the time said, the general situation is like this!

"Furthermore, Brother Yizhi, I suspect that these people are not targeting the Fan family." Gu Xiaowan expressed her doubts: "I think they are targeting our Gu family!"

Qin Yizhi nodded: "Yes, the two outsiders dared to beat people in Liujiazhen. This shows that the two people are either confident, or they were really deceived miserably! But the child of Fan Yu, honestly Stupid, like a stone, he is going to deceive people, I don't believe it!"

"Then there is one possibility left now, that is, the two outsiders know that even if they hit someone, they believe that nothing will happen to them, so they are not afraid, right?"

Gu Xiaowan asked, but her heart was ups and downs. If this is the case, everything will be explained.

At this moment, Zuo also came in from the outside, and the news he brought back made them firmer in their thinking: "Girl, the master surnamed Xiang has also returned, and he also brought the original servants in the government office. But the two arresting yamen still did not show up, Ahmad was still staring at the mansion! Seeing that master's appearance, he seemed very happy, he drank a lot of wine, and hummed a little song along the way. !"

The two government officials have not yet appeared, indicating that they are still holding people in their hands.

All the other government officials appeared behind Master Xiang, which shows that she was not wrong in her guess today. They gathered together, and even those two government officials must still be there!

As long as you find the two government officials, you can find Fan Yu.

Thinking of this, Qin Yizhi and Gu Xiaowan smiled at each other, as if they had thought of a good way.

"Aren't you sleepy? Do you want to go to the government office?" Qin Yizhi chuckled.

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