The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 452: 3 monks have no water to drink

This is really weird, and the clothes hanging in the yard are gone.

Until Sun Shaozong left and left, Baoyu was still gearing up, declaring that he would not give up unless the culprit was found out.

In fact, if Sun Shaozong is required to investigate it himself, it is estimated that the case can be solved in minutes but only a few pieces of clothes can be lost, and 80% of the robbers in the Rongguo Mansion did it. Naturally, Sun Shaozong didn't bother to fight for it.

But when he left Rongguo Mansion, there were already dark clouds and thunderstorms on the horizon. There were no two streets out, and it was pouring heavy rain.

Originally, Sun Shaozong was still thinking about going to the house bought by Sun Chengye and Yu Qian in order to prepare two suitable housewarming gifts in advance. But since the sky is not beautiful, he had to abandon the original plan and go back home.

I got off the horse-drawn carriage in the gate hole, and went back to the house along the corridor. Who knows, halfway through, I saw a dozen people in the house, braving the rain and yelling in the mud. With.

Sun Shaozong was puzzled, so he stopped in the corridor, and when he took a closer look, he saw one of the laymen in the robes quickly greeted him, and went to the corridor to pick up the hat, revealing a neat and neat appearance. With an oval face, it was the mandarin duck who had just been assigned to Yingchun.

"Second Lord."

Just listen to her report in a crisp voice: "Because we did not reward chrysanthemums in our mansion during the Double Ninth Festival last year, the uncle specially confessed that we will buy them in advance this year. Who knows that we just planted a batch yesterday, and it has been so big today. At the moment, I have to dig out the rain and temporarily pile it up in the corridor pavilion, and then replant it tomorrow."

This mandarin duck is quite conscious of the protagonist, unlike Qingwen in Sun Shaozong, who basically treats herself as a temporary tenant.

"Actually, a few flowers and plants are not worth much money."

Sun Shaozong confessed casually: "It's just that these people are busy working in the rain for a long time, so don't catch the wind and cold."

"Second Lord, don't worry."

The mandarin duck hurriedly said, "I asked Siqi to take the two wives and boil a big pot of **** soup to quench the cold. I also prepared towels, hot water and clean clothes to ensure that I could not get out of the pool.

After all, it is someone Jia's mother needs to use, and it's not enough to think about it, but it is a surprise to be able to stabilize Siqi.

Seeing that she was in good order, Sun Shaozong didn't ask any more. He went to the room of Second Sister You. Hu Tianhu's servant spent half a day, and in the evening he washed and dine at Ruan Rong's place, and talked to each other in the middle of the night.

Early the next morning.

The four-hooves wrapped in straw and coarse cloth, stepped on a muddy ground, carrying Sun Shaozong and Sun Chengye's uncle and nephew out of the side entrance of Sun's mansion.

Sun Shaozong first said that Jia Baoyu would take Jia Lan to the door and hire Qian as a teacher, but he saw that Sun Chengye was a little bit mentally ill, and he couldn't help but wonder: "What's the matter with you? Could it be that in the past half month, I met What's the problem? But I haven't asked someone to explain it, but should I put it aside for the time being when I encounter uncertainties?"

Sun Chengye shook his head and said: "It's not that my nephew has something wrong here. It's really that Wei Tongjie encountered a difficult and unsolved case. In recent days, he often took Mr. Lin on the road, so the big things in this house, my little nephew. If you don’t have to, you have to bear more."

As he said, he couldn't help but yawn.

Wei Ruolan encountered an unsolvable unsolved case?

Hearing this, Sun Shaozong really became interested. Although Wei Ruolan is not a master of investigating cases, the master Qi next to him is a veteran who has been fighting for many years in the Criminal Ministry. His case must be different. Unusual.

Deliberately asking Sun Chengye a few words, it can be seen that he is overworked, and it is not easy to disturb his rare leisure at the moment.

In other words...

A master is indeed a little weaker. It seems that it is necessary to urge Liu Xianglian to let him marry Sanjie You as soon as possible, so that he can report to the criminal undersecretary.

I was thinking about the lack of these, so I heard Sun Chengye take the initiative to say: "In fact, you still handled this case at first, but in a blink of an eye, the case of the'prince assassination' occurred, which was then transferred to Master Lin. ..."

"Lin Delu is responsible?"

Sun Shaozong couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, because Lin Delu had always been in charge of logistics work in the criminal justice department. Even if he followed the scene, he would just fight on the sidelines and never investigated the case alone.

Why did this suddenly make him provoke the main beam and also overwhelm Wei Ruolan?

and many more!

In the beginning, I was responsible for the investigation...

"Could it be that on the day of the solar eclipse, the monk Jiexian of Fayuan Temple died?"

If it was this case, it would make sense to cross Wei Ruolan and directly submit it to Lin Delu for investigation. After all, Wei Ruolan was also one of the suspects in this case.

"It is this case."

Sun Chengye nodded first, then shook his head again: "However, it is not just Jiexian who is killed right now. Since then, the two suspects, the preceptor and Jieming, have also died unfavorably!"

But it turned out that after Sun Shaozong went to the Prince's Mansion, the case of Jiexian was temporarily handed over to Lin Delu.

However, how can Lin Delu find out the truth about a case that Sun Shaozong has been difficult to crack for a while?

So it was unclear for a few days, and there was no progress at all. After the constant pressure from Fayuan Temple, Lin Delu discussed with Wei Ruolan and had to let the monks go back to the temple first, and so on. After finding out any clues, they will be sent to the Yamen to ask the case.

Who would have thought that not long after these monks went back, they hit Wen Po's vows with a wooden basin, and they were strangled to death in their own meditation room inexplicably.

Because he died in Fayuan Temple this time, Wei Ruolan's suspicion was basically ruled out, so after receiving the report, Wei Ruolan led the investigation.

And this investigation was another daylight scene in May or Six, but before investigating the cause of death of the precepts, the Jieming monk, who was also the suspect, was nailed to death outside the gate of Fayuan Temple.

At this time, even the abbot was unable to sit still, and he personally went to the government office and had a talk with Jia Yucun, urging Shuntian government to solve the case as soon as possible, so as not to panic the people in the temple.

This Zen Master is the master who enters and exits the Supreme Imperial Palace all the year round. It is said that even the empress’s empress pays respect to him. Jia Yucun is now at the critical moment of ‘want to go every day’. How dare you offend this Zen Master?

However, the king of Beijing behind Wei Ruolan could not afford to offend him either.

Therefore, on the one hand, he promised to solve the case as soon as possible, and on the other hand, he was not too urged. In the past two days, he has not fallen, even his hair has fallen a little If this goes on, maybe Fu Yin has not yet become a member First became a'monk'.

"From my point of view, after my uncle arrived at the government office today, Jia Fucheng will entrust the case to his uncle for investigation. If you want to evade it or respond, please prepare for it early."


Sun Chengye has little experience in the end, it seems that this kind of news should be told to himself earlier.

If he had known that the government office was such a status quo, Sun Shaozong would definitely only take one or two days off, and then continue to hide in the prince's palace, wait until enough of Jia Yucun and Wei Ruolan's pranks, and then come out to clean up the mess.

But right now...

I've been to Rongguo Mansion. Wouldn't it be too deliberate if I didn't go to the mansion?


In the Prince's Mansion, besides bragging and nonsense... Uh, it might be more appropriate to use rip-off here.

In short, I was panicking in the Prince's Mansion, and now I am just going to solve this unsettled case and change my mood.

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