The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1278: Fan Daqu

Zuo's eyes were still staring at Gu Xiaowan's back, his hands held up, as if he planned to help the girl who might fall off the ridge.

Ahmad took the pick and walked at the end. When he saw Ah Zuo's cautious look behind, he was amused. When the girl was young, she had no problem carrying the water and walking along the ridge.

Gu Xiaowan walked steadily across the ridge road, and when she came to the spacious road, Zuo took a long breath behind him. I was afraid that the girl would fall down just now!

Everyone continued to move forward, passing a forest, and twos and threes of farmhouses came into view.

The farmhouses are simple adobe houses, and some walls have fallen down, revealing the dark houses inside, and the simple fences surrounded by branches look very simple.

Liu Dazhuang’s wife took them around almost one of the houses and went straight to the innermost house.

Like the previous houses, this house is also made of adobe, one of which is large and the other is small.

There is a chimney on the small adobe house. I want to come to this small house as a kitchen.

The house is surrounded by a small courtyard with some branches. In the middle of the original road is a bamboo pole with black-gray gowns drying on it. There are also some bamboo strips. Although simple, the inside is very clean and tidy.

In the yard, although there are firewood, bamboo sticks, and vegetable plots, they are all neatly arranged, and the ground is clean. If you want to come, the owner of this house is also a clean person.

There are half-made bamboo baskets in the courtyard, and a small stool. I want to come, someone made bamboo baskets here just now.

Liu Dazhuang's wife shouted inside: "Uncle Fan, are you at home?"

Just after shouting, a voice came from inside.

The voice is very old, I think it should be Fan Ling's father.

Sure enough, an old man walked out of it within a short while, with her head covered in white, and the gift of the years and winds can be seen on his face.

His eyes were muddy, his face was rainy, snowy and windy, and there were deep wrinkles.

Fan Ling seems to be only twenty years old now. Logically speaking, his father is only forty years old at most. But seeing this old man, he seems to be in his fifties, thin and thin. He wants to come to take care of his couple. This child, this old man, has suffered a lot.

Fan Daqu came out and saw Liu Dazhuang's wife, a little surprised: "Dazhuang family, why are you here again?"

After asking, I glanced at the person next to Liu Dazhuang's wife, and those cloudy eyes widened.

After watching for a long time, he said incredulously: "My boss, why are you here?"

Gu Xiaowan smiled and said, "Uncle Fan, come to see you for something!"

Fan Daqu went forward and quickly opened the gate of the courtyard and invited them in. He blamed himself: "My boss, why are you here? My place is simple and simple. Just call someone and I'll go!"

It seemed that Fan Daqu didn't know the purpose of Gu Xiaowan's arrival.

There was only one small stool in the yard, which was the same as when he was sitting on the bamboo basket just now. It was low and narrow. The owner must be uncomfortable to sit on. He hurriedly ran inside to find the best stool in the house. The spacious and comfortable chair ran out immediately, for fear that Gu Xiaowan had been waiting for a long time.

When I moved the stool in front of Gu Xiaowan, I kept wiping it with his sleeves. I wanted to tell Gu Xiaowan that his stool was clean and had been wiped.

Seeing his busy look, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly smiled and said, "Uncle Fan, don't be so polite, this chair is clean, no need to wipe it!"

After that, in Fan Daqu's earnest gaze, he sat down without hesitation, and the whole person sat in.

When Fan Daqu saw Gu Xiaowan sitting down, and didn't dislike it at all, he was sincere and fearful that it would be better.

Liu Dazhuang's wife helped him to bring out a few stools long ago and put them in the courtyard.

Fan Daqu rubbed his hands, his weather-beaten faces were a bit cramped. Standing in front of Gu Xiaowan, he was embarrassed to raise his head and say, "My boss, sit down, I'll bring water!"

After rubbing my hands for a long time, I remembered that the county lord of Anping is here, and I need to have tea when I sit down.

There is no tea at home, but there is water. I have to pour water for the head of Anping County.

After that, she turned around and was about to go to the kitchen. Liu Dazhuang's wife hurriedly stopped him: "Uncle Fan, don't be busy for now. This time the county owner is here to see you for something! Sit down first!"

Ahmad and Zuo didn’t. Standing not far behind Gu Xiaowan, Fan Daqu glanced at Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan smiled, and pointed to the stool next to him and said, “Uncle Fan, sit down first. I was wrong, I came to you for something!"


