The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 869: 2 recognize the life and death

When the car curtain was just raised, Li Enxian was obviously a little apprehensive, and subconsciously shrank back. ?With? Dream?.lā

However, it is clear that Sun Shaozong is standing outside. He immediately showed joy. He leaned forward, and he was about to stand up.

But before he could speak, Jia Yucun lowered the curtain again, then invited Sun Shaozong to the side, and asked in a deep voice, "My brother, did you see it clearly?"

Sun Shaozong nodded, and wondered: "Why is he in Brother Yucun's sedan chair?"


Village Chief Jia Yu sighed and smiled bitterly: "Isn't I tired of those unsophisticated people! My brother has recently heard that some victims have frozen to death near the porridge shed in the inner city?"

After listening to him talk about the cause and effect, it turned out that it was the official servant of Shuntian Mansion yesterday. When he was ordered to drive out the victims, he somehow let this Li Enxian go in and sent him to the refugee camp in the outer city.

When porridge was being served in the refugee camp early this morning, everyone was rushing to line up, but Li Eunxian was beside the team, holding a few golden accessories, shouting that he was an envoy of North Korea, and there was a big business, he must immediately Meet the person in charge of the refugee camp.

If it was just empty words, no one would believe it, but the playthings he took out were all valuable things.

The guards in the refugee camp dare not call the shots without authorization, so naturally they can only report to the supervisor of the refugee camp.

The steward of the refugee camp is even less daring to be expert-if there are not so many people seeing it, maybe it's really touching, but when there are thousands of people in the refugee camp seeing it, he naturally doesn't dare to think about it.

Therefore, it was reported layer by layer, and finally it was reported in front of Jia Yucun.

Jia Yucun has never seen Li Enxian, but when he heard that he was talking about the truth, and clamoring to meet the emperor of the celestial dynasty, he believed in his heart 70%-after all, this servant is visiting for the second time, and there are many people in the palace. Pass him.

Therefore, he used his sedan chair to bring the North Korean envoy to the palace, preparing to ask the **** in the palace to recognize it before deciding what to do.

Coincidentally, as soon as I arrived outside the Xihua Gate, I ran into Sun Shaozong.

Knowing that he had dealt with this Li Enxian, he hurriedly caught up to stop him, and asked Sun Shaozong to help distinguish one or two.

But after hearing what Jia Yucun said, Sun Shaozong felt regretful.

Li Enxian is a dignified envoy, and now he refuses to choose a serious diplomatic channel, instead he has mixed into the refugee camp unkempt.

What's even more strange is that he behaved so sneakily, but he didn't mean to keep it secret in the refugee camp. Instead, he deliberately picked out his identity in full view.

All of these are really imaginative.

But Fantasizing Returning to Fantasizing, Sun Shaozong would never have stepped forward to identify if he had known that it was such a big trouble.

Fortunately, it's not too late to get out.

"Brother Shi Fei."

Sun Shaozong arched his hand and said: "Since the envoy of North Korea is involved, I am afraid that it is not my Dali Temple to be able to intervene. Besides, the younger brother will have to deliver the memorial, so I will not accompany him."

As he said, he bowed his body, no matter how Jia Yucun reacted, he turned and strode straight to the presentation place.

Jia Yucun opened his mouth in the back, didn't even stop calling him, looked back at the sedan chair, but sighed sullenly, and walked heavily towards the guard in front of the palace.


After Sun Shaozong had submitted the proposal of "Pursuing Law to the Countryside" according to the established procedure, he saw the official sedan chair being carried into the palace gate by four guards.

He looked at the sedan chair and pondered for a long while, thinking about a dozen possibilities, and finally came to the following conclusion: Is this doing my thing?

So he turned his head and got on his official sedan, and hurried back to the house with a call and a hug.

No words all the way.

After returning to Dali Temple, it was about noon, and Sun Shaozong invited his master Qin Kejian to have a meal with him according to the usual practice-this servant's mocking face might only change slightly at the dinner table.

Not to mention Sun Shaozong's usual wind and wind, but Qin Kejian was ruined at the dinner table. After this meal, the standard meal of twelve dishes and two soups was almost completely eaten.

Of course, more than 80% of these have entered Sun Shaozong's intestines.

After lunch, and rested for about half an hour, Sun Shaozong handed over the files recently tried by Yang Zhiming—several corruption cases transferred by the Metropolitan Procuratorate—to Qin Kejian for review.

Unlike Shun Tianfu, Dali Temple does not have an official responsible for investigating nuclear cases. Instead, a total of five officials supervise each other. Therefore, the cases tried by Yang Zhiming were sent to Sun Shaozong for investigation as per the rule.

And Sun Shaozong handed over to Qin Kejian to do it for him, mainly to see if he was unfamiliar with the officialdom during the three years of exile in Lingnan.

In terms of the results, Qin Kejian’s answer sheet said that it’s okay to comment on a ‘good’, but the main reason why he could not reach ‘excellent’ was mainly because the words and sentences made by Qin Kejian were too acrimonious.

Sure enough, you still have to hire another copywriter in the future.

As for Qin Kejian, let him concentrate on handling the case.

After going back and forth, it was the time to leave the office. Because Sun Shaozong had an appointment with Li Wenshan, he was going to Dingxianglou for a few drinks, and I would like to discuss the legal basis of "Pulse the Law to the Countryside".

So he went to Yousi in advance to show respect for Li Wenshan.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his front foot arrived at the Yousi Temple, Zhao Nan chased his hind foot, saying that Shuntian Mansion Tong judge Qiu Yunfei suddenly visited, and he was still carrying the Sun Shaozong heard this. Guessing that Qiu Yunfei had encountered some difficult and miscellaneous cases, he had no choice but to call for help.


Even if you are asking for help, there is no need to carry the corpse, right?

Although somewhat disapproving of this kid's recklessness, Sun Shaozong still accused Li Wenshan, and then returned to the Zuosi official office with Zhao Nan.

When I walked in, I saw Qiu Yunfei and Qin Kejian staring at each other with big and small eyes. It was obvious that the donkey's lips were wrong with the horse's mouth.

"grown ups!"

As soon as he saw Sun Shaozong enter the door, Qiu Yunfei jumped up as if he had seen a savior, and said, "There is someone, I want you to recognize it!"

These words...

Why does it sound familiar?

Sun Shaozong's heart moved, and he didn't even bother to be polite with him, and immediately asked, "Where is the corpse?"

"In the morgue of Dali Temple."

Without a word, Sun Shaozong turned around yearning and left, Qiu Yunfei and Qin Kejian hurriedly followed.

Everyone rushed to the morgue, and saw the four servants of Shuntian Palace, together with the inspector Zhao Wuwei, just as the enemy was standing by the door, but there was no one inside for an autopsy.


"grown ups!"

After seeing this battle, Sun Shaozong felt more and more in his heart that his guess was 80% correct, but how could Zhao Wuwei and the others feel idle?

Stepping into the morgue, tearing open the white sheet in the center, as expected, a familiar face suddenly came into view, and it was the North Korean envoy Li Enxian who had met in front of the palace gate in the morning!

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