[The last chapter spit out the chapter, do you really think that you can see some details in the text, but it’s not possible ╮(╯_╰)╭]

The moonlight is dim.

Two lanterns stepped out of the corridor one after the other, and the lantern was raised high, reflecting Qiu Ju's anxious face.

She was looking at her left and right, and Suyun rushed up behind her, complaining loudly: "What are you doing so fast? This black lamp is blind, so I'm not afraid of falling out!"

Qiu Ju turned around and stomped her feet and said, "Also! You were the one who dragged her along the way, making our wife anxious."

Suyun inevitably felt a little guilty under her gaze, but she knew that she would not dare to show her feet right now, so she bit her head and sneered: "What is your urgency, can you lose your concubine in this deep house compound? Just follow me. , Yomo went back with our grandma."

"What are you waiting for!"

Qiu Ju said anxiously: "Hurry up and see at your house, the girl was told by a thousand warnings when she came out, let me take care of my wife."

If Suyun was more astute, he would have heard some extraneous notes from this sentence.

In fact, after that day, Xue Baochai noticed that his mother was a little abnormal. After knocking on the side twice, but to no avail, he quietly instructed the people below to take care of it carefully and not to leave it lightly for a moment.

If not, Qiu Ju would not be so nervous.

But at the moment Suyun is all on his mind, and only wants to complete the errand given by Li Wan, how can he think of this?

Anxious at the moment, he accompanied Qiu Ju back to Daoxiang Village.

Seeing the front door of the hall, there seemed to be someone talking, laughing and whispering in the room. Su Yun let out a sigh of relief and turned around and said: "I'll go in and see, see if my wife can be inside."

Qiu Ju naturally caught a glimpse of the two figures in front of the window, and she was secretly relieved-at this point in time, it is only Aunt Xue who can sit and talk with Li Wan.

Therefore, she no longer urged, just waiting outside the door in a proper manner.

Not long after, I saw Suyun coming out from the inside again, full of complaints: "I said my aunt must come to our house-OK, you don't want to go in, go back and tell your girl, the aunt is here today. Bian'er rested."


Qiu Ju hesitated as soon as he heard the words, and seeing that the curtain was raised again, Li Wan poked his head out from inside, and said with a smile: "Why, I still hide a cannibal tiger here? I should go back and tell Baochai. Just say I insisted on not letting my wife go!"

She took the initiative to come forward, what else could Qiu Ju do as a maid?

I had to play the lantern and turned back to Hengwu Garden alone.

Seeing her back disappearing outside the gate, the two masters and servants breathed out a sigh of relief at the same time. Then Li Wan gave a wink and asked Suyun to lock the courtyard gate, and he directly returned the gift.

But there was nothing but Aunt Xue was there?

Not far from the candlestick, there was a silhouette of a slapped human.

Li Wan stepped forward and took off the silhouette, ignited it directly with a candle, and burned it to ashes, then crushed it with a broom, and swept it into the flowerbed outside the door.

Suyun also locked the door and rushed over. As soon as he entered the room, he patted his chest ups and downs, and said: "It scared me to death, scared me to death! Fortunately, she didn't see the flaw just now."

There was not much joy on Li Wan's face.

Put the broom back in the corner, and after a while, he said: "When the four shifts pass, you can go and bring your concubine back."

This was something that had been planned for a long time, but Suyun hesitated for a moment when he was still in shock, and then reluctantly nodded his head.

Then the two masters and servants fell into a long silence again.

In fact, after Suyun's fear passed, some excitement also appeared faintly, but seeing Li Wan with a pretty face, he didn't dare to take the initiative to speak.

But as time went on, she couldn't hold it anymore.

So he asked cautiously: "Grandma, if... if it's Sun Erye and his wife, and nothing happens in the end, what should we do next?"

Li Wan shook his head, and said listlessly: "What we want is a handle, not to catch the **** in the bed-as long as she enters the yard, nothing will happen, and our goal will be achieved."

Suyun was still a little puzzled at first, and he suddenly felt like he thought about it carefully.

Regardless of whether the two of them are in that courtyard, it is not clear whether the lone man and woman are alone in the room at night.

Thinking of this, Suyun suddenly felt a little chill in her heart.

Although she had known for a long time that her grandmother was not as humble as outsiders thought, she did not ask about world affairs, but she did not expect that she would harm people, and she was so familiar with it.

In fear, she naturally had no words.

The two masters and servants were dry for a long while, and Li Wan finally ordered: "You go and rest first, and I will call you up during the fourth watch."

"The slaves dare not, but they stayed up all night..."

"Go ahead."

Li Wan flicked his sleeves again: "I can't sleep either tonight or so, but you have to recharge your energy, otherwise Minger's energy is low, and it is not stubborn to be seen by others."

Su Yun bowed his head and walked out.

"and many more!"

Seeing the front door, Li Wan called her again, adding: "Remember to bring some external sore medicine to you when the time comes."

Sore medicine?

Suyun was taken aback, and turned around and said in disbelief, "Er Grande Sun...could it be possible to use it to be strong?!"

"Where did you think of it?"

Li Wanbai glanced at her ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly some ruddy appeared on her gloomy face, and said quietly, "After all, she is a long-time body. I have met Sun Erlang for the first time in more than ten years. It may not be acceptable."

Suyun suddenly realized it again.

I immediately thought of Sun Shaozong’s dragon-horse spirit, and he was full of dryness for a while, and said in a awkward manner: "Either I will pass after the third shift, or... or share the burden for the aunt."

Seeing her eager to try, she seemed to want to stop the gun for Aunt Xue right away.

Li Wan scolded in an angry tone: "What a demon! When is this, you are still full of men and women's activities!"

Suyun was reprimanded by her, and now she shrank her head and did not dare to say anything, but her eyes couldn't hide the sense of loss.

Li Wan sighed secretly when she saw this, lest she would be emotional and mess up the matter again, so he stretched out his hand and twisted her little white face, and forced himself to cheer up and said: "No, you little hoof will not go back. I’m asleep, staying here will let me'enlighten, enlighten'."

Suyun had become accustomed to her fake phoenix phoenix, and naturally understood what she meant.

Although I missed Sun Shaozong's majestic body even more, seeing that Li Wan would never let it go, she could only retreat to the next best thing, and took advantage of the situation to get tired of her body, and the four peaks competed with each other.


Just after the fourth shift, Suyun brought the ointment, keys and other things, and left Daoxiang Village quietly, rushing to the guest house cautiously all the way...


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