The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1276: Go to Fanjia

There was no one on the road at the moment, and the stone stood still in the middle of the road, watching the carriage go down the mountain, and then turned into a small black spot, and then, it never disappeared.

The stone just looked at it calmly, a little lost.

Aunt Zhang on the side looked at the desperate look of her son, sighed in her heart, then pulled off the sleeve of the stone, and said softly, "Stone, don’t look at it, don’t be too tired of yourself this time. Replenish your energy, Xiaowan and the others will go to the capital. I am afraid that your marriage will be fixed before they go to the capital. I am afraid that the time will be fast. If they are settled, I will go to see auspiciousness. The date is set before Xiaowan and the others enter Beijing!"

Stone returned to his senses. He kept his head down, not looking at Aunt Zhang's eyes, and said dullly, "Mother, don't worry, I know! I'm going down to take a look at the crops!"

Before Aunt Zhang could answer, Shishi walked down the mountain without looking back.

Aunt Zhang looked at the stone striding down the mountain, and her heart was full of miscellaneous flavors. The child of the stone is just a tendon.

Back in the room, looking at Aunt Zhang's face feeling a little uncomfortable, Uncle Zhang asked what was wrong.

Aunt Zhang hey, drank her saliva, and said with some regret: "Hey, I really like that kid Xiaowan!"

Uncle Zhang knew what she meant, and he sighed: "Old lady, this is different now. Let's look forward to everything."

Aunt Zhang said, but the tears fell: "We have been following Gu Xiaowan for so many years and have enjoyed the blessings we have never enjoyed in our entire life. That child is a grateful and conscientious child! Back then, we too But I saved a ration and gave it to her. That girl always remembered that."

Zhang Shu hummed, his eyes seemed to be regretful.

"Do you know what the kid said to me?" Aunt Zhang asked suddenly, looking content.

Uncle Zhang glanced at her, saw tears in her eyes, and shook his head: "What did the kid say?"

"The child said that she would give us the best she could give!" Aunt Zhang just said, the tears had fallen down like a dropped bead, but even though she was crying, between the eyebrows and eyes It was a satisfied smile.

Hearing this, Uncle Zhang also sighed, very moved: "That kid is a good boy! It's just that our Zhang family doesn't have this blessing! Hey"

"I told Shitou yesterday. If I could go to propose marriage before, now I can't even think about it!" Aunt Zhang said sadly, "The kid is getting better and better, and he is getting farther and farther away from us. ."

Zhang Shu hummed: "Yes, Gu's family, it will get better and better in the future, but it's a pity that Gu's second wife and his wife have not enjoyed such a good life, but we are enjoying it. Hey"

"Xiaowan asked me to consider whether we should go to the capital, do you say we should go?" Aunt Zhang thought of Gu Xiaowan asking her to come back to discuss things, and looked at Uncle Zhang and asked.

Uncle Zhang thought for a while and shook his head: "Xiao Wan is kind, but we are just dragging her by following her! Let's not trouble her."

"I think so too. We don't know anything. We just cook, chop and chop wood, and we can't do anything. If she goes to the capital, she will naturally be surrounded by maidservants. Let's go , It just caused her trouble." Aunt Zhang also thinks so. Now that the husband and wife are going together, they agree not to go.

Uncle Zhang's legs are not good, it is inconvenient to go back and forth, and it is just a drag on people.

The carriage soon arrived at the entrance of the village. Liu Dazhuang's wife craned her neck and looked around at the entrance of the village. Seeing the carriage with the Gu family brand coming over, her face was delighted.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the village. Gu Fangxi opened the curtain and saw that it was Liu Dazhuang's wife, calling her to come up.

After coming up, I sat down and the carriage started to go again.

Liu Dazhuang's wife came up, first pleased Gu Xiaowan, and then sat down at Gu Xiaowan's sign.

This is the first time that Liu Dazhuang's wife has taken a carriage. She has only ridden in an ox cart, which is a flatbed cart pulled by a cow.

After she came in, she felt that the carriage was very comfortable and warm. The cushion on the couch was a cold mat, and perhaps there was a thick cushion underneath it. Sitting down, it was soft and cool.

There was a small table in the middle of the carriage with some snacks on it.

Ahmad was driving the carriage not fast, and Xu entered the village for fear that there would be children who would rush out at any time.

Zuo poured a cup of tea and brought it to Liu Dazhuang's wife.

She took it quickly, and saw that she was holding a small bowl without half a slap, and the bowl was filled with yellow-green soup.


