Saying this, Bai Ye took a step forward and jumped out of the window.

But the next moment, his feet were held by invisible wind, allowing him to stay in mid-air.

"Tsk!" Terestina clicked her tongue when she saw this, and shouted on the radio channel: "The Six Wings haven't arrived yet?!"

The six-wing unmanned helicopter, model HsAFH-11, is an aerial suppression device used in times of crisis within Academy City. It is very expensive to build, and even Terestina cannot afford much.

"It will take a while to start..."

The subordinate's voice came from the communication, which made Terestina tilt her head in displeasure, "What a waste! Forget it, let me deal with him then!"

Saying that, Terestina drove the large powered armor and raised the robotic arm of her left hand, which was equipped with anti-air weapons.

But just when she wanted to pull the trigger on Hakuno in the air, Hakuye finally started to move.

When your fantasy materializes, it can be activated with just one thought.

Wind and fire appeared in front of him together, and then merged and merged to form a tornado of flames. As he waved his hand, the tornado of flames suddenly expanded and spread in all directions of the square!

The fire took advantage of the wind and ignited. The crimson flames enveloped more than half of the square and dozens of driving armors, emitting astonishing heat!

Although it is difficult for ordinary flames to have a timely effect on steel machinery, if these armors are well-made, the high temperature will cause poor contact in the body, making operation difficult.

In the sky, Bai Ye looked down, and he was eyeing one driven armored machine after another.

Immediately, the next moment, Bai Ye's thoughts moved again.

Dozens of driving armors on the ground were unable to move forward in the flame tornado. Suddenly, a huge force pushed them around, pushing them all away and crashing into the wall. The armor was quickly damaged, and even the operations inside All the members were knocked unconscious by the strong vibration!

Viewed from the air, a sudden high-pressure airflow appeared in a certain direction around these driving armors. Under the crushing force of this high-pressure airflow, the driving armors were directly scrapped.

The aeronaut's fixed-point explosion ability, in the original work, is Photon's proud ability after marriage. He sets coordinates on the object he comes into contact with, and then activates the ability to suddenly produce a violent airflow and bounce the object away!

Not to mention just driving armor, even drones and even Gundams dozens of meters high. As a level 4, she can use this ability to send them directly to the sky!

Naturally, Bai Ye saw this usage method from the library.

Looking at the remaining driving armor, Bai Ye had another thought.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom—!”

Dozens of different driving armors were directly blown away.

If the old trick is repeated, no driving armor can stop it!

The range of Hakuye's use of fantasy manifestation is within sight and within the sensing range. As long as it is within this range, no matter how far away, Hakuye can directly manifest it at the target location.

Because, no matter how far away the driving armor is, as long as he can see it, he can't hide away.

And even if he uses fantasy manifestation, he will only consume a small amount of the magic power in his body, which is nothing compared to his rich magic power reserves.

It's just a little bit mentally tiring.

The reason why I don’t clear it all at once is because it’s difficult to capture too much mentally at once.

But just a few more times, these more than a hundred driving armors were quickly wiped out.

Just a minute later, the entire square had lost most of the various technological armors, leaving only the last large purple drive armor still stranded on the ground.

The flames and strong winds in the air quickly disappeared, and only the burnt marks left on the ground of the square proved the existence of the commotion just now.

The whole battle ended very quickly.

"..." Inside the driving armor, Terestina was speechless and fell into a daze of shock.

"...It shouldn't be like this...Why is it like this?"

Terestina was almost incoherent, "According to my calculations, level 4 ability users will never be able to break through this formation! Even if you have various abilities -"

"What do you know about me?"

However, before Terestina could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Hakuno's sudden words.

Under the influence of the wind, Bai Ye slowly descended to the ground in front of Terestina, with an indifferent expression, "What do you think you need to know someone? A camera at the training ground?"

"You said that because I want to go to another research institute and you are unwilling to do so, you are relying on this surveillance method to keep people?"

"It's so funny!"

A sneer appeared on Bai Ye's face, "Teristina, have you ever really wanted to talk to me? Do you really want to keep me here?"

"I didn't point out that camera. Why do you think that's the case?"

Bai Ye turned around, looked at the huge research institute in front of him, and said without looking back: "In the final analysis, it's just because I noticed your bad and dark heart, so I kept my guard against you!"

"It's so naive to use that to know my strength!"

Saying that, Bai Ye raised his hand, and then waved it down hard!

The huge flame tornado is coming again!

Only this time, the place where the tornado hit was the entire research institute!

Bai Ye wants to destroy this research institute directly.

Seeing that the value of the entire institute was destroyed, Terestina's eyes showed the final madness, "You bastard!"

"One last thing to tell you -"

Bai Ye turned his head and saw from the corner of his eye that the driving armor driven by Terestina raised the steel hammer on the mechanical arm.

"——Before you involved Xiaoqi, I never had the idea of ​​leaving here."


After a brief roar, the purple powered armor fell to the ground.

"Teristina, it turns out that it is your heart that has been corrupted by the darkness of this city!"

Chapter 63 Farewell to Accelerator

Hateful people must have pity.

Terestina was born into the Kihara clan. She was infected by the values ​​​​of the Kihara clan when she was born, and her three views became incorrect.

Especially after getting close to the darkness of Academy City...that is, the reality, I became more determined in my thoughts. I even believed that everyone in this city, including myself, was just a white mouse on the experimental bench.

Under such three views, let alone human experiments, if necessary, even if she is asked to carry herself into the laboratory, she will not refuse.

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