What's the matter?

Fan Daqu was puzzled by some Zhang Er monks. What can the owner do to find himself as a tenant farmer?

Fan Daqu had no bottom in his heart and was a little flustered, but seeing the smiling face of his host, it shouldn't be a bad thing to think about it.

But what will happen?

Fan Daqu is a straight man. He couldn't think of those twists and turns, so he could only ask: "My boss, you are looking for a small one. Is there anything wrong?"

Seeing him in such a cramped state, Gu Xiaowan was also very upset, and said hurriedly: "Uncle Fan, don't worry, I'm back here, there is a happy event!"

happy event?

Fan Daqu was dumbfounded!

Yesterday, the strong wife came and said it was a happy event.


Xiaoling has already said very clearly!

Just as Fan Daqu wanted to say something, he saw Liu Dazhuang's wife stood up and said with a smile: "Uncle Fan, the county lord is here today because of the marriage I told you yesterday!"

"But, Xiaoling has already refused! I can't say anything!" Fan Daqu said, as if I couldn't sit on her lord, obviously just listening to her daughter!

Gu Xiaowan was very curious. Fan Daqu was really a good father.

In this ancient time, many men believed that a woman was an accessory of a man, and whether a wife or a daughter, a woman was their object.

A wife is a machine that manages the family and has children, and a daughter is a machine that makes money. It is everywhere throughout the ages.

At first sight, Fan Daqu actually took his daughter's meaning as his purpose, and what his daughter said was what she said.

Some people might say that such a person has no idea, but in Gu Xiaowan's or Fan Ling's view, such a father is a true father.

What my daughter thinks is right, I respect her choice.

It stands to reason that a good family like the Zhang family and a family like the Fan family should be happy and even more satisfied, but

The Fan family refused.

"Dazhuang family, you also know that when you came yesterday, girl Ling has already told you very clearly!" Fan Daqu said again.

Gu Xiaowan glanced at him carefully, her expression was very natural, not half unwilling.

"Uncle Fan, think about it, the Zhang family’s child is such an honest and diligent child, and what kind of person is Zhang’s family? Such a good family. If Ling girl married her, she would be delicious and spicy. Go to enjoy the blessing! If you don't agree, there will be no such shop after this village! You will regret it at that time, but it will be too late!" Liu Dazhuang's wife said, persuading Fan Daqu.

Gu Xiaowan didn't speak aside, she always smiled. Now it is Liu Dazhuang's wife who said it. If she can't persuade her, she will come.

Fan Daqu sighed, sitting on the stool, hooking his head, unable to see his expression: "Dazhuang family, don’t you know the situation in my family? I’m just such a girl. I have not been taken care of by my mother since I was a child. My fate! I promised her that her marriage will be in charge of her. Zhang Jiahao, I know, I also know what kind of good life Xiaoling will have when she marries, but if she doesn’t agree, I can’t force her !"

Fan Daqu knew that Zhang’s family was a real family and had something to do with Gu Xiaowan. If Xiaoling married, then Guo’s life

Fan Daqu couldn't even think about it.

He also wanted Xiaoling to marry and live a good life, and stop following his poor father to live a full and hungry life. However, if the girl did not agree, he could not force her!

Liu Dazhuang's wife has already said so, but this Fan Dalqu still doesn't let go.

Can only helplessly spread his hands towards Gu Xiaowan, showing that he had done his best.

"Lord of the county, you see, I have tried my best, but" Liu Dazhuang's wife was sure to win when she came, but seeing that Fan Daqu's oil and salt didn't get in, she had no choice but to bow down.

Fan Daqu's stubbornness, as well as the stubbornness of the two children of the Fan family, are famous in this village.

When Fan Daqu heard her telling the county owner, he was surprised at first, and immediately thought of the host’s intention. Hearing this, could it be that

Fan Daqu couldn't even think about it.

The Fan family, viewed from the outside, is clean but clean. I haven't seen it inside yet. I think it should be a poor family. The family is very poor. Gu Xiaowan is very familiar and curious. This Fan family is really charming.

Whatever has been decided can not be changed.

Fan Daqu saw Gu Xiaowan looking up and looking around at home, and then at the two entourages behind her. He glanced at the two picks at the foot of the entourage. They were both half-covered with red silk, but from the pointy place, about You can also see what is inside!

Is it

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