The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1283: Ears and temples

After closing the door, all the noise outside the house was isolated, and in the wing room, there were only two people left.

Hearing the sound of the door, Qin Yizhi put down the book in front of him, and saw Gu Xiaowan approaching him with a smile.

Qin Yizhi didn't move, staring at her with coquettish eyes and watching her walk over.

The slender and smiling look wandered in his heart countless times.

This time I went to the capital, although it was not long, but I always missed it. I wanted to come back quickly after finishing the work. There seemed to be a thought in my heart, to tie her to my side, where I went, You can take it wherever you go.

Thinking about this, Qin Yizhi straightened up, with a satisfied smile on his face, stretched out his hands and opened his arms, as if waiting for Gu Xiaowan to fall into his embrace.

Seeing Qin Yizhi's movements, Gu Xiaowan chuckled, and quickly stepped forward two steps. When she got closer, Qin Yizhi stretched out her hand and pulled Gu Xiaowan into her arms with one hand, and Gu Xiaowan sank on the soft human mat. , Before sitting still, stretched out his long hand, he was put in someone's arms by environmental protection.

The man's familiar and pleasant scent rushed into the tip of his nose, calm and happy.

Gu Xiaowan leaned her head in Qin Yizhi's arms, like a compliant kitten, waiting for her owner to smooth her fur.

Qin Yizhi put Gu Xiaowan in his arms, and then he felt that his empty heart was filled with things, and he no longer felt the kind of worry about gains and losses.

During this time, this little cat was too busy, busy with the restaurant reopening, busy getting married with stones, going out at dawn every day, waiting until dark before going home, and after occasionally saying a few words, Just like a lazy cat, he fell asleep after lying in bed. Seeing her so hard, Qin Yizhi felt distressed and wanted to let her rest.

Finally caught a chance today, Qin Yizhi hadn't held her like this for a long time, so how could he miss it.

Qin Yizhi lowered his head and smelled the sweet fragrance of the soft voice in his arms, which made people feel refreshed.

"Wan'er" his voice was a little hoarse, with an unexplainable feeling.

His eyebrows are exquisite, at the moment they are full of affection that can melt water, and his thin lips bend in a charming arc.

Gu Xiaowan was buried in his broad chest, feeling the warmth from the body in his arms and the fragrance of the tip of his nose.

This is the peculiar smell of Qin Yizhi, which makes her indulged, and also makes her infatuated: "Brother Ye Zhi"

She replied briefly, and did not say much, just like him, only called his name, and then there was no voice.

However, the movements of her hands revealed her feelings at the moment.

She hugged Qin Yizhi with both hands, with a greater strength, as if she wanted to embed herself in his chest.

Feeling the movement of the person in his arms, Qin Yi's eyebrows sank, and the movements of his hands became more vigorous, and he hugged the person in his arms tightly.

"Wan'er, have you ever thought about me during this time?" He went to the capital and spent a total of one month. God knows, during this month, he missed her.

"Yeah." Gu Xiaowan heard the question embracing the person, and gave a low um. After um, the white face suddenly became blush, like the grass growing in March and the dazzling pink peach blossoms in the sky. It's gorgeous, and there's nothing to catch your eye.

The eyes are full of hearts, and there is only the blush left, like a brand brought out from the mother's womb, burned on the heart, and followed for a lifetime.

Gu Xiaowan's answer surprised Qin Yuzhi, she must have missed him, just as he missed her.

full of pathos.

Your heart is like my heart, and you are worthy of love.

That soft and delicate arm was gently kneaded by Qin Mozhi, once and again.

His heart seemed to jump out of his chest.

He lowered his eyebrows and smiled, his soft voice was like a gentle spring breeze, with a fascinating fragrance: "My heart beats fast, isn't it?"

Jump quickly!

He can feel his heart, again and again, beating fast and violently, beating

She nestled against her chest, leaning so close to her, his heart beating violently, like a drum.

Before Gu Xiaowan could answer, her lower jaw was gently pinched and gently lifted up a bit. In an instant, Qin Yizhi's face became more and more magnified, waiting for her to move, the blushing lips, It was directly held by those warm and soft lips.

After waiting for a month, it was as usual after all!

