The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 892: Banquet【中】

Until the wine feast was over, Sun Shaozong still failed to thoroughly understand Jia Zheng's remarks.

Is he still ignorant of the past, or is he wise and foolish?

Based on past performance, the former may be greater.

But after all, Jia Zheng has just returned from local experience. Who can guarantee that he hasn't made much progress during his two years in Jiangxi?

Forget it.

Regardless of how he can put this attitude, for Sun Shaozong, who is right and wrong, at least the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

That being the case, there is no need to clarify this matter-at least not to rush for a while.

On the contrary, the issue of Ping'er's transfer has been dragged to the point where it can no longer be dragged.

Therefore, after Jia Zheng, who was so drunk, was helped home by Jia Baoyu to rest, Sun Shaozong focused all his attention on this.

"Erlang stay safe and not irritable."

I don't know if it's because the motherhood will reduce the amount of alcohol incidentally, or because the alcohol is not intoxicating, and Jia Lian's tongue is already a little straight at this time.

Seeing Sun Shaozong looking at himself when he heard the words, he was a little bit ashamed. He took out a peach-pink veil from his waist with his backhand, and said with a half-hidden face, "Come here, go to Xiyun Pavilion and ask Ping'er to come over. speak!"

As he said, he narrowed his drunken eyes and measured Sun Shaozong's pectoralis major.

With his three-pointed gaze, Sun Shaozong was uncomfortable. He hurriedly said that he wanted to show respect, and ran out of the hall.

Wandering around the full latrine for a quarter of an hour, looking at a few lanterns from far to near, Ping'er's charming face was unclear whether he was happy or worried, and only then did Sun Shaozong return to the Rongxi Hall.

Unexpectedly, the bead curtain rang after a long while, but it was not the expected Ping'er who entered the door, but the ridiculous Wang Xifeng.

Jia Lian and Sun Shaozong couldn't help being taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Shaozong hurriedly got up and left the table, and said, "How did the sister-in-law get here?"

Jia Lian also got up slowly, but only squinted unpleasantly to look at Wang Xifeng, without a word of extraneous words.

Wang Xifeng glanced at Jia Lian first, and saw that his face was suspicious and disgusting, and there was no warmth at all. The resentment and resentment in Danfeng's eyes expanded a bit.

Gently pursing her lips, she asked without a smile, "Why? Can't I come to the Rongxi Hall yet?"

As soon as I heard this, I knew that the person who came was bad.

"how come?"

Sun Shaozong laughed and said: "The younger brother just saw the'creditor' suddenly, and he didn't know what to do for a while."

Wang Xifeng had originally made up his mind to embarrass both parties, especially Jia Lian, at this banquet tonight.

Who would have thought that Jia Zheng would be upset, but he also got in.

Even if there is no relationship between husband and wife, she is always not good at exposing her husband's scandals in front of Jia Zheng.

In desperation, Wang Xifeng was feeling aggrieved at home, but unexpectedly things had a new turn for the better--Jia Zheng got drunk in a daze and left the stage early.

How could Wang Xifeng be willing to miss this lost opportunity?

Right now, rushed to the Rongxi Hall, ready to act according to the original plan.

However, Sun Shaozong's "creditor" sounded her cynicism and suppressed her.

Yes, she still has tens of thousands of taels of silver in the hands of the Sun family!

Although Wang Taiwei's deterrence was there, most of the Sun family did not dare to break the contract, but at this point, it is not a good thing for both parties to get off the stage.

That's it!

Anyway, this matter is not in a hurry. When all the money is settled, the delusion that he will come forward to disturb her husband is not the best of both worlds?

Thinking of this, Wang Xifeng raised his sleeves and chuckled. The face of the wind knife and frost sword all turned into amiable: "Erlang just loves to talk and laugh. You won't be ignorant of his sister-in-law's money, but you are still afraid of something. child?"

Then, she stepped forward on her own, took Baoyu’s wine glass, rinsed it briefly with tea, and poured a full glass of shochu, holding it up with both hands and said, “If it’s not for the blessing of Erlang, I’m afraid You won’t be able to see your second brother Lian until the end of the year. With this alone, my sister-in-law will have to respect you a cup!"

Although he has made up his mind, for the time being, Jia Lian will not be obsessed with Sun Shaozong, and he has even caused people to steal Sun Shaozong's clothes, doing many indescribable things.

But Wang Xifeng is a hot temper after all, and his words still can't help expressing sarcasm.

And after speaking, she looked too unbearable for Sun Shaozong and Jia Lian. She lifted the lotus noodles and poured the wine into her throat.

"Cough, cough!"

After all, the aged shochu is not as soft as usual, and Wang Xifeng drank it urgently again, coughing out most of it, and suddenly the front of his clothes became wet.

If it is an ordinary woman, most of it should feel embarrassed.

But Wang Xifeng just raised his sleeves and arbitrarily rubbed a hand on his neck and chest, and said calmly: "Erlang is so good to eat wine, I'm going to get out of here first."

After speaking, turn your head and leave without saying a word.

Sun Shaozong was a little confused by this hurried and resolute behavior.

Seeing that Wang Xifeng had arrived at the door, Jia Lian, who had been watching with cold eyes, suddenly raised his voice: "Since you are here, don't rush to leave-Ping'er is in your house after all. When is it convenient to send away, and what regulations should I leave? I want you to come up with an idea."

Wang Xifeng paused, and when he looked back at Jia Lian, there was a sense of absurdity in his heart: After returning from Wangjiang Tower for three days, Jia Lian took the initiative to speak to himself for the first time, and he said this...

And if it wasn't for Sun Shaozong, I'm afraid I wouldn't even have this sentence, right?

"Gluck, giggled..."

I don’t know how these thoughts hit Wang Xifeng’s smile. She smiled straight and covered her chest, leaning forward and closing her back.

After a long while, she straightened her waist again in the two doubtful eyes, wiped the corners of her eyes with the back of her fingers, and she nodded and said: "That's what Ping'er did. After all, Ping'er did this with me. Sisters of the past few years, no matter what happens, we have to make arrangements."

After speaking, he went back to sit opposite Sun Shaozong.

Then Sun Shaozong's gaze slipped uncontrollably.

In other words...

That should be the fingerprint she just grabbed, right?

It’s no wonder that Sun Shaozong is thinking about it at this time ~ is really a fingerprint on the ‘mud’ mind, which is too eye-catching.

After finally correcting the deviation of vision, facing Wang Xifeng's triangular eyes and two curved willow leaf eyebrows, Sun Shaozong said sternly, "As long as it is for the sake of Ping'er, please mention what your sister-in-law wants!"

This statement is decisive, but the premise in the statement is to put Ping'er as the mainstay.

And relying on the ‘friendship’ between the two of them secretly, it was Wang Xifeng’s non-discriminatory request, how could Ping'er agree?

So it's impassioned, just to hear it.

However, Sun Shaozong never expected that Wang Xifeng would make such a request:

"The other sisters-in-law can't remember for a while, so how about Jiner Jiro accompany me to get drunk first?"

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