The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1143: Go to my house

Village Chief Liang had other plans in his heart, but they all had something to do with this person, so he wanted to clear up his suspicions with Gu Xiaowan as soon as possible.

Gu Xiaowan's current status, but the head of Anping County, can't afford to offend her, and she finally went back and forth to Wuxi Village, and she couldn't hurry up and seize this opportunity to communicate with her.

When the village chief's wife saw something about her own master, Gu Xiaowan stopped talking, and she frowned, looking at the old house of Gu family with disgust.

This became more and more determined in my heart to take Gu Xiaowan to live in his own home.

"Yeah, Xiaowan, I still have a lot of houses in my house. It's okay for all of you to live together!" Village Chief Liang’s wife hurried over at the sign of Village Chief Liang, wanting Persuade Gu Xiaowan to live in her own home.

Seeing that there was no expression on Gu Xiaowan's face, the head of Liang Village's wife was a little frustrated. After Gu Xiaowan became the head of Anping County, this frame was really scary!

Village Chief Liang's wife was a little frightened. This unconscious whole person stooped and hunched over. Village Chief Liang turned his head and glanced at her. Seeing her unpromising appearance, she gave her a blank look.

Gu Xiaowan also glanced at Village Chief Liang expressionlessly, and frowned when she saw this person's flattery.

Village Chief Liang saw that Gu Xiaowan was silent, so he turned to look at Gu Ning'an.

Gu Ning'an was also admitted as a talent, and after this, I am afraid that he will also embark on an official career.

Village Chief Liang stretched out, looking at Gu Ningan's bookish look, he felt that Gu Ningan was much better than Gu Ziwen in Gu Chuanlu's family.

Gu Ziwen looked proud, for fear that others would not know that he was a talent, let alone how proud he was.

He didn't put him in the eyes of the village chief at all, but now looking at this Gu Ning'an, the whole person seems to be polite, without the dullness of that noble son, and triumphant as a scholar!

Village Chief Liang looked at it, and Gu Ning'an was a hundred times stronger than Gu Ziwen, so he hit Gu Ning'an again with the abacus in his heart.

Seeing that I couldn't get close to Gu Xiaowan, I could only step back a few steps and head towards Gu Ning'an again.

"Ning'an, congratulations, congratulations, this time, you have been admitted to the scholarship, but the glory of our village." Village Chief Liang said excitedly, with a triumphant expression, it seems that Gu Ningan was admitted to the scholarship with him. Does it matter?

Gu Ning'an saw Village Chief Liang walking towards him with a flattering expression. Like Gu Xiaowan, his brows were also curled tightly.

Gu Ning'an couldn't be more familiar with who Mr. Liang's family was.

It's a person who is afraid that others will get half of the benefits and will get half from others. Moreover, last time his sister had happened again in his hands.

My sister was almost burned to death. It was all the ideas of the village head Liang. That said, Gu Xiaowan was the fortune teller of the disaster star in the village, and it was also the head of Village Liang invited!

I don't know how much benefit this village chief Liang gave the fortune teller!

Nowadays, Gu's family is getting better and better, so how can Chief Liang not get on the pole and flattery.

Besides, they came to Wuxi Village. As the head of the village, Village Chief Liang naturally wanted to flatter Gu's family.

Gu Ning'an didn't have a good impression of this person, and when he saw him smiling at him, a faint flash of disgust flashed from the corner of his eyes.

Village Chief Liang is a personal spirit, so he naturally saw the disgust in Gu Ning'an's eyes. He was a little angry, but he didn't dare to show it. There was a smile on his face, pretending that he didn't see it.

Uncle Zhang was lifted down by Stone and Gu Ningping, and sat on a chair with wheels. The chair was like a cart, but could still walk.

Gu Xiaowan specially asked the carpenter to customize it for Uncle Zhang. In this case, Uncle Zhang is also convenient.

Uncle Zhang got this chair at the time, and he could walk around as long as he slipped the wheel, and he didn't need much effort, so he was so happy.

Moreover, Gu Xiaowan has made a gentle **** for all the steps in the Gu Garden, which can facilitate wheelchairs to move around.

Everyone saw that Uncle Zhang was sitting in a wheelchair, and he could move freely back and forth by turning the wheel. They were all curious, pointing to the chair where Uncle Zhang was sitting and talking.

The focus of Village Chief Liang is not on the wheelchair, but Gu Xiaowan and the others!

Now Gu Xiaowan's family of four, Uncle Zhang's family of three, Gu Fangxi, Qin Yizhi, and the young offspring who didn't know much about them all came to Wuxi.

This is a great opportunity to get close to Gu Xiaowan!

Such an opportunity is here.

How could Chief Liang let it go!

So he enthusiastically stepped forward to greet Uncle Zhang: "Brother Zhang family, you are all back!"

That Uncle Zhang is not a good temper. He rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, "What? Chief Liang, can't we come back here in Wuxi Village?"

"No, no, I didn't mean that!" Seeing Uncle Zhang's politeness, Village Chief Liang waved his hand and said with a smile: "No, I mean you have left Wuxi Village for so long, but you are really rare visitors. !"

"It seems that Village Chief Liang has forgotten why we left Wuxi Village!" Aunt Zhang, who was next to Gu Xiaowan, walked behind Uncle Zhang, pushed her wheelchair, and said with an indignant expression: Mr. Liang, you burned the fire and drove Gu Xiaowan out of Wuxi Village. Didn’t we, we were also driven out by you!”

"It's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!" Village Chief Liang quickly explained, "Isn't this a misunderstanding in the past!"

"Misunderstanding?" When Aunt Zhang heard this, she raised her brows, glanced unceremoniously at the onlookers who were familiar with the villagers in the past, and said loudly: "Xiao Wan took you to make a fortune, but you avenge your grievances and think she is a disaster. Xing, she almost burned her to death. This is a misunderstanding? We are familiar with the Gu family, so you think that we are also affected by disaster and drive us out of Wuxi Village. How could this be a misunderstanding!"

Seeing Aunt Zhang brought up the things of the year again, her face was full of indignation. Not only her, but the people around her were also angry.

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