The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1307: Pregnant

"Mother, I told you, I will do something! What are you rushing!" Zhao Yuner's dissatisfaction seemed to be because Hong did not believe in himself.

Zhao Yuner's expression of dissatisfaction, how could the Hong family not know, she got up hurriedly, walked over and took Zhao Yuner's hand and said, "Silly boy, mother doesn't believe you, but mother must get Gu Xiaowan this time. In this matter, we can only succeed but not fail. Therefore, my mother is not at ease, my mother will personally tie Gu Xiaowan to the sedan chair and marry your brother willingly!"

"Mother, what's the use of those two people! They are both useless guys. Didn't you see that the mother and daughter were so miserable by Gu Xiaowan that day in Jinfulou!" Zhao Yuner still didn't believe it. What use can these two waste mothers and daughters do!

"You don't understand this. Although these two people are useless, they are useless, and they are much better than us! They are Gu Xiaowan's relatives anyway, and it is much more convenient for them to contact Gu Xiaowan than us. And, The more they are miserable by Gu Xiaowan, the more they hate Gu Xiaowan, and the greater the chance of cooperating with us! You didn't hear when you came, do you know why Sun is looking for me?" Hong said mysteriously.

"What are you doing?"

"She asked me to find your father and rescue Gu Chuanlu!" Hong's expression was happy.

"Your father in Liujiazhen is a person who will tremble three times after stomping his feet. If you want to save Gu Chuanlu, it is your father's one or two words. As long as we help them save Gu Chuanlu, the mother and daughter Sun Isn't this the grasshopper in our hands, you can use it whatever you want!"

A gloomy cold flashed across Hong's face, as if he was determined to win.

After Zhao Yuner heard what Hong said, she didn't say anything, and secretly had other cares in her heart.

After Zhao Yuner returned to the room, the Hong clan immediately sent someone to invite Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun was originally going to the ancestral house tonight. I heard that the Hong family had sent someone to call him. He thought that maybe he hadn't been to her for a long time, so he just went to her tonight.

The Hong family prepared a table of meals, and Zhao Xun came over immediately after finishing his work.

When the two met, seeing Hong’s well-dressed and coquettish and docile look tonight, thinking of his neglect of Hong’s over the past few days, Zhao Xun felt guilt again in his heart, thinking that tonight and Hong must have to Take good care of yourself.

Hong is also a personal spirit. He knows when to say what to say and when not to say anything. At the dinner table, Hong drank a little wine, and his charming faces made Zhao Xun fascinated at the moment. Just thinking that the two of them hurry up to put them on and go happily.

When the two of them fumbled and fell into the phoenix, the clouds and the rain had a good time, Zhao Xun hugged the Hong clan panting and rested.

Seeing that the time was about to come, Hong Shi lay on Zhao Xun's chest, playing with a strand of his hair, and said coquettishly: "Master, you haven't been here for a long time. Do you forget to reconcile with your sister? I am."

The natural beauty of the Hong family, at this moment, the clouds and rain, the whole person is even more coquettish like a peach blossom, at this moment, the appearance of aggrieved aggrieved person is even more affectionate, and this kind of anger makes Zhao Xun even more. I feel sorry for Hong.

He quickly hugged Hong's, kissed Hong's beautiful red lips and said, a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, ma'am, I've been really busy during this time. Wait until I finish this time. , I will spare more time to spend time with you! This time has left you in the cold, so don't take it to heart."

Hong cried out a little bit, wondering if Zhao Xun was busy during this time!

Even if Zhao Xun is busy, there is a time slot. In other free time, this person ran to the ancestral house to accompany the old lady, and how did he know to accompany him.

Hong Shi had a grievance in her heart, and she didn't dare to say it at this moment. She had more important things to do!

"Master, I'm just talking casually, don't be angry. The master is so good to me, how can I blame the master!" Hong said shyly.

Zhao Xun likes Hong's kind and understanding look.

Zhao Xun benefited a lot, but he didn't feel as happy as before.

It's also strange to people. When I was young, I liked the delicate and considerate look, and I just thought that women should be made of water.

However, as soon as I came up at this age, I realized that the lady in my family who always liked to quarrel with him really had a true temperament.

Hey, the original match is the original match, no matter how many little concubines, they are no better than the wife who is married to the Ming media!

For so many years, it is the lady in the ancestral house who should be guilty and guilty!

Thinking of this, Zhao Xun felt a little loose in his heart. Looking at the delicate face of Hong's in his arms, he felt a little disgusted. He unconsciously held Hong's hands and loosened his hands, and his face was no longer thick. Affectionate.

The Hong family never noticed that Zhao Xun's heart changed.

She was still thinking about Gu Chuanlu.

At this moment, it is an excellent opportunity.

So, the Hong family thought for a while, and spoke quietly: "Master, I have something, I don't know if I should say it!"

Zhao Xun's heart tightened, but his expression remained unchanged: "You are my wife, between you and me, just say what you have!"

The Hong cried out and his expression was high: "Master, do you know who I met today?"


"The wife and daughter of Mr. Accountant from Shunxin Restaurant!"

"You said Gu Chuanlu?" Zhao Xun knew this man. He had read a lot of books before, and he was still a scholar.

He is a talented person, but it is a pity that his virtue is not very good!

Zhao Xun has heard a lot of his glorious things.

"How could you meet his wife and daughter!" Zhao Xun asked strangely.

"A few days ago, Jinfu Building reopened. Master, do you know?"

Zhao Xun nodded, indicating that he knew it.

Jin Fu Lou is now the best and largest restaurant in Liujia Town. Now that I eat by myself, I usually go to Jin Fu Lou.

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