"Please inform your regiment leader that pharmacist Luo Binghan is here as requested!"

With that said, the cloaked man stretched out his hand and pulled the brim of his cloak, hiding his face deeply in the darkness.

"Mr. Luo Binghan? Please wait a moment!" One of the gatekeepers was surprised at first, and then immediately reported to the castle.

Just two minutes later, Bai Ye met the leader of the Loki Familia, the brave Finn, again in the hall of the front building of the castle.

"Welcome, Mr. Luo Binghan. To be honest, I am really afraid that you will not come because of disappointment!"

Finn, who looked like a young man, greeted Bai Ye with a smile that finally reassured him.

"That's not true. After all, I am a man of my word!"

Through the voice changer, Bai Ye still turned his voice into the vicissitudes of the old man, and said to Finn: "I won't break the appointment just because I don't get the results I want."

"Ha ha……"

Finn chuckled and said, "That really helps a lot!"

Finn was indeed worried.

More than half a month ago, 'Luo Binghan' was in this castle. He did not get a satisfactory answer from Loki, and then returned disappointed.

If he couldn't think about it and just rejected his agreement and didn't want to participate in their expedition, not only would the supplies need to be prepared again, but the expedition would also lose a huge boost!

Seeing Bai Ye come as promised at this moment not only made Finn feel relieved, but also took a look at Bai Ye's high character.

"With all due respect, is Sword Lady here? Regarding the previous transaction, it seems that we haven't completed it yet!"

In the hall, Bai Ye asked Finn this question almost unabashedly.

Finn nodded immediately and gave an affirmative answer, "Of course, after all, the expedition is coming, and it is impossible to let her run around."

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and then nodded.

"Then please ask Captain Finn to take me to find her. A stranger wandering around in this family will probably be regarded as a terrorist, right?"

"Of course, no problem!" Finn responded without hesitation, and then led Bai Ye towards one of the towers at the back of the castle.

The part behind the Dusk Pavilion is made up of several towers forming a circle around a certain point, standing on the circle in equal arcs.

On the ground, as long as you look up, you can see the air corridors connecting towers one after another.

To be honest, such a castle is indeed very majestic. Even in this Orario, it is very rare.

After passing through one tower and coming to another tower, Finn took Bai Ye inside and headed towards the upper level.

"This building is actually the residence of the girls of our clan, so last time I knew that you wanted to come here to find something, I was really surprised!"

As Finn spoke, he led him through the corridor, came to a certain room, and knocked on the door.

"Ais, are you there? Mr. Luo Binghan is here!"

After just a moment of silence, the door opened with a click, revealing the stunning figure of the girl from inside.

She still has very beautiful long golden hair, draped softly behind her shoulders.

Wearing a white short dress and blue stockings.

Although the expression on his face lacks ups and downs, his delicate face is comparable to that of a goddess from the lower world. As soon as those golden pupils look at someone, that person will definitely feel that the world is illuminated.

"Please come in!" Aisi saw the two people standing outside the door, nodded, and said to them in the same voice that lacked change.

"Excuse me!" Bai Ye greeted Ais politely.

This was the second time he saw this swordswoman. The last time was on the 18th floor of the dungeon. When he first came to this world, she helped him once and saved him a lot of trouble.

Seeing her again this time, but in a different identity, Bai Ye couldn't help but feel a little subtle...

The three of them walked into the room together.

Aisi walked in front, entered the room and stood in the center, looking straight at Bai Ye with her golden pupils.

Finn looked at Bai Ye who was walking in front of him with a smile, "Although it's a bit hard to say, I still hope that Mr. Luo Binghan values ​​something that is not too strange..."

"...I don't have that interest."

As he spoke, Bai Ye walked into the room, and at the first moment his eyes were on the drawer of a counter on the side of the room.

"Miss Ais, can you open the drawer and let me see it?"

"Ais, can you?" Finn immediately asked Ais for advice.

Aisi nodded when she heard this, took her eyes away from Bai Ye, walked to the drawer, and reached out to open it.

Bai Ye's eyes were directly on the green gem from the moment the drawer was opened.

It was about the size of a fingernail, similar to anything I had seen in the past, and a strong sense of summons to Hakuno emanated from it.

"...Can I take this away?" Bai Ye stepped forward, picked up the fragment, and asked.

At the same time, Finn's eyes were also cast on Ais.

Aisi's eyes were still looking straight at Bai Ye. She paused and then said: "0.4 is just a dropped item harvested from the dungeon. Since it cannot be exchanged for money, it is kept. Take it away if you want."

"That's really helpful, thank you, Miss Ais!"

Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief and put the fragment directly under his cloak. The moment it left the sight of the two people, the fragment had been transferred to the Millennium City by him.

However, even though the deal was over, Aisi's eyes were still on Bai Ye, just looking at him.

Although she didn't say anything, it was inexplicably known that she seemed to care about Bai Ye.

Being stared at by Aisi's eyes a little strangely, Bai Ye couldn't help but frown: Did she see something?

Chapter 119 People I’ve Met in the Past

"Is there any problem? Miss Ais?" Bai Ye asked Ais in an old voice.

"Is there anything strange about me?"


Ais stared at Bai Ye, seemingly confused, but then shook her head, "No, it's nothing."


Bai Ye was silent for a moment, sighed, then turned his attention away and looked at Finn again.

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