The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1149: Good long

Since Gao Lianzhi turned ten years old, Gao was urged by his elder brother to ask her to find a good person, take more gifts and marry this daughter!

The Gao family was just a woman in the village. Nowhere have I seen the kind of wealthy and powerful people, but I have not found them.

This time, as soon as Gu Ning'an came back, the head of Village Liang thought of the incident.

If Gao Lianzhi caught Gu Ning'an's eyes, wouldn't Gao Lianzhi marry Gu's family?

It not only satisfies the Gao family's idea of ​​selling women at a high price, but also fulfills his purpose of ingratiating Gu Xiaowan.

It's like killing two birds with one stone!

As soon as Gao finished listening, he couldn't hear from ear to ear. No, they came the next day.

The Gao family brought Gao Lianzhi home, and then village chief Liang saw that he had a Gao Lianzhi he hadn't seen for several years, and now he became more and more slim, and he nodded in satisfaction.

Don't say, this Gao Lian's long branch is still the same as her name.

Like a weak Liu Fufeng, she is charming and charming.

Now that he is twelve years old, he is even more charming.

Such a delicate beauty

Village Chief Liang looked at it, with a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth, but he couldn't stop laughing.

Gao Lianzhi knew how beautiful she was, and when she walked in the village, no matter who she was, she would look at her more unconsciously.

From childhood to adulthood, she grew up with her father and mother in her hands and her brother in his mouth, and her life is very carefree.

"Liu'er, come, come, come to my uncle, it's so big, it's really more and more beautiful!" Seeing that the child has been fluttering with big eyes and not speaking, the head of Village Liang seems to shrink. , Hurriedly said with a smile: "You haven't been here for a long time to play with your aunt. In the past few days, if your brother Dabao is not at home, you can stay with your aunt at home!"

Gao Lianzhi had been staying well at home, but he asked himself to follow his aunt without asking.

Gao Lianzhi was very puzzled.

This aunt's house had been here many years ago. It has been a long time since she has been here. After listening to her uncle, Gao Lianzhi looked at her aunt again and saw that her aunt had been smiling lovingly at herself.

The hanging heart of Gao Lianzhi just let go.

"Yes, uncle, I must be with auntie!" Gao Lianzhi and Gao are quite familiar with each other, so they are naturally affectionate.

After talking here, the Gao family took Gao Lianzhi to the house where she was going to live during this time.

Gao Lianzhi is ready to wear clothes and jewelry in the room.

That Gao Lianzhi saw that he had arrived at his aunt's house, wearing new clothes and new jewelry, which was a little strange!

Looking at the pair of jewelry, Gao asked her to change it. Gao Lian did not move, frowning and said, "Aunt, why are you so good to me? I can't ask for these things!"

This Gao Lianzhi has always lived happily, and no one has said her purpose in front of her, and no one knows her parents' plans.

Therefore, Gao Lianzhi always thought that he was the jewel in the hands of the Gao family, and didn't know all the twists and turns.

Nowadays, seeing that I was brought to Wuxi Village alone by my aunt, as well as new clothes and jewelry, I felt faintly uneasy.

"Aunt, what are all these going to do?" Gao Lianzhi asked suspiciously.

"You stupid boy, this is what my aunt prepared for you, new clothes and new jewelry, here, go and try it!" Seeing that she was not moved by these new clothes and new jewelry, Gao cried secretly. This dead girl.

Gao Lianzhi remained motionless, shaking his head like a rattle: "Auntie, I can't ask for this thing!"

Someone has told her that you must not ask for this kind of gift from others!

Don't Gao Lianzhi!

"Why don't you?" Gao was a little confused. How could this child be a silly? If a girl saw this beautiful clothes and jewelry, why didn't this child want it!

"No merit is not rewarded!" Gao Lianzhi said blushing while looking at his toes.

"Oh, did your parents let you read?" The Gao clan snorted in surprise. This maiden brother and sister-in-law really spent a lot of money on finding a good wife for this girl!

However, it's okay, as long as this girl finds a good husband's house, all the money spent before will be earned back in one day.

But it's just a girl. Marrying to a good man's house is also good for her!

When Gao Lianzhi heard the Gao clan looking at herself strangely and suspiciously, her little face blushed, for fear that she would see any clues, her head would be lowered to her chest.

"No, aunt, I only heard people talk about it occasionally!"

Gao Lianzhi blushed, her little face flushed, not to mention how lovely it was.

There is also the shyness and fear that flashes from time to time in those big eyes. If this is a man, it will definitely immediately sprout the desire to protect her.

This maiden brother and sister-in-law taught really well, at such a young age, a pair of eyes will catch people!

Gao looked more and more satisfied, took a silver hairpin he bought, came to Gao Lianzhi's side, inserted it in her hair, smiled lovingly and said, "Silly boy, I am your aunt. What kind of credit do I need to give you something? Aunt gave you this!"

That silver hairpin is the style that girls like now. On the hairpin, there is a string of red tassels hanging from the head. It looks very beautiful.

Gao Lianzhi was dragged into the room by the Gao clan, and when he changed his clothes, he dressed up and dressed, and Gao Lianzhi became more and more like a different person.

For Gao Lianzhi, one set was red and the other was blue.

Today, the girl is wearing a set of red. Look at the red tassels hanging down from the silver hairpin on her head. They complement each other perfectly, saying that the whole person is like a fairy walking out of a painting.

After the Gao watched it, he praised, such a beautiful girl, I don't know what kind of incense the elder brother and sister-in-law burned in their previous life.

With this appearance, let alone marrying a good person, as long as the status is better, maybe you can enter the palace as a mother.

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