The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1133: I will protect her forever

"Sister, I don’t know if I like Yushu or not, and I don’t know what happened to myself. Anyway, the time when she was knocked to the ground by me, her big eyes flashed when she looked at me, it seems All of a sudden, I looked into my heart! From now on, in my heart, it has taken root and sprouted."

There is pain and joy in Gu Ningping's eyes. He doesn't understand, is this a liking or something else?

But he knew that he was happy when he saw Yushu, and he was happy when he saw Yushu!

"Sister, can this be said to be like it?" Gu Ningping asked Gu Xiaowan doubtfully.

But seeing his hesitating eyes, there was a dazzling strange look.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the younger brother who had become a lover, smiled and said, "If this person is someone you want to protect with your life, and you want to protect it forever. You should like it!"

Thinking of Qin Yuzhi desperately trying to protect himself, wouldn't it be like Gu Ningping?

"Sister, as long as I see Yushu, I feel happy. As long as I see her, I am happy. I want to stay by her side. Always protect her!" Gu Ningping said with longing.

Gu Xiaowan blinked and looked at her affectionate brother. Suddenly, I thought of Tan Yushu's identity.

Now looking at Tan Yushu standing in front of him, Gu Xiaowan has mixed feelings.

"Sister Xiaowan, will Brother Ningping forgive me?" Tan Yushu asked Gu Xiaowan not to speak again. This time, the expression in his eyes became even more miserable.

I want to stay by her side and protect her all the time.

I don't know why, Gu Xiaowan thought of what Gu Ningping said to herself again, and the smile and longing on her face when she said this sentence.

Immediately afterwards, the picture turned, and I remembered Gu Ningping's panic and uncomfortable look when he learned of Tan Yushu's identity.

At the thought of this, Gu Xiaowan only felt that she was heartbroken.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't help feeling a little distressed when she thought that Qin Yizhi had been injured for saving herself.

Looking at Tan Yushu's sad look, she was really helpless.

This is the matter of these two children. She really can't replace Gu Ningping to comfort Tan Yushu. What Gu Ningping thinks in her heart can only be asked by Tan Yushu.

Gu Xiaowan comforted Tan Yushu for a while, just when Ayu came in.

After telling Ayu to take good care of Tan Yushu, Gu Xiaowan came to Qin Yizhi's room.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Qin Yizhi sitting on the stool, taking off the clothes on it, and there was a striking long narrow wound on that Ying's back.

It was still bleeding outside, and the flesh turned out.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't control such a long knife, and she immediately covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying, but the tears were like broken beads, falling one by one.

Qin Yizhi heard the sound, turned his head, and saw Gu Xiaowan's tearful look, his brows frowned.

He opened his hand quickly, ignoring that Ahmad was applying medicine to him, and came to Gu Xiaowan's side in three steps in two steps, holding Gu Xiaowan in his arms with a long hand.

"Wan'er don't cry!" Qin Mozhi's voice was soft, he was so badly injured, but instead came to comfort himself. Gu Xiaowan was afraid that she would accidentally touch his wound, and quickly broke free of his embrace.

"Let's go, I'll give you medicine!" After speaking, Gu Xiaowan took Qin Yizhi's hand and came to the seat just now, but Ahmad was holding something in his hand.

Gu Xiaowan carefully wiped Qin Yizhi's wound gently, for fear that she would accidentally hurt him!

Qin Yizhi saw that Gu Xiaowan hadn't spoken, knowing that this time she really scared the little cat, so she hurriedly said, "Don't be afraid, I'm fine! Wan'er"

The more Qin Mozhi comforted, Gu Xiaowan couldn't stop her tears!

I couldn't see clearly before my eyes, so I could only wipe the tears in my eye sockets severely.

Then, he forcibly held back his tears, not letting them fall, and then blindfolded his eyes again, so that he could not see the medicine for Qin Yi.

Gu Xiaowan's wiping movements became softer, and the only thing she could do right now was to minimize Qin Yizhi's pain.

But such a deep hole

Gu Xiaowan twitched her nose, her nose sour, and she resisted her tears.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan didn't answer her own words, Qin Yizhi turned her back quickly. Looking at her slap-sized face, and the tears on her face, Qin Mozhi was also uncomfortable.

Holding her hand, blindfolded her, not wanting her to look at her wounds anymore.

"Hey, don't look, let Ahmad come in, okay?" Looking at Gu Xiaowan's sad and weeping look, Qin Yizhi only felt that his heart hurts a thousand or ten thousand times more than a knife.

He once said that he would never make the kitten sad again, but why did he break his promise all at once?

Gu Xiaowan felt even more uncomfortable when he saw him covering her eyes and not allowing herself to see the wound.

"Brother Yizhi, I'll come." Gu Xiaowan stretched out her hand from Qin Yizhi's hand and wiped the tears from her face again. She couldn't cry anymore, and crying again would really delay the application of medicine by Brother Yizhi!

Gu Xiaowan made up her mind, she must devote all her attention to helping Qin Yizhi rub the medicine.

But the teardrops in the eyes were wiped clean, and the eyes became clear. Now I can see the wounds on Qin Yizhi's chest!

"Brother Yuzhi" stopped tears just now, and it all fell like a downpour.

Gu Xiaowan's tears flowed down her cheeks, and she tightly covered her mouth, looking at the deep and shallow wounds on his arms, shoulders, and chest.

Gu Xiaowan was more saddened as she watched, wishing that these wounds were all on her body to help Qin Mozhi relieve the pain.

With tears blurring, Gu Xiaowan seemed to see the scene again.

The wound behind Qin Yizhi was stabbed by a life-threatening swordsman when he threw himself in front of him desperately to save him.

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