Liu Dazhuang's wife is a little confused, why is such a small cup?

What is this for? Liu Dazhuang's wife squeezed the cup in her hand with five fingers. She squeezed the cup very hard. She was afraid that if the carriage stopped, the small bowl that was too small to fill a mouthful of rice would fall.

She didn't know what was in it, and she had never seen anyone use such a small bowl.

When Gu Xiaowan saw Liu Dazhuang's wife holding the teacup without moving for a while, she looked at the thing in her hand with doubts, as if she was a little curious about it.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly poured a cup of tea, held it up, smiled and said to her: "Sister Liu, this is green tea, you can taste it."

After speaking, Gu Xiaowan brought a small tea cup to her mouth and took a sip.

After the demonstration, Liu Dazhuang's wife also followed Gu Xiaowan's way, brought the cup in her hand to her mouth, and took a sip.

But after taking this sip, the small cup bottomed out.

Before we wet the teeth, the cup bottomed out.

However, this tea is really fragrant!

Unlike them, she would go to the market to buy some tea stems and make tea for Liu Dazhuang to drink only during the New Year.

When drinking, they are all served in a large bowl, and when they are cold, they can be drunk in one breath. It has a tea-scented taste, which is much better than plain water.

Every time, she felt that this was the happiest time of the year.

Nowadays, after drinking such a delicious tea, Liu Dazhuang's wife finds it very troublesome.

Seeing that she had finished drinking, Azai took a small sharp-mouthed jug and filled the cup again, and after drinking it, she just wetted her lips and disappeared again.

Zuo wanted to pour, but she refused, and hurriedly hid the cup behind her, waved her hand and said: "Miss Zuo, don't pour it, I won't drink it. It's so troublesome to pour it again and again! Don't tire you anymore."

Gu Xiaowan smiled and said, "Sister-in-law Liu, you are welcome, drinking tea is like this!"

Liu Dazhuang’s wife widened her eyes and asked in disbelief, "What? That’s it? Just drink tea in such a small cup? How troublesome it would be. Why not use a big bowl, and pour a bowl after making it. It’s convenient and convenient. Quench your thirst."

Isn’t that just cow drinking? It's like drinking tea!

Zuo also knelt and sat at the corner of the low table, and when he heard Liu Dazhuang's wife talking about drinking tea, he sneered while covering his mouth.

Daughter-in-law Liu Dazhuang knew that she would definitely not call tea, only people like Gu Xiaowan called tea.

Look at this posture, this short table, tea bowls, kettles, and small carbon stoves are all available.

This teacup feels smooth and delicate, I am afraid it will cost a lot of money to buy it!

Just put these things on the carriage, so you are not afraid that others will steal them?

She puts an ordinary bowl for eating out in her house and she has to worry that others will steal it!

Gu Xiaowan didn't say much, she just pointed to the dim sum on the table and greeted affectionately: "Sister Liu, if you don't drink tea, just have some dim sum!"

Liu Dazhuang's wife had this intention. These pastries looked exquisite and they were definitely delicious.

Although there are pastries at home, she is reluctant to eat them, and only after the children have finished eating, she will pour some pastry crumbs in the paper bag into her mouth and taste the extremely delicious pastries.

At this moment, a plate of delicate pastries was placed in front of her. After drinking two bowls of gruel in the morning, they were almost all digested. She thanked Gu Xiaowan and then took a piece of pastry and stuffed it into her mouth.

As soon as I was about to eat, I heard Ahmad's voice coming from outside: "Sister-in-law Liu, we are already here now, please ask, what should I go next."

Next, there were some winding paths. Dazhuang Liu's wife was afraid that Ahmad would go the wrong way, so she had to sit out and show Ahmad the way.

So he hurriedly stuffed all the pastries into his mouth, but because the pastries would loosen, the pastries stuck in the throat tube and couldn't swallow them.

Gu Xiaowan saw her gorging, knowing that she would definitely choke later, so she hurriedly asked Zuo to pour her a cup of tea, and Liu Dazhuang's wife drank several cups before delivering the snack.

When the food was finished, I realized that I was too embarrassed and a little gaffe. I hurriedly thanked Gu Xiaowan and Azuo. Then I got out of the carriage and showed Ahmad the way.

Gu Xiaowan and the others were left in the carriage.

Seeing that it was about to arrive, Gu Xiaowan stopped drinking tea, pointed to the dim sum on the table, and instructed Zuo: "When I go back, I will put away these cakes and bring them back to the Liu family!"

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