The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 818: Reunion [above]

[After finishing 10,000 words yesterday, I am really a little sluggish today]

"The left side is a little bit taller!"

"Hold it up, hold it up!"

Several delicate maids joined forces to hung a bead curtain on the beams of the room, and then untied the straps two times, and they heard a squeaky and crisp sound. The ninety-nine-nine-eighty-one strings of beads immediately separated the living room. Two paragraphs.

Beijing Princess Weiying was attracted by this movement, subconsciously raised her eyes, stared at the rippling bead curtain for a long time, but sighed slightly.

This arrangement can only guard against the wise gentleman and the timid villain, but how can he guard against the evil thief surnamed Sun?

Thinking of this, her gaze shifted to the left and fell on Xia Jingui again. She was rewinding the veil in her hand, looking forward and then eager to try again.

If it weren't for Weiying's relationship with her and Sun Shaozong, he would have known it well, and was afraid that she would be fooled by her crazy acting skills.

Thinking about today's game again, it was all from Xia Jingui's plan, and Wei Ying's heart felt a little bit of chill for no reason.

Let's avoid contacting her in the future!

As soon as she made up her mind, a maid ran in with her skirt horns, pointed outside and shouted, "Manny, Sister Nianxia has invited that grandson here!"


Before the words were over, Xia Jingui separated the bead curtain and jumped out, and said anxiously: "I...I'll go to meet you!"

"Don't mess around!"

According to the long-awaited design, Wei Ying immediately yelled at her, and said: "How can I say that she is a woman who has not been out of the pavilion? Don't you know the word ‘reserved’?"

Xia Jingui seemed to be drunk and smashed into a miasma, and his feet were firmly dead in front of the door. After a long while, he turned his head and whispered, "Sister, don’t blame me... It's... I really don't know how to be self-sustaining."

This time of singing, thinking and playing, it is really vivid!

Wei Ying looked at her through the bead curtain, but she couldn't help but smile. Now she is truly confused. She doesn't know how to hold on to herself. It's her own right.

Secretly sighed, she waved her sleeves stiffly, and said helplessly: "Okay, you all step back for the time being, just have me and Miss Biao here."

The maids only thought she was going to tell Xia Jingui a few words in private, lest Xia Jingui continue to make a fool of herself, so she didn't think much about it, so they bowed and exited the living room.

When there were only two sisters left in the living room, Xia Jingui reduced the panic on his face, and sat down opposite Weiying with a smile, and entrusted Xiangji to say: "The thing is almost done, I just need to put Nianxia away later. ..."

"When he comes, don't speak casually!"

Wei Ying's expression suddenly sank, and interrupted Xia Jingui's exhortation with a sneer.

Immediately afterwards, she lowered her figure, raised her skirt, and fished the ankle to the left, then grabbed a small dagger, and slapped it in front of Xia Jingui: "Otherwise, I recognize you, but this dagger can't recognize you. you!"

Xia Jingui shrank his shoulders, his face full of panic, but he uttered ridiculous words: "Sister for your life! I don't dare to fight with you anymore. When the children and grandchildren come over, you should be careful about what you should say and do. It’s my sister!"

How could Wei Ying fail to hear the sarcasm in her words?

But these words also reminded Wei Ying that he had just promised to fulfill the two people Yiyi's goodbye, and he suddenly ordered Xia Jingui to shut up. Didn't it become a posture to compete with her?

I was ashamed and angry for a while, and I waited to scold Xia Jingui for a few words, but when that word came to my lips, before I could vomit it out, Nian Xia's report was already heard outside:

"Niang, Master Sun is here."



Sun Shaozong's heart became more and more incredible when he heard the "Niang Niang".

Treating guests as concubines, although a little non-mainstream these days, they will not be criticized by the public.

But it's a different matter to banquet with your wife.

Even if the eldest brother is so unspeakable, he is looking for his brothers to produce and sell themselves, shouldn't they still have to cover up?

But this water solution is actually acting like a stab. Isn't it afraid that the news will walk and be pointed out by thousands of people?

Can't figure it out, really can't figure it out!

However, Sun Shaozong felt like a mirror in his heart. Although he would be despised and spurned when he took the initiative to be a green-hat man, he would become an adulterer passively, and he was afraid that he would not be able to please him.

Don't talk about the troublesome identity of the Long-legged princess, just talk about the adulterer, how can there be any fanfare?

You can steal it, but you can't say it!

If it really meant that level, I was afraid that I could only pretend to be righteous and awe-inspiring, and first strictly refused.

With such thoughts in mind, Sun Shaozong was ready to lay the groundwork first.

So I responded inside. When Nianxia raised the curtain to invite him in, Sun Shaozong didn't advance but retreated, and bowed and said: "Since the princess is here, how can the foreign minister trespass? Please go in and report, just say something. The official didn't dare to make any trouble, so he went back to Hua Ting to report to the prince."

As he said, he wanted to go.

Nianxia hurriedly grabbed him, and said anxiously: "My lord is going to misunderstand, the princess and the empress invite you in, but there is a happy event to discuss with you."

happy event?

Sun Shaozong raised his eyebrows. Although the twelfth wait could barely be called a happy event, listening to the tone of Nianxia, ​​it didn't seem to be the case.

Could it be that you have misunderstood something?

He didn't really want to leave at first, but he was suspicious again, and after half pushing, he entered the hall along with Nianxia.

"Master Sun!"

Before Sun Shaozong could see the layout of the room clearly, he heard the bead curtain scroll, and a scorching Xia Jingui jumped out of it.

Between these electric lights and flints, Sun Shaozong's mind flashed, and the bottom of his eyes revealed a three-point coldness. It was just because of Nian Xia on the side, it was temporarily unsuccessful.


Behind the bead curtain came Wei Ying's coquettish call, Xia Jingui stopped in a jealous manner, and the watery peach eyes were still locked on Sun Shaozong's face.

After a long while, she blushed and waved to Nianxia again: "You go down first, it's only if I serve my sister here."

Looking at her shy and timid appearance, she obviously didn't want others to watch jokes.

Therefore, Nian Xia Lue hesitated and cast her gaze behind the bead curtain. After waiting for a while, seeing that the princess hadn't spoken against it, she happily retired.

When Nian Xia's figure disappeared outside the door, Sun Shaozong's eagle eagle immediately fell on Xia Jingui's face.

Facing the fierce light of his scrutiny, Xia Jingui covered his mouth and smiled: "Don't get me wrong, this time, it is not the slave who is looking for you, but the princess and empress."


Sun Shaozong couldn't help but was taken aback. He just saw that posture and thought that Xia Jingui wanted to act in a play and forced the marriage with the help of the royal palace.

But now it is the long-legged princess looking for herself...

He cast a suspicious gaze behind the bead curtain, and although only a silhouette was vaguely seen, the creaking sound of gritted teeth was clearly transmitted to Sun Shaozong's ears, and at the same time a poem appeared in his mind:

The beauty rolls the bead curtain and sits deeply with crests.

But seeing the tears wet, I don't know who I hate.

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