The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1187: I only like you

Gao Daping happily said, it seems that the money for selling his daughter has already been in his pocket, and he can go to be chic.

"Father, what are you talking about!" Gao Lianzhi was anxious at the moment, with two thousand taels of silver, and said that she would not need to go back to her family in the future. Isn't this selling her daughter? What are you doing?

Gao Lianzhi couldn't listen anymore, grabbing Gao Daping and shouting angrily: "Father, I'm your daughter, how can you bear it!"

"Why can't I bear it? You silly girl, I'm doing it for you! I found you such a good husband's wife!" Gao Daping said angrily.

"Then dad, you said you are good for me. Have you ever asked me whether I like Gu Ning'an or do I want to marry Gu Ning'an!" Gao Lianzhi knew that he had done something wrong. All of her spearheads went to Gu Xiaowan, she couldn't bear it!

She does not want to marry Gu Ning'an, the person she likes is not Gu Ning'an!

My parents are good for her, so naturally they are willing to consider her well!

However, as soon as her words fell, Gao Daping roared: "You must marry if you marry, and you must marry if you don't marry!"

"But dad, I don't like Gu Ning'an!" Gao Lianzhi was about to cry, and her voice became sharp.

"Whoever got married has met each other, so I'll live a good life from now on!" Xu's family also came forward to comfort him.

"I don't, I don't!" Gao Lianzhi tried his best to break free from the shackles of the two, and came to Gu Xiaowan's side, crying: "Sister Xiaowan, I'm sorry, it's me who is not good, I can't frame you, I'm wrong! I am! wrong!"

Then turned to look at Gao Daping and his wife, crying with tears on their faces: "Father, mother, you all know that I don’t like Gu Ning’an. You all know that I have other people in my heart. Why do you want to dismantle us? what!"

Gao Lianzhi is crying with rain on pear blossoms, not to mention how lovely it is!

Her words were like a single stone igniting a thousand waves, and the whole village was boiling.

The person Gao Lianzhi likes is not Gu Ning'an, who would it be!

"Nonsense, you are a girl's house, and the door is not open all day long. What do you talk about like or not, you are still a girl's house, you know you are ashamed!" Xu quickly relieved the siege and talked. Go to Gao Lianzhi's side, winking at her constantly and beckoning her to stop talking.

However, Gao Lianzhi was bound to be on the fence with the two of them this time. She also understood that her father and mother must let themselves marry Gu Ning'an.

Gao Lianzhi thought of all the things that had happened in so many days, the more he thought about it, the more embarrassed it became, and the more he thought about it, the more embarrassed it became. Now, the family members are targeting Sister Gu Xiaowan again. Sister Gu Xiaowan, who is still arrogant, is nothing, so unpleasant. .

Gao Lianzhi couldn't listen anymore. Sister Gu Xiaowan was involved in helping herself and Tang's affairs. You can't blame her, you can't blame her!

At that time, I was determined to do it, and it had nothing to do with Sister Xiaowan!

Moreover, when his parents scolded so badly, Xiao Wan's sister hadn't told her story yet, how could Gao Lianzhi stay silent!

The words of the family were getting worse and worse. Gu Xiaowan still listened. Gao Lianzhi couldn't listen anymore. She stood up and stood in front of Gu Xiaowan, as if trying to stop the abuse from Gao Daping and his wife, crying and roaring. : "Father, mother, don't blame the Gu family for all these things, blame me, blame me!"

"If Gu Ning'an hadn't saved me who fell into the water, he wouldn't be forced by you to marry me! Sister Xiaowan is for my good, so she will discuss with me how to make you dispel Gu Ning'an. The idea of ​​marrying me, hunger strike, death or life, are all my own thoughts, all of which have nothing to do with sister Xiaowan!" Gao Lianzhi shouted out, tears still hanging in the corner of her eyes.

When Gao Daping and Xu saw that their daughter was actually on Gu Xiaowan’s side, they raised their legs tall and flat and kicked them on Gao Lianzhi's body. How could they have thought that this kick did not hit Gao Lianzhi's body. She was blocked by another person.

Gao Daping's angry kick just now used a lot of strength, and the person who was kicked lowered his head and heard a muffled grunt.

"Big Brother Tang" Gao Lianzhi was held tightly in his arms, avoiding the foot that Gao Daping had just now, and threw himself into the familiar warm embrace, Gao Lianzhi returned tightly, tightly with Tang Shanzu Hug each other.

Everyone's eyes widened, their mouths widened, and they looked at this scene in amazement.

what happened?

Didn’t I just say that Gao Lianzhibing is clear and jealous, and is going to marry Gu Ning’an?

Who is this strange man who appeared out of thin air?

Seeing him and Gao Lianzhi look like they are very familiar with each other!

Everyone craned their necks, all wanting to see the face of the man who hugged Gao Lianzhi tightly.

"Tang Shanzu, you bastard!" Seeing that he was someone he knew, Gao Daping hugged Gao Lianzhi, his face turned green with anger, and he stepped forward to kick again.

Ahmad on the side hurriedly stepped forward to stop him. Gao Daping could not vent his inner anger, so he could only use his mouth to vent.

"Tang Shanzu, you bastard, you let go of my daughter, you let go of my daughter! You bastard, bastard, you let go of my daughter!" Gao Daping was blaming Tang Shanzu for being a bastard.

The Xu clan was also angry, and went to the ground to pull Tang Shanzu frantically. Just as Ahmad stopped Gao Daping, the Xu clan had already stepped forward over there, grabbing Tang Shanzu’s clothes and pulling his hair, and he was about to be taken from him. Gao Lianzhi was dragged away by his side: "Go away, go away, don't tarnish the reputation of my girl, go away, you pauper!"

"Mother, I like him, I want to marry him!" In order to prevent himself from hurting Gao Lianzhi, Tang Shanzu didn't make any struggling when he started his hand. Under Xu's actions, he let go of his arms. Gao Lianzhi's hand was about to leave her side.

"Liu'er" Tang Shanzu let go, and those two lines of tears slipped from his eye sockets and dripped onto the back of Gao Lianzhi's hand, hot.

The hot Gao Lianzhi's heart was about to melt.

Gao Lianzhi looked at the face of her beloved, and only felt that she had spent her life like this. If she left Tang Shanzu and married someone else, she would not be happy in this lifetime. Things have become the current situation. Fight, she wants to fight!

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