The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1197: impulse

Gu Xiaowan’s tears flowed down his eyes. Qin Yanzhi kept wiping them, but there were still drops of hot tears dripping onto the back of his hands. They were so hot that they burned his heart and caused his Heart hurts.

How could she be unhappy!

"Wan'er" Qin Mozhi's mind instantly became clear. Looking at Gu Xiaowan's tears, Qin Mozhi only felt that someone was piercing her heart with a knife.

"Wan'er, don't cry, don't cry" Qin Mozhi awkwardly stroked Gu Xiaowan's tears, but the more gentle he was, the more tears in Gu Xiaowan's eyes became.

"Brother Xizhi, am I very bad, am I?" Gu Xiaowan said with her nose.

Now, she really feels bad about herself!

Selfish and selfish, just for oneself, completely ignoring Qin Yizhi’s thoughts. It has been three years since Jijing. It stands to reason that Gao Lianzhi was younger than himself and did what he did when he was deeply affectionate with Tang Shanzu. More than myself.

It seems that Gu Xiaowan is really following the old fashioned way, a little sticky.

"Where is Wan'er broken? Wan'er is not bad, Wan'er is very good!" Qin Yizhi didn't know why Gu Xiaowan was crying. At this moment, he could only coax her like a child, with a soft and gentle voice. It was like comforting a child, not to make her sad.

Gu Xiaowan's heart became more and more sad.

Without even thinking about it, she stretched out her hands and put her arms around Qin Mozhi's neck automatically, leaning herself against Qin Mozhi's body, and the two of them were facing each other.

Gu Xiaowan's slight warmth was placed on Qin Mozhi's face, like a fascination curse, and Qin Mozhi, who had just been lucid, fell into obsession again.

"Wan'er" Qin Mozhi's voice was a little depressed.

Gu Xiaowan's skin is very good, soft, soft, and warm, like a soft feather, across her smooth cheeks, giving the throbbing throbbing.

The impulse Qin Yizhi just suppressed is now making a comeback.

"Wan'er, do you know what you are doing?" Qin Yizhi suppressed the throbbing in his heart, strongly resisted the clamoring desire deep in his heart, and gently hugged Gu Xiaowan, like a joke, and said with a smile Such a sentence comes.

Gu Xiaowan's tears flowed down her cheeks to Qin Mozhi's face. Qin Mozhi wanted to push her away to see how she was doing.

I don’t know if Gu Xiaowan didn’t let go, Qin Yizhi didn’t dare to move, and now he is hard to protect himself. If he moves again, he really doesn’t know what to do next. If he scares the kitten again, he really All deaths are unavoidable.

Qin Mozhi smiled bitterly inside.

I could only step back a little bit to prevent Gu Xiaowan from getting so close. How did you know that Gu Xiaowan noticed his movements, and she squeezed forward.

Qin Mozhi was not prepared. The two-seater was also a round stool. Without a backrest, Qin Mozhi was nervous. At this moment, he stepped back and Gu Xiaowan leaned forward.

All the weight of Gu Xiaowan's body rested on Qin Mozhi's body. The round stool had no backrest. Qin Mozhi stepped back, his center of gravity was unstable, and he immediately planted back.

Take Gu Xiaowan and him all the way to the ground.

Qin Yizhi was panicked and lost the ability to think at all. He could only put his arms around the back of Gu Xiaowan's head, hugged her tightly in his arms, and fell straight back.

In Gu Xiaowan's exclamation, only a thump came from the bluestone slab.

It was the harsh sound made by Qin Mo's head hitting the bluestone slab, and Gu Xiaowan was lying on that soft body when she fell down because she was tightly hugged in her arms by Qin Yizhi. Suffer any damage.

Gu Xiaowan's heart sank when she heard the thumping sound of the bluestone slab. When she fell to the ground, she straightened up immediately and asked Qin Yizhi's condition: "Brother Yizhi, do you have any problems? Does the headache hurt? ?"

Qin Yizhi hugged him and fell to the ground. Although he fell to the ground while sitting down, he fell directly to the ground. After being hit on the back of his head, he was still a little dizzy.

Suddenly there was no reaction. Gu Xiaowan felt a little anxious when he saw that he didn't answer her own words. She stretched out one hand to check Qin Yizhi's injuries.

The two people lie on the ground head next to their heads, maintaining an ambiguous posture.

Qin Mozhi became clearer from the chaos just now, seeing the posture of the two now, his face immediately burned to the roots of his ears.

And the position where Gu Xiaowan’s leg rests is exactly

Qin Yi’s face turned red in an instant. Gu Xiaowan didn’t notice that much. Seeing Qin Yizhi’s blush, thinking that his injury was serious, she became more nervous: "Brother Yizhi, don’t scare Wan'er, are you okay? !"

"Wan'er, I'm fine." Qin Mozhi was really going to burn himself a stick of incense.

It's really a cocoon, and it's so tight!

I don't know if Liu Xiahui, who is mentioned in the book, can be like herself.

I am afraid that Liu Xiahui is facing the woman she doesn't like! Qin Yizhi ridiculed secretly, the beautiful woman was in his arms, and he was a woman he liked, and he was an adult man. How much self-control can he suppress the clamor in his heart!

After hearing Qin Mozhi's reply, Gu Xiaowan finally burst into laughter, and was about to get up from Qin Mozhi's body, but during that movement, she accidentally touched Qin Mozhi's sensitive part.

"His" Qin Mozhi whispered.

It fell in Gu Xiaowan's ears, thinking that he was hurting, and quickly sank down to see what happened to Qin Yizhi.

Qin Yuzhi couldn't stand it anymore, and this movement and silence had consumed all his concentration. If Gu Xiaowan was making a fuss, he really couldn't guarantee that he would do anything surprising later.

One of Qin Yi hugged Gu Xiaowan tightly and pulled her to her chest as if she were part of her body, and confined her to her chest fiercely, preventing her from moving halfway, and her voice was low and dark. Dumb, as if trying to endure some feelings: "Wan'er, don't move."

"Brother Yui"

"Wan'er, how much do you believe in Brother Yizhi! Brother Yizhi is an adult. If you move up and down again, I really can't guarantee what I will do."

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