Chapter 52 Shokuhou Misaki’s mental journey

During these four days, Shokuhou Misaki did not behave strangely as he expected. Instead, she really acted like an ordinary girl, asking him to go shopping and singing... Moreover, in the process, she also slightly Showing affection towards him in a revealing way.

Hakuno is not an idiot. On the contrary, his emotional intelligence and intelligence are very high. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to pursue Kanzaki to that point without falling in love.

Therefore, although Shokuhou Misaki did not say it clearly, Bai Ye still vaguely felt that he might have planted a flag on her without knowing when, causing this girl to come to collect debts now.

"Understand? I have someone I, I don't want you to abuse yourself anymore."

To be fair, Bai Ye is a man. What man wouldn't like to see a beautiful girl fall in love with him?

From a psychological point of view, Bai Ye is of course very happy, because his vanity has been greatly satisfied.

But from a rational point of view, this is very unfair to Shokuhou Misaki.

Let me ask you, in the world of relationships, is there any person who devotes himself wholeheartedly to someone who doesn’t like him and finally gets a good result?

Therefore, Hakuno still wanted to reject Shokuhou Misaki's approach.

Seeing Hakuno's serious expression, Shokuhou Misaki's face gradually lost its smile.

"...Bai Ye, I don't feel like I'm doing anything wrong to myself."

However, what Shokuhou Misaki said was beyond Hakuno's expectations.

"I have been very happy these days! Because Bai Ye is very indulgent to me. As long as it is my request, Bai Ye will not refuse at all... I like this kind of Bai Ye very much."

A look of reminiscence appeared on Shokuhou Misaki's face, "Actually, after I came to this Academy City, I hated the people here. Because after my abilities were developed, I could easily see the thoughts in people's hearts. Thoughts, I learned about the darkness and desires that cannot be erased in human hearts... So I was always very uneasy at that time, feeling that my world was really hopeless!"

"Later, I joined the Talent Laboratories and met a friend... That child was actually a clone. She was innocent and kind. That was my first friend. But later... because of her lifespan, she still died. ”

"The fragment you took away is actually the only relic she left me, so I attach great importance to it."

"Since then, I have been very depressed. Even when people in the institute wanted to take advantage of me, it was difficult for me to muster the courage to fight them. Until a strange guy sneaked into the girl's room... "

As he said this, Shokuhou Misaki's face suddenly showed a smile that was half happiness and half longing.

"It was only then that I wanted to take direct control of the institute in my own hands. For this reason, I even tried my best to destroy the equipment developed by the institute specifically for me... However, I originally thought that I wanted to find I looked back at the fragments that were taken away, and later I realized I was wrong!”

"What I want to find is not that fragment. What I really need is the fighting spirit that boy gave me to challenge the things I hate... That note you left me, it was that one that gave me the courage to continue fighting. A supportive reason to go down.”

"Then I wanted to find you. I wanted to confirm something in my heart, and the result really proved it -"

Shokuhou Misaki said with a solemn gaze: "The me beside you is different from the me when I was under house arrest."

"The weak me in the past, and the happy me now...I confirm that I like you."

Until Shokuhou Misaki finished speaking, Hakuno remained silent. He finally understood Shokuhou Misaki's thoughts.

Although his infiltration that night took away the fragment in her hand, he also left an invisibility rune, which made her look up from her depression and gave her a reason to muster up her fighting spirit. Therefore, in Shokuhou In Cao Qi's heart, Bai Ye is special.

Shokuhou Misaki, who realized this, decisively chose to come to him, and this was the result.

In other words, Hakuno's behavior undoubtedly gave Shokuhou Misaki a shot in the arm at the time and left an extremely deep impression on her.

"But, I -" Bai Ye felt that he should have a lot to say.

"My words don't matter!"

Shokuhou Misaki suddenly laughed and said, "It's okay for you to chase the girl you like, but you can't stop me from liking you!"

"I feel very happy with you! If we can't go out together in the future, I will definitely be very lonely... If I can't even satisfy this little wish of mine - I will definitely do it when you are dating in the future. I’m causing trouble for you!”

Feeling that the slightly depressing atmosphere disappeared as Shokuhou Misaki's smiling face disappeared, Hakuno couldn't help but feel helpless.

"I know, for the time being, I can grant your wish!"

Polishing away all the distracting thoughts in his heart, Bai Ye secretly decided to let this girl maintain this little warmth for the time being.

As for what happens after that, let’s talk about it later. The ship will naturally go straight to the bridge.

All the troubling things were told, and the gap between the two suddenly disappeared and they became friendly again.

"Then do you want to come to my research institute?" Shokuhou Misaki blinked and asked expectantly.

Bai Ye heard this but shook his head, "For the time being, I still have a contractual relationship with them. If they don't make disappointing moves, I won't be able to break the contract!"

A gentleman has certain things to do and certain things not to do.

Although Bai Ye hates Terestina and is often very rude to them, but since the other party has not made any obscene behavior, Bai Ye will not deliberately target others.

But if Terestina really did something...don't blame him for being rude.

Shokuhou Misaki pouted her lips and showed a look of dissatisfaction again.

Four days passed.

Shokuhou Misaki did not continue to look for him out, but gave him time to do his own thing and show his thoughtfulness.

Therefore, after four days passed, on the fifth day, Bai Ye finally returned to Terestina's research institute.

Chapter 53 Malice from Terestina

In the underground training ground of the institute, Bai Ye is exercising his abilities here.

Although the information is important, abilities also need to be exercised on a daily basis. On the one hand, it is to maintain adaptability like an arm and a finger. On the other hand, Bai Ye also wants to see if his abilities can be improved on his own.

However, the answer was destined to disappoint him.

He has been exercising his abilities for many days, but the experience bar in his mind has not been touched at all. It still maintains the state of "subordinate fantasy manifestation 0-10", which makes him confused.

Originally, according to his understanding, as long as he became more proficient and experienced in using fantasy embodiment, this experience bar should be increased a little...

However, he found that he was wrong.

This experience bar may not be Hakuno's understanding of the realization of fantasy, but other types of experience points required for upgrading.

In other words, his experience in using Utopia Embodiment has nothing to do with this experience bar. This experience bar is just the condition required for Bai Ye to upgrade Utopia Embodiment.

In other words, no matter how skilled and trained Bai Ye is, there is no possibility of the experience bar rising; but as long as Bai Ye fills up the experience value, he can be directly promoted to the next level even if he has never used Utopia Manifestation!

After understanding this, Bai Ye didn't pay too much attention to the issue of experience points. The reason why he still insists on exercising every day is to strengthen his mental power and concentration.


The mechanical door was opened, Bai Ye turned his head and saw Terestina in an OL outfit.

"Really, I'm finally back, Kanzaki-san. In the past few days since you didn't come, I thought something had happened to you!" Terestina said with a smile.

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