The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1255: The past of Wan Shi and Lu Tao

It would be okay if Lu Tao didn't say it. As soon as Lu Tao said it, he also dismissed all the responsibilities, and Wan Shi fell into that watery woman.

Although she is a pretty woman!

However, whoever hopes that he has given so much, in the end, in the face of the disaster, others run away and throw the burden on themselves, even insulting themselves.

No one will have a hard time putting this matter on someone!

After listening to Lu Tao's words, Wan's more saddened him. No matter how he felt that was not the case, he rushed over and started crying at Lu Tao, "Lu Lang, how can you bear it?" You said that you have to be good to the slave family for a lifetime, don't you forget it!"

Lu Tao has not forgotten, but his future and everything now, compared with a woman who warms the bed, he is reluctant to be everything now, but just a woman, if he keeps his current position and things, in the future, Any woman will have it!

There is no need to hang on an old tree!

Lu Tao had already done what he wanted to give up on Wan's thoughts, and thought that he was not at all wrong with this woman.

But Wan Shi didn't think so.

I have been with you for so many years, and I am sincere to you, and I have come here, and I have gained a reputation for seduce.

Wan's heart was aggrieved, and he glanced at Lu Tao sadly, but Lu Tao didn't even look at her at all.

I accidentally touched Wan Shi's sad eyes, and turned his head in disgust, with a strong disgust in his eyes.

Wan Shi was instantly burned by the look in his eyes, like a thousand arrows piercing his heart!

"Lu Lang" Wan clan looked at Lu Tao sadly, and shouted complainingly. In her expectation, Lu Tao didn't pay attention to her at all, but frowned, "I helped you because you are dead. For the face of your lost husband, don't hurt me!"

Wan Shi's big watery eyes looked at Lu Tao with such determination, and his eyes were full of sadness and desolation. Lu Tao just assumed that he hadn’t seen him at all, and didn’t look at Wan Shi. He turned his body and looked cold. The back of Wang faces Wanshi.

Wan knows that Lu Tao is afraid of the Guo family, but she also has an extravagant hope in her heart, that is, Lu Tao can give herself a name in this remote Liujia Town.

Mrs. Guo had never been to Liujia Town before, and even if Lu Tao had to go back during the holidays, it was rare. It is not difficult to see that the relationship between Lu Tao and the Guo family was very indifferent.

Wan Shi has followed Lu Tao since what happened in Miao Er's year.

This is almost six or seven years.

The Wan clan followed Lu Tao without a name and distinction, in order to one day have a place in Lu Tao's heart. Although he did not ask Lu Tao to be able to carry himself into the house as a concubine, he was good or bad. It is also possible to hide Jiao in the Golden House and serve as Lu Tao's outer room.

Maybe you can give birth to a son for Lu Tao in the future. If you give birth to a son, her position in Lu Tao's mind will be strengthened in the future!

It's just a pity that Wan's face suddenly became sad. If that child hadn't been careless, at this time, he would have been able to run around.

If you have children, you can definitely restrain Lu Tao.

Wan's heart is extremely uncomfortable. For Lu Tao, she loves more than hates.

For so many years, Lu Tao has given her not only a monetary gift, but also a spiritual one.

Wan Shi loves vanity and wants to live a good life.

Marrying Miao Er was also to live a good life and be the wife of a wealthy family.

The days of marrying Miao Er were pretty good, but no matter how good they were, they didn’t have a good life with Lord Fuya!

Wan Shi remembered that year

Since the Miao Er incident, Wan returned home with her two children. She can’t make money, and her natal family is a poor family. The eldest and second elder brothers of the ancestral family also used poles to sweep the autumn breeze. But since Miao Er was arrested, Wan's sky collapsed.

Those maiden elder brothers and second elder brothers never come again, and Wan cries are all crying poor when they go to them, begging that Wan clan will not find them if there is nothing to do in the future, and don’t come back with the water poured out by the married daughter.

Wan Shi was angry with this brazen mother for vomiting blood. When her family’s life was better, this mother wanted to live in the Miao’s family, eat his own, drink his own, use his own, wishing to pick up all the children in the family. came.

It doesn't count if you eat it, you have to take it before you leave, and you have to take what is pleasing to the eye.

When they left, either a piece of meat was missing or a chicken was missing at home. Miao Er used to work as a clerk in a restaurant. He was full of oil and water. These foods were not a problem at all.

Wan clan thought that they were their maidens. Seeing them come to flatter himself, the feeling of vanity in his heart became even stronger, so he let them go. Anyway, there is no shortage of these things at home. Miao Er will not say even more. But the hero of the Miao family, his daughter-in-law cannot offend, let alone the daughter-in-law's family.

Wan's family is very good to their parents, and they will give them a little bit of food and drink. Later, something happened at home. Logically speaking, if Miao Er was good to them, they should treat themselves better too. !

Wan's thought was wrong, so wrong!

Her maiden family drove her out like a plague and ignored her.

Wan's family has two children, and there is no financial source, and his mother's family doesn't help. What can he do?

I can only sit and eat in the sky, and eat for one day.

Later on, the family really couldn't open the pot, so Wan Shi pulled down and went outside to see if he could do something.

Just in time, I ran into Lu Tao.

Lu Tao had always been thinking about this stunner Wanshi in his heart. At that time, he was busy, and there was no time. This time he was not busy. When he went out, he ran into Wanshi, feeling that God was beautiful.

Lu Tao invited Wan to have a meal. After listening to Wan's experience, he felt sympathy and said that he would come to see Wan from time to time in the future.

So the two of them, both of them, both have a silly heart, and you just went to bed so sticky.

Later, Wan was coaxed by Lu Tao because he didn’t know the world, and even moved the house right now and moved to a quiet house that Lu Tao bought for her. Wan’s two children were also placed nearby. of.

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