The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1119: Ninh Binh wakes up

If there is a gap in Tan Yushu, I am afraid

Gu Xiaowan looked at Qin Mozhi as if asking for help, and she saw Qin Mozhi nodding to her silently, as if acquiescing to Tan Yushu's request.

Seeing that Qin Yizhi had agreed, Gu Xiaowan had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, Yushu, you will take care of Ning Ping, but if your body can't bear it, you have to go back and rest immediately, don't hurt your body!"

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's consent, Tan Yushu quickly wiped away the tears from his face, and said happily, "I know, sister Xiaowan!"

After saying this, Tan Yushu turned his head to look at the unconscious New Year Ping, the tears blurred his eyes again, and said sadly: "Brother Ning Ping suffered such a serious injury because of me, and my injury is counted as such. What's up?"

Seeing that she insisted on this, Gu Xiaowan had to give up.

Tan Yushu really did what she said. From that night on, she stayed in front of Gu Ningping’s bed, feeding him medicine, feeding him, changing the dressing, and wiping, except for changing clothes, etc. Almost all of Gu Ningping's affairs have been contracted.

When Gu Xiaowan saw her intentions like this, she also knew that looking back at Ning Ping's decision to save her regardless of his own life and death, it also made her understand that Gu Ningping really treats her like a life.

After this incident, Gu Xiaowan no longer worries about Gu Ningping and Tan Yushu.

She no longer felt that Gu Ningping's identity was not worthy of Tan Yushu!

If you really like someone, you don't even have to live.

If the other party refuses to fall in love under the pretext of being high or low, then it can only be said that Tan Yushu is not good enough for Gu Ningping!

With Tan Yushu's caring day and night, Gu Ningping finally woke up quietly.

Gu Ningping opened his eyes faintly, and with this look, he saw the warm bed curtain.

He immediately reacted, this is Jinfu Building, this is his room.

When I thought about the scene of Gu Xiaowan and her master coming to rescue him in Jin Mansion before he fell into a coma, and the stern cry of Tan Yushu, Gu Ningping felt worried.

How is Yushu?

In order to save herself, she was slapped by the **** family!

Thinking of this, Gu Ningping was still thinking about lying on the bed, and immediately got up.

He lifted his body, but as soon as he supported his body with his hands, the sharp pain from the arm made him fall again.

Hearing the movement, Tan Yushu, who had been resting in front of the bed, woke up immediately and looked up.

When I saw Gu Ningping's eyes widened, he fixedly looked at himself.

Tan Yushu was shocked at first, and then ecstasy. After ecstasy, he burst into tears of joy and threw himself on Gu Ningping's body. However, considering the injury of Gu Ningping's body, he didn't dare to use much strength and tears of excitement flowed. Come out: "Brother Ninh Binh, you finally woke up!"

Gu Ningping was stunned at first, but still a little stunned.

He didn't expect that when he opened his eyes and the first person he saw was the Tan Yushu he was thinking of, Gu Ningping's brain was not enough.

He clearly felt that Tan Yushu raised his head in front of his bed.

Gu Ningping thought of this, and his heart was ecstatic.

"Jade Shu, why are you here? Are you always by my side to take care of me?"

Gu Ningping was a little stunned, looking at Tan Yushu's already black eye sockets, he was even more convinced of his own ideas.

Gu Ningping couldn't close the corners of his mouth, and he kept smiling.

When Gu Xiaowan saw him awake, the stone in her heart fell to the ground.

Dr. Pan said that as long as Gu Ningping wakes up, and then lets him move his injured hand slightly, he can see if there is any serious problem.

Under Dr. Pan's instructions, Gu Ningping moved every finger slightly. Doctor Pan looked at it and said with a smile: "Well, don't worry, it's okay, it's okay, it didn't hurt your bones, this is a blessing in misfortune!"

Doctor Pan said that he was fine, he did not hurt his muscles and bones, and there was nothing wrong with Gu you and Ping's hand. The stones in everyone's hearts fell to the ground, and he was waiting for Gu Ningping to heal his skin trauma.

A few more days passed, and Gu Ningping was able to walk down with Tan Yushu's support.

The relationship between Gu Xiaowan and Qin Mozhi originally planned for Minshan was also shelved because of this matter.

Gu Ningping was so badly injured, Gu Xiaowan would never leave Gu Ningping and run out by herself.

Qin Mozhi naturally knew Gu Xiaowan's thoughts, so he also paid attention to going there next time!

Everyone wanted to wait for Gu Ningping to recover before returning to Liu Jiazhen, but who thought

On this day, before the sky was dimly bright, the entire Jinfu Tower was surrounded by a group of people.

Because it was still dark, there were no people on the streets of Ruixian, except for some people who rushed to the morning market, the whole Ruixian was quiet.

Gu Xiaowan and the others were also awakened by the skyrocketing fire outside in their deep sleep. Gu Xiaowan looked outside, and she saw a crowd of black and heavy people.

He held a torch in his hand, illuminating the whole street.

Gu Xiaowan was shocked, and saw that the whole Jinfu Tower was shocked.

Aunt Zhang, Gu Fangxi, and the others, all came over, and heard the noise outside, and asked Gu Xiaowan what happened.

"Xiaowan, what's going on? Why are so many people coming outside?"

Without even thinking about it, Gu Xiaowan guessed that these people were definitely sent by the Jin family.

When everyone got dressed and went downstairs, the nearest Qin Yi had already arrived downstairs and was about to open the door.

Seeing him heading alone, Gu Xiaowan rushed up and shouted: "Brother Yizhi, let's go with you!"

Qin Yizhi turned his head to look at Gu Xiaowan and the others, and said with a smile, "You are inside, don't come out."

Gu Xiaowan had seen the people who came outside. They were either carrying knives or swords in their hands. There were also many people with bows and arrows on their backs. Qin Yizhi went out alone, and Gu Xiaowan didn’t do anything. worried.

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