This boy looks very young, about the age of a human being in his teens, and has warm blond hair.

Although he looks very young, his aura is very mature and stable.

His eyes were looking at Bai Ye up and down. There was no emotion, anger or thoughts in his expression. He was obviously very intelligent.

This young boy is the leader of the Loki Familia, one of the two strongest Familia in Orario!

However, he only looks like a boy. In fact, he is a small human, so he looks very short and thin.

If Bai Ye remembers correctly, this leader, who is from a small human race, should be in his early 40s this year, right?

"Hello, are you the one who wants to make that 'maybe hundreds of millions of Wallis' deal with our Loki Familia?" the leader of the small human tribe asked with a smile.

"That's right."

The voice that came out from under the cloak was not Bai Ye's own, but the voice of an older man that he used a voice changer to speak, so it seemed a bit vicissitudes of life.

"That's great, my name is Finn Danner, just call me Captain Finn!"

Finn said: "So, I wonder what kind of deal you want to make with us?"

"I heard that there is a potion called the 'panacea' in the dungeon, which can completely heal the user's injuries, replenish the magic power, and even bring the dead back to life——"

Saying this slowly, Bai Ye took out a white porcelain bottle from under his cloak.

"This is a potion I created. Although it cannot restore magic power, it can bring people back from the door of death with just one breath..."

Finn's expression changed from indifferent at first to seriousness, and finally his eyes flashed, and his hands on the table clenched tightly.

Bai Ye secretly praised the calmness and quality of the little human leader, and then continued: "I call it 'Tears of the Phoenix', and this is what I want to trade with the noble family!"


Finn took a deep breath, the expression on his face was slightly shaken, but he still remained calm, "I see, is this a degraded version of the 'panacea'? It is indeed a very precious medicine -"

"...I heard you say just now that you made this?"

Bai Ye couldn't help but stare, and looked at Finn with admiration in his eyes.

The panacea does indeed exist in the world of this dungeon. As mentioned before, it can bring the dead back to life and restore magic power at the same time. It is a very powerful potion!

But precisely because this potion is so powerful, it is extremely expensive, and it is very difficult to refine.

Once a bottle appears, it will be robbed immediately.

Therefore, it often results in a price but no market, and for a long time, no bottle will appear on the market!

As for Bai Ye's 'Tears of the Phoenix', except that it cannot restore magic power, it has almost the same effect of bringing the dead back to life. It is naturally very precious to Captain Finn's eyesight.

If ordinary people heard about this kind of potion, they would probably break their heads and lose their fortune to get it, and they would have to put everything aside.

However, the captain, he was thinking of Bai Ye, the pharmacist who created this.

In other words, this leader is not only calm about changes, but also has a long-term vision.

Should I say that he is worthy of being the leader of the Loki Familia?

"That's true, but my deal doesn't include myself!"

"Really? That's such a shame!"

Finn's face showed deep regret, and his expression was very sincere and not fake at all, because in his opinion, it was indeed the case.

A pharmacist who can refine the 'Tears of the Phoenix' is far more valuable than a bottle of 'Tears of the Phoenix'!

Finn quickly regained his composure, and the same warm smile as before appeared on his face again, "No way! Then, let's talk about the reward!"

In other words, he agreed to the 'Tears of the Phoenix' deal.

As for the transaction involving Hakuno himself, who knows if it is as 'no way' as he said... Maybe, he is now thinking about how to absorb Hakuye into the family!

With such a pharmacist in the family, not to mention that the lives of his companions are more protected, the pharmacist itself is a huge wealth!

A faint smile appeared on Bai Ye's face.

"To be honest, I feel that there is something I need in the noble family, so I proposed this deal. If possible, I would like to use that thing as payment!"

"Oh? Is that so?" Finn was stunned for a moment, but then he frowned, "This is a bit difficult. I don't know what you want..."

"Well, how about we go take a look first? If you came in after feeling the existence of that thing, then you should also feel where the thing is now, right?" Finn suggested.

"Of course no problem!" Bai Ye cheered up.

"Then, please come this way!"

Finn stood up and led Bai Ye out of the office, "Please!"

Bai Ye nodded, and then sensed the direction of the debris, then raised his feet and walked forward.

Finn followed Bai Ye without any complaints, but he was thinking in his heart whether he should call his unreliable main god back and let her try to absorb this pharmacist into the family...

After coming out of one building and entering another, Finn's expression started to look strange, but he didn't say anything.

And when Bai Ye stopped at the door of a certain room in this building, Finn finally felt very helpless.

Chapter 86 The expedition one month later (fourth update)

In front of Mahogany's door, Bai Ye stood here.

He could feel that something in this room was calling him strongly.

In other words, the fragment must be inside.

"This is it!" Bai Ye affirmed.

"Here, that's a bit troublesome..." Finn said with a wry smile.

"What's going on here? Is there any difficulty?" Bai Ye asked in surprise.

"Indeed it is!"

Fenn sighed and said to Bai Ye: "Actually, this tower is the residence of female adventurers. It is nothing to do originally, but unfortunately, the owner of this room will not come back in the past two days!"

Bai Ye was stunned after hearing this. He won't be back in the next few days?

After hearing what Finn said, Bai Ye immediately thought of the girl from the Loki Familia he met on the 18th floor of the dungeon - Ais.

"The owner of this room went to the dungeon again today. According to the progress, she has probably reached around the 30th floor by this time, right?"

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