The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1280: Homely

The hands of the county lord of Anping are smooth and soft, as white as green onion roots, but due to years of work, a lot of cocoons have been formed on their hands, and because they have just come back from the field, they are dirty. Although washed in the river ditch, the mud in the nails is still there, and the hands of the two people are in sharp contrast.

Gu Xiaowan took Fan Ling and looked at it carefully.

Fan Ling is no different from the girls in other villages. Because she has to work in the ground for many years, she has a strong figure. She was very hot when she came back from the ground just now. She wore a pair of straw sandals on her feet with water stains on the edges. You can still see the mud. When I came here just now, I washed it in the ditch. I was afraid that Gu Xiaowan had been waiting for too long. Before it was completely cleaned, I hurried over.

Sweat beads can also be seen on the nose, too late to wipe it.

Wearing a piece of gray broken gua and trousers, the trousers are **** with grass and tied to the calf. In this way, it is more convenient to do things.

In the countryside, the girl’s house does not have so many rules, saying that except for her hands and face, she can’t show any inch of her body. This is totally unrealistic in the countryside, especially the rural girls who have to go to work.

If they want to survive, they have to work on the ground. If they want to do it cleanly, they have to tie up their clothes, so that it is convenient to keep the clothes from getting dirty.

Fan Ling looks like a simple girl who does things all over her body.

At this moment, Fan Ling also looked at Gu Xiaowan.

In her impression, she had seen Anping County Lord from a distance several times.

I have seen Anping county host a few times, they all wore good-looking clothes. The material of the clothes glowed in the sun. I knew that the material was expensive. People like them could not afford to wear them for a lifetime. That kind of good material.

But today, the county lord of Anping just wore an ordinary cotton clothes, without extra decoration, even the skirt was an inch higher than usual.

There was only a wooden hairpin carved with plum blossoms on his head. Besides that, there was no place where Gu Xiaowan could be matched as the head of Anping County.

Fan Ling was a smart person, and she couldn't help but feel grateful.

However, I still have mud in my hands, and I am really worried that I might get her hands dirty.

Fan Ling wanted to pull it out, but Gu Xiaowan wouldn't let it go at all.

Fan Ling was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly lowered her voice and said, "My boss, my hands are dirty" and did not continue to say the following words, presumably Anping County Lord understands!

Gu Xiaowan smiled, holding Fan Ling's hand tighter, and replied with a smile: "What's the matter, I used to work in the field, and I fell into a mud pond!"

What Gu Xiaowan said is true, it's just the old Gu Xiaowan!

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan didn't care, Fan Ling let go.

Gu Xiaowan wants to talk to her, and if it’s a girl’s house, there are too many people here, so naturally it’s not easy to talk. I am afraid that if she speaks by herself, Fan Ling will not talk to her too much, so she said, "Miss Fan, let’s go to you. Sit down in the house!"

Fan Ling responded quickly, and the two went into the house holding hands.

When Fan Daqu went to find Fan Ling just now, Gu Xiaowan didn't enter the house. The host didn't invite her, and she couldn't just go in and out of other people's houses.

This time Fan Ling brought her in, and naturally looked at the scene inside the house calmly.

Indeed, she guessed right, the Fan family was indeed a disciple.

In the main hall, there was nothing else except a square table and a few long stools.

However, the room was clean and tidy, and it was spotless.

Fan Ling took Gu Xiaowan to her room, and when she entered, there was only one bed and a cabinet. She wanted to put her clothes in, but there was nothing else.

The quilts on the bed were neatly folded, and even the sheets were neatly picked up. Although the quilts had been washed white, they were clean.

From a person's family, you can see what the family is like.

Fan's house is clean and tidy, and it can be seen that this family is hardworking and clean all day long.

Fan Ling brought in two stools from the outside and invited Gu Xiaowan to sit down. She wanted to pour some water but was held back by Gu Xiaowan.

"Let's talk, I'm not thirsty, no need to drink water." Gu Xiaowan said with a smile.

Seeing this, Fan Ling could only sit down, waiting for Gu Xiaowan to speak to herself.

