The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1293: Ridicule

How could she not understand Stone's mind!

"Big Brother!" The stone's expression was a bit misty, and in the bright moonlight, he looked a little sluggish.

"She said she would treat me as the big brother forever?" Shitou didn't believe it, and asked again.

"Well, yes! Shishi, we are no longer at the same level as her, Shishi, let's accept our fate!" Aunt Zhang said weakly, tearing down her face: "My mother also likes her very much, but no matter how much she likes, also You can only treat her like a daughter. She will never be my daughter-in-law, do you understand? Let's recognize the reality and face it! We are not a person of the world!"

Although this sentence is cruel, but the fact is!

Aunt Zhang didn't want to hurt the stone at all, but he could only hit the nail on the head if he wanted something that didn't hurt, so that he could understand that they were the mud on the ground and she was the cloud in the sky, which would never be possible.

"Mum, I accept my fate! Mother, I accept my fate! Mother, I accept my fate!"

The stone hugged Aunt Zhang and kept saying the same thing!

"Stupid boy, Xiaoling is a good boy. From now on, you and her will be married for a lifetime. You must treat her well, don't you know!" Aunt Zhang hugged the stone lovingly and exhorted.

Stone did not speak, his expression was a bit sluggish. Thinking of what he said just now, after all he did not hold back the cry this time. The laughter from the front hall was very loud. I want to come, they are in the hall, there are many very happy things, this will laugh so happy. ! No one noticed that there was a figure hidden in the dark outside the wood house, listening to all their words in their ears, and when they heard movement inside, they hurried to the front hall. Walk on.

Slightly bloated, he walked briskly towards the front hall.

It took a long time outside to come. Aunt Zhang was afraid that someone in front would come and look for it. Seeing the stone, the cry was also less, and the two of them supported each other and left.

When I came to the front hall, I saw everyone sitting in their seats, laughing again and again. Aunt Zhang looked at and laughed on her face.

Seeing that the stone had been there for so long, Gaozi joked: "Oh, what's wrong, why are my eyes red!"

Fatty Li also started to booze: "I'm afraid I will get married in a few days. I'm too nervous! Don't be afraid, the bridegroom officer, everyone will have this stage!"

"Stone, you don't know him. He came to my house as an adult and lived for three days and three nights. He said he was too nervous and scared. He studied with me and the guy in my house for three days. I went to get married happily." Gao Zi took out the embarrassment of Fatty Li back then and said, everyone was happy again.

Under such infection, Shishi also laughed. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Gu Xiaowan, with a blushing face, half leaning against Qin Yizhi's side.

Qin Mozhi's narrow and long Danfeng eyes quietly looked at Gu Xiaowan beside him, his eyes never looked away, the deep feeling in his eyes was like ink that couldn't be melted away.

Stone felt more uncomfortable when he saw it, but he knew it in his heart.

Xiao Wan now has such a good man sincerely with her, he should be satisfied #### Today is not good, just came back, can only be more so. Too depraved recently. Start to rise tomorrow.

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