Once when he was in a state of rage, he slashed out with a sword, causing a world interference phenomenon, and cut Aiwass in half who was caught off guard.

——Right hand.

The power of Kongone's obliteration flowed into the golden divine spear in his right hand, killing all the obstacles in front of Hakuno, in front of his eyes, and in his heart at that moment.

This is a sword that Hakuno can use to obliterate everything in front of him and turn it into a prison of death after gaining the power of fantasy obliteration.

Its name is - The Seventh Secret Sword·Reverse·Only Flash·Zero Style!

Once in a battle with Scathach that only involved martial arts, he fired a single shot. Freeze time and space to defeat Scathach, who has entered the ultimate realm of martial arts.

Both of these moves were created by Hakuno. The move that best suits the power of Utopia County Realization and Utopia Obliteration is Hakuno's undoubted strongest move now!

When the two are used at the same time, it is as if a violent chemical reaction has occurred, so that the power of fantasy manifestation and fantasy erasure contained in the two moves is organically combined, surprisingly integrated, and exerted. 1+1 is far more powerful than 2.

"——The Final Secret Sword·Only Flash·Final Style!"

With the almost imperceptible low sound of shouting, the sapphire sword and the golden divine spear merged together, and the final blow was swung out.


Everything between heaven and earth was eclipsed by this blow.

A flash of sword light spread across the sky and the earth, as if just one blow was enough to lift the sky and subdue the earth, and open up the entire world. Not to mention existing matter, it seemed as if even non-existent nothingness could be cut off with one blow.

Even the will of order, which has never changed its expression since its appearance, showed its ancestral spirit for a moment when facing this blow.

It is not just a gleam of light, it also contains all the hatred and resentment in the fantasy world so far, as well as the longing and envy of the real world that can exist as a matter of course. It even contains the emotions and power of all sentient beings in the fantasy world. in it.

The manifestation of empty roots and the erasure of fantasy are powers derived from the roots of the fantasy world. After being integrated, they naturally become the true roots of the fantasy world, including all causes and effects.

Therefore, Bai Ye was able to strike this blow that transcended illusion and reality.

"--Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom--!!!!!"

The sword light passed in the blink of an eye.

In an instant. The entire border area made a roaring sound like thunder falling to the ground.

As if overwhelmed, after the light of the sword disappeared, a crisp 'click' sound came from the depths of the boundary field.

Sui Lang, the entire boundary field collapsed in an instant and turned into countless fragments, forming a countercurrent that swept through illusion and reality, sweeping all areas of reality and fantasy.

Vibrations as strong as a cosmic explosion spread throughout the entire universe in the real world.

At the same time, this shock also spread into the fantasy world, causing countless fantasy worlds to fall into unprecedented shock and shock.

"The boundary between illusion and reality has been destroyed?"

Genshi stood in the void, looking at the boundary line that no longer existed in the sky. Even she, there was a trace of anxiety in her eyes at this moment.

"Is it over? Is it victory? Or..."


It was a natural victory.

After the border line shattered, Hakuno's figure slowly descended from the sky and fell into the eyes of everyone in the fantasy world coalition, including Gen Shiki, Demon God, Scathach, Fujimaru Ritsuka, Luo Hao, Rias, He Stia and everyone who met him smiled.

"This time I won."

Bai Ye descended silently and was surrounded by everyone. Countless people were praising him, and countless people were watching him silently from a distance.

At this moment, Bai Ye became the center of countless fantasy worlds. e

Chapter 1910 Fantasy World (Finale)

Faced with Bai Ye's most powerful blow, even the will of order was defeated.

In the final analysis, because Bai Ye set off the final decisive battle in advance, the power of the will of order has never been accumulated to its peak. It has always been only to confront him with endless power on the surface, but secretly tried to open a gap in the border line to bring down the enemy. The power of order sneaks into the past to secretly corrode the fantasy world.

However, his plan was blocked by Bai Ye. It should not be said that it was blocked by the enthusiasm of all the beings in the fantasy world who united.

Not to mention that her power has not reached its peak yet, even if her power has really reached its peak, she can only compete with Bai Ye's strongest attack, and it is impossible to defeat him.

Of course, the will to order failed.

After such a long time, all the power of order he had accumulated in the boundary field was wiped out by Bai Ye's attack, and turned into nothing. Not even a drop of the power of order was left.

"I lost this time."

When the power of order was completely destroyed, the will of order could not even maintain a vague body shape, and could only convey the last words to Bai Ye's ears in the form of a will body.

"However, it is just this time. It is impossible to let fantasy exist in reality. The power of order will continue to accumulate all the time. Sooner or later, I will make a comeback."

"If you lose this time, you won't win next time."

After Bai Ye sent this sentence to him, he did not give a rebuttal. Instead, after being silent for a while, he left here and returned to the real universe.

Reality cannot be defeated.

The will to order cannot be eliminated.

If reality is really destroyed, fantasy will become rootless and lose its meaning of existence.

Even Bai Ye, the limit that he can achieve is to consume the accumulated power of the Will of Order, make it return in vain, and repel him.

"Give me time, and I will make the fantasy world watertight. By then, no one can threaten this place." Such thoughts emerged in Bai Ye's mind.

The will to order was driven back.

The power of order was also hindered by the coalition forces in the fantasy world, and after Bai Ye returned, he was easily wiped out.

The greatest crisis that threatens the demise of all fantasy worlds has existed since the birth of the Ox.

In this way, it was resolved by Bai Ye.


Soon, a month had passed since the final battle.

Within this month, everything was calm in the world of fantasy roots. Facing the calm waves, the entire fantasy world was also undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The world is narrow.

Stars symbolizing countless fantasy worlds are scattered in twos and threes in the bizarre starry sky. The aftermath of the decisive battle has completely passed, and peace has returned to the entire fantasy world.

It looks almost exactly the same as it was at the beginning.

The only difference is that in the sky above all the stars in the world, there is a huge star floating there, as if it symbolizes the absolutely unshakable status of the king, and it also seems like a general leading the charge on the battlefield.

This star is the special world held by Bai Ye, the master of the fantasy world, the Millennium City.

While it is Bai Ye's base camp, it also has the effect of being able to connect all the worlds. It is the center of countless fantasy worlds, and it is also the first line of defense deployed here to fight against the will of order that will come back at some point.

Countless strong men in the fantasy world. Call this world - 'Utopia World'.

This is a transit point for countless fantasy worlds and is undoubtedly the center of fantasy worlds.

There are not many people living in this fantasy world, only Hakuno and the people he cares about

In a fantasy world.

"Zixu's will will come back sooner or later, and it will be too late to prepare until He comes back."

Mana, who manages the personality of the unified root and is also the exclusive secretary of Bai Ye, the master of the fantasy world, was wearing a white dress and followed him step by step, and spoke with a sullen expression.

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