The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1130: Blood Vengeance

After finishing speaking, Tan Yexing glanced gratefully at the people standing beside Tan Yushu.

When he saw a handsome man with a silver mask covering the upper half of his face, Tan Yexing glanced at him, instinctively that this man is very familiar, especially the long and narrow Danfeng eyes, like Where have I seen it in general.

However, Tan Yexing can't take care of that much anymore, and business matters now.

Jin Dingtian seems to know some things back then!

Tan Yexing's eyes narrowed again, and he turned his hands towards Gu Xiaowan and said, "I thank you for being kind to Yushu, and I will definitely thank you all when I finish my affairs."

Then I saw Tan Yexing escorting the Jin family to the Jin family without looking back.

The people watching the excitement followed all the way. The sword that Tan Yexing put on Jin Dingtian's neck just now cut the blood from Jin Dingtian, and everyone did not miss it!

Moreover, Tan Yexing also said that he would close the Jin family. Everyone cheered and followed Tan Yexing all the way to the Jin family.

Fortunately, the soldiers said that they would give the people of Liujiazhen peace and tranquility, and they would punish the evil and promote good for Liujiazhen. Those people left with great gratitude.

Gu Xiaowan saw Tan Yexing hurriedly escorting Jin Dingtian away. Before leaving, Gu Xiaowan didn't miss Tan Yexing's sad, stunned and angry look.

That appearance seemed to be an expression that would only have blood and blood for killing one's close relatives.

Just now, Tan Yexing had forcibly suppressed his inner anger, and this did not kill Jin Dingtian.

Thinking of what Jin Dingtian said mysteriously to Tan Yexing just now, Gu Xiaowan's expression sank.

And Qin Yizhi looked at the direction Tan Yexing was leaving, thinking about what the two of them had just said. In those words, it seemed that Jin Dingtian knew something, and this was the answer Tan Yexing had been looking for.

Only then can Tan Yexing's thunderous appearance be seen.

Qin Yizhi and Tan Yexing are also old acquaintances.

It's just that Qin Mozhi and Tan Yexing are not in the same army, but face north and south.

However, Tan Yexing's prestige was so thunderous throughout the Qing Dynasty, even the old King Qin at that time praised Tan Yexing as a hero!

However, afterwards, Tan Yexing's only son, Tan Ying, devoted himself bravely while spying on news from the enemy country. His wife who went with him at that time also died along with him.

Tan Yexing was embarrassed, and the corpses of Tan Ying and his wife were in different places, and they were hung in the forefront of the march by the enemy's clamor, just to make Tan Yexing lose his mind and attack the city in one fell swoop.

I heard that in that battle, almost all the enemy troops came out, thinking that Tan Yexing would disturb his mind and destroy himself.

But who would have thought that after wiping a tear, Tan Yexing stepped on the horse, turned all the sadness for his son and daughter-in-law into a force value, and killed the provoking enemy army.

The battle lasted for one day and one night. At the end, it rained, and there were dead bodies and blood everywhere.

When the rain fell on the ground, it turned into a river of blood. I heard that it flowed into the river and dyed the whole river red.

After snatched the corpse of his son and daughter-in-law, he was sutured by a military doctor, but the corpse was incomplete.

The abdominal cavity of Tan Ying and his wife was completely opened by the enemy, and all the internal organs were hollowed out. It is said that the military doctor who stitched up the body was crying and vomiting while sewing.

You can imagine how magnificent the scene was.

Later, Tan Yexing held Tan Yushu, who was waiting to be fed, and sat in front of the bodies of Tan Ying and his wife all night.

The next day, when Tan Yexing came out, his hair was all white.

From then on, Tan Yexing remained the same as before, leading soldiers to fight, as if nothing happened.

Qin Yizhi looked at Tan Yexing's furiously leaving back, thoughtfully.

Several soldiers were left behind to clean up the men in black at the gate of Jinfu Tower.

The deadly swordsman was the target that the government had been arresting. Although two ran away, eight died.

Everyone returned to Jinfu Tower, Tan Yushu has been following Gu Xiaowan, keeping his head down without saying a word.

With the appearance of Tan Yexing just now, Gu Ningping has not recovered from the shock.

After entering the Jinfu Building, he went back to the room without saying a word to anyone.

Including Tan Yushu!

Since Tan Yushu came in, he has always wanted to say something to Gu Ningping, but seeing his dull look, he didn't know what to say, so he could only bite his lip and looked at Gu Ningping aggrievedly.

Gu Ningping did not look back, nor glanced at Tan Yushu, so he went back to the room directly.

Tan Yushu saw Gu Ningping and left without looking back. At first, he held his head high, looking expectantly at Gu Ningping’s back. When Gu Ningping returned to the room and the door closed behind him, Tan Yushu This is just like a frustrated ball.

He drooped his head, bit his lips tightly, and his face was pale. The eye sockets were full of tears, which might fall anytime, anywhere.

Gu Xiaowan saw Tan Yushu's sad and sad look, and then looked at Gu Ningping's stunned look just now, she secretly sighed in her heart.

Gu Xiaowan glanced at Tan Yushu, and suddenly she knelt down: "Princess Lord"

When everyone saw Gu Xiaowan's action, they knelt down and directly called the princess.

Except for Ahmad and Qin Mozhi, they have been standing by without any movement.

Then Tan Yushu saw that Gu Xiaowan actually knelt down for herself, and those people also kneeled down for herself. In the past, they were the best people playing with themselves, laughing and playing with themselves, like good friends.

However, at this moment, they looked at themselves in awe and called their princess, and Tan Yushu cried distressedly.

Seeing Tan Yushu crying, Ayu first comforted Tan Yushu, and then went to help Gu Xiaowan: "Anping county lord, my princess did not intend to conceal everyone. Don't get me wrong!"

Tan Yushu wiped away his tears, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Gu Xiaowan: "Sister Xiaowan, I am not good, it is all my bad, I should not hide my identity from you, it's all my bad!"

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