This is a restaurant. When she came in, she just gently brought the door to the room, and it was not locked. She was a little panicked. If someone broke in, what should be done!

Gu Xiaowan struggled, trying to push him away with both hands, but helplessly, she fell into fish on the chopping board and was directly pressed firmly into the soft couch by Qin Yizhi.

The longing misses were replaced by barbaric ears and temples.

For several days and nights, Qin Mozhi would think of the days he was with her, and of her soft lips, and for so many nights, he lost his mind.

He traced the shape of her lips with the tip of his tongue, and then, like a slippery snake, took the opportunity to get in and soaked up the fine honey, which was extremely sweet.

He sighed contentedly, explored eagerly, over and over again, putting Gu Xiaowan’s tongue in his mouth, and then spitting out the lilac tongue, his own tongue went in again, over and over again,

Gu Xiaowan was originally worried that someone would break in, and wanted to push his strength away, but also disappeared in this savage kiss.

She withdrew her hands from between the two, spread her hands, and directly put her arms around Qin Yizhi's neck, pulling him closer to herself.

The two of them fought each other, and the kiss aggravated, and they talked about their hot feelings.

After a long time, he reluctantly left the flap of lips and looked at Gu Xiaowan's blushing lips. At this moment, it was more like a blood dripping from the ground, so let it go!

"Wan'er" Qin Yizhi whispered softly, with strong expectation and passion in his hoarse voice: "Wan'er, I love you!"

Gu Xiaowan was also confused, her voice trembling a little, and when she was about to speak, she heard a heart-piercing roar from the door.

Gu Xiaowan was frightened and stood up straight from the collapsed body.

The **** just now swept away, reflecting the light of Qin Yanzhi, his eyes were as usual, but because of the disturbance from the outside world, there was an unbearable anger in his eyes!

Before the two moved, there was a hurried knock on the door: "The shopkeeper, the shopkeeper, someone is making trouble!"

Qin Yizhi and Gu Xiaowan looked at each other, and they both stood up from the collapse, sorted their clothes, and walked to the door.

A newly recruited young man looked anxious. Seeing the door opened, he hurriedly said: "The shopkeeper, two women came at the door, saying that they are looking for you!"

Two women?

While Gu Xiaowan was still wondering who it was, he heard another stern scream outside the restaurant: "Gu Xiaowan, you must die, send your uncle to the prison, you are here to eat and drink spicy food, forcing you Uncle is looking for death in the cell, you are still not a human being!"

The familiar voice, who is not Sun Xi'e!

What is she doing?

"The shopkeeper, this person is crying at the door, and the scolding is terrible!" Although the young man also walked out of a poor man's house, he hadn't read any books, didn't have much knowledge, but he never knew how To use swear words to scold people, even if they are scolding, they are at best words that are often heard, not painful or itchy!

However, the woman at the door was dressed in silk and satin, and she was dressed up like a human, but how could she be so ugly when she scolded!

"What is she scolding?" Gu Xiaowan sniffed.

The young man had just arrived at Jinfulou for work on the first day, and he didn't know Gu Xiaowan's temper. Seeing her cold complexion, she thought she was angry with her.

The job of Jinfulou is what many people in the town dream of, good treatment and clothes, and dividends and benefits during the New Years and holidays, how many people want to come in, if not for some guys who betrayed the shopkeeper that time, He was driven out by the shopkeeper, otherwise, he really wouldn't have a chance to come in!

The young man was a little frightened, and tremblingly did not dare to answer: "The shopkeeper, she's her"

She didn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

"Gu Xiaowan, you are a shameless and shameless man. When you become the head of Anping County, you will fly to the sky. Don't you just rely on the long and good-looking? I pooh, no matter how good you are, you are also lying under a man, Man riding"

Gu Xiaowan's eyes were fierce, and before she made any movement, she saw a figure passing by and saw Qin Yizhi flying out of the stairs, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Then I heard a scream and wailing at the door, like a ghost.

For the remaining half sentence, he did not speak again.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly ran downstairs. The guests in the restaurant were all attracted by the outside sound. Some people didn’t care about the food, so they ran to the door to watch the excitement, and some were near the door. Sitting at the door, craned his neck and looked outside.

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