But the mood is much better than before. The county lord of Anping is a good person. Otherwise, he would not deliberately not wear his own Chinese clothes because of coming to him. Fan Ling saw this in his eyes, and felt that he was within five years. Gu Xiaowan didn't know what Fan Ling was thinking, so she spoke up, but what she said was nothing more than what Fan Ling did in her daily life.

Fan Ling also answered them one by one.

After hearing Fan Ling’s answer, Gu Xiaowan was very kind, as if she thought that when she had just crossed over, she had to go up the mountain to chop wood, find food, cook, and have endless tasks every day. .

The two of them were talking homely, and they couldn't help but narrow the distance between them.

Gu Xiaowan is unassuming. Seeing Fan Ling again, she can find her own shadow and life before, and she can't help but feel more cordial.

The two of them were talking homely, and they couldn't help but narrow the distance between them.

After chatting, it was natural to talk about the purpose of Gu Xiaowan's trip.

"Miss Fan, the purpose of my coming today is that Uncle Fan had already told you when I came. I am indeed here to propose marriage just like yesterday's Liu's sister-in-law."

Unexpectedly, before Gu Xiaowan's words were finished, Fan Ling shook her head: "Anping County Lord, I can't promise you!"

"Why?" Seeing that Fan Ling's attitude had not changed, Gu Xiaowan was very curious and couldn't help but say a few more words: "Brother Shishi is a good man, hardworking, practical and capable. If you marry him, there will be one in the future. Strong arms can rely on! You don't have to work so hard!"

"My boss, I know, but I can't marry!" Fan Ling had the same attitude as before.

"Why? Do you look down on Brother Stone?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

When Fan Ling heard this, she shook her head and explained, "No, no, the owner, the stone is very good, and the Zhang family is also very good. I am not worthy of the stone!"

Since the Fan family rented Gu Xiaowan's land, Shishi took care of these fields for Gu Xiaowan. On weekdays, Shishi would go to various fields to have a look. This was also explained by Gu Xiaowan.

The most important thing is to go to the fields to see what everyone is growing, and whether there are any problems recently.

If there is something wrong with the crops in the field, what the stone can solve at the time will be solved, and what can't be solved will be told to Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan was a PhD in agriculture in her previous life. She knows exactly what happens to crops and what symptoms they will have.

How to prevent pests and prevent plant diseases, Gu Xiaowan is naturally an expert.

Gu Xiaowan's actions were extremely supportive by the people in the village. As long as there was a problem with the ground at home, they would look for stones.

Therefore, there are a lot of people who come into contact with Fan Ling.

If there was any problem in Fan Ling's field, he would also ask Stone for help, and the two knew each other.

After hearing Fan Ling's words, Gu Xiaowan became more confused.

Since Fan Ling thinks the stone is very good, but

Why didn't you agree!

"Then why didn't you agree? Can you tell me the reason? Do you already have someone you like?" Gu Xiaowan wanted to understand clearly that if the Fan family had any difficulties, she would solve it if she could help.

Fan Ling hurriedly shook her head into a rattle: "No, no, I am as busy as a top every day, where can I still have time to like others! Moreover, in the situation in my family, I can't like others. !"

Afraid of dragging people down!

Fan Ling did not continue, but her eyebrows drooped slightly, and she could see the soreness in her heart.

She is already twenty this year. She is already an old girl in the village.

Offspring as old as her have already married a wife, but she is the only one who has become an old girl. The unmarried offspring are several years younger than her. At this age, the situation in the family is like this. , Who else can you marry!

Why don't you marry, stay at home, take good care of your father, and no matter how good you farm, wait for the past few years to save some money and ask for a daughter-in-law for your brother. When that happens, she will live with her father and wait for her. Always old!

Fan Ling's thoughts have become stronger and stronger since she has missed her own relationship.

When her heart came to a stop, she didn't expect the Zhang family to send someone to propose a marriage.

It's still the family member of that Anping county owner.

When Fan Ling heard the news, everyone was dumbfounded!

Stone is two years younger than her, and the family situation is good, and the county lord of Anping, does he want to marry what kind of daughter-in-law, even if he marries a lady in the town, he can marry him, but why is it so? Got yourself!

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