The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 752: At the end of the song

Separate room, separate meeting.

As the one who holds the handle, Aunt Xue should be very calm, and at best she has some regrets about hating iron and not making steel.

But when Li Wanping retired all his servants, Aunt Xue suddenly panicked.

Although she is nearly forty years old, she has almost never dealt with any major incidents alone—when faced with the property left behind by her husband’s death, she has always focused on escaping. Otherwise, the Xue family’s business a few years ago would not be the same. It will decline to the point where it is unsustainable.

Now what she has to face is the complicated situation of affair between nephew and daughter-in-law and uncle!

What should I do?

Is it straightforward to reprimand her?

Or do you want to test your tone first?

What if she doesn't admit it?

I... I don't seem to have any evidence.

Do you really want to put it on the bright side and make things a big deal?

This panic inevitably reached its climax when Li Wan walked towards the front with no expression on his face.

If it weren't for the sleeves to cover up, Aunt Xue's trembling hands would never escape Li Wan's gaze.

Just when Aunt Xue could hardly bear to avoid her gaze with a guilty conscience, Li Wan stood tall and short in front of her.


Just listen to Li Wan resolutely said: "Thousands of mistakes are all my fault. Now my niece does not expect my aunt and mother-in-law to forgive me. After I go back, my niece is willing to atone for his life!"

As she said, she knocked her head heavily on the ground and said sadly: "Geer Kelan is the grandson of her mother-in-law. I beg my aunt to see his dead father, and don't talk about it after I die!"

But it turned out that Li Wan went back to the corridor first, and after learning that Aunt Xue had also been away for a long time, he always felt distressed.

When Aunt Xue came back and kept scrutinizing herself, Li Wan would know that his adultery was revealed, and 80% had already been exposed!

At that time, Li Wan tried to maintain the superficial composure, but her heart was a hundred times more nervous than Aunt Xue. No matter how she considered it, she would never let this matter be exposed-even if it was to lose her life!

Of course, although she didn't hesitate to die, she also knew that Aunt Xue was always soft-hearted and widowed like herself for many years. If she took the initiative to say that she was not, there was a good chance that she would be able to ask for her mercy.

as predicted.

Hearing that Li Wan was willing to die and apologize, looking at her familiar figure lying in front of her, and thinking about the sufferings of her husband who had been alone for many years after her newly married Yaner, Aunt Xue didn’t have much grudge in her heart. , And immediately disappeared more than half.

"Hey~ why did you come here?"

Aunt Xue gave a long sigh, stretched out her hand to pull Li Wan, and said quietly: "I am also a widow for many years. How can I not know the difficulties of our widows? But no matter how difficult it is, these four words of courtesy, justice and shame are not easy to leave behind. "

Li Wan did not get up, but still stubbornly knelt on the ground, raised his two full moon-like hips, and said in a sad voice: "It's my nephew who lost his mind for a while. I'm sorry to the god-in-law, my nephew is willing. To die..."

"What's not dead?"

Aunt Xue interrupted her wailing and pulled Li Wan from the ground forcefully, and said with a serious face: "How old are you now, and Lang is a promising man. Don't you want to watch him title and marry him? Wife and child?"

"Aunt...aunt, I...I..."

Li Wan looked up whimperingly with tears. When she saw the pity and sympathy in Aunt Xue's eyes, the words she had prepared suddenly became blurred.

Instead, there is a strong urge to vent.

Driven by this impulse, Li Wan hesitated for a while, and threw himself directly into Aunt Xue's arms, holding her warm and plump body in tears.

If it is said that there was still a part of her performance in her performance before, now it is an undisguised expression of true feelings.

The relationship with Sun Shaozong, of course, allowed her to save more than ten years of loneliness and emptiness, and was filled with both mind and body, but it also brought her fear and anxiety.

After all, once such a thing is exposed, she will definitely be in desperation, and will even affect her son.

The former was fine, but it was implicated on Jia Lan, which Li Wan could not bear.

For this reason, she had secretly thought about it many times, to completely cut off contact with Sun Shaozong.


Having suppressed things for more than ten years, how can you give up if you want to give up after knowing the taste?

What's more, the fake Phoenix Xuhuang with Suyun from time to time is like scratching her boots, making her more attached to the hysterical indulgence.

To put it bluntly, Sun Shaozong is like a drug to Li Wan.

He knew the harm, but couldn't help but commit the crime again.

The wanderings in Li Wan didn't know how much he had accumulated in Li Wan's mind, but he couldn't find a way to vent her life and death. The only insider Suyun was just a servant, so how could she lose her identity in front of the servant?

Now the appearance of Aunt Xue finally gave her a cathartic outlet.

This cry took a full quarter of an hour.

It wasn't until Aunt Xue also felt the same tears and tears, that Li Wan choked and lifted his body from Aunt Xue's arms.

"Good boy, I also know that I have suffered you all these years."

Speaking of it, Aunt Xue and Li Wan are only about ten years old, but seeing her tear-stained whirling look, Aunt Xue can't help but arouse love.

Reaching out to comb through the messy hair on Li Wan's forehead, he said softly: "After all, you are young, and you can make mistakes for a while. As long as you correct it, how can you die or live?"

In fact, how can an understatement of such things as ‘reformed’ be able to be revealed?

But Aunt Xue has always been a master of sentimentality. She was emotionally upset for a while, but no matter what the rhetoric is appropriate?

Besides, she is not focusing on this at this time, but...

"Tell me, just now... who is the person who was with you just now?"

Seeing that Aunt Xue was quite anxious, when she asked this, Li Wan was taken aback for a moment, and then could not help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

She thought that Aunt Xue already knew clearly.

But listening to these words, it is clear that Yingying Chuochuo heard something, and has never witnessed the scene of the two being embarrassing.


She wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and solemnly said: "At the beginning, it was me who was and actively seduce him-since everything started because of me, now I am dead, and I will not kill him. Recognize your identity!"

Actively seduce him?

Aunt Xue chewed on these words, but she became more suspicious of Baoyu in her heart. During these years in Rongguo Mansion, Gein had seen too many women who took the initiative to seduce Jia Baoyu.

But she never thought that Li Wan had always been resentful of Jia Zhu's delicate body bones, so he completely dismissed the greasy brother, and opposed the majestic man like Sun Shaozong.

However, knowing that Baoyu did not take the initiative, Aunt Xue felt relieved - if a woman like Li Wan deliberately seduce, how can a young man with a strong spirit be able to control it?

Speaking of it, I can only blame my sister for not being cautious enough to put this foolish man and woman in one place.

But in this case, will my daughter even want to wade through this muddy water?

If she wanted to persuade her to withdraw, she would only be able to confide in Li Wan's affairs, but she had just agreed clearly that she would not mention it to anyone...

Distressed for a while, but forgot to say something to Li Wan.

When Li Wan saw Aunt Xue's hesitant appearance, he just let go of his heart, immediately mentioned his throat again.

How did she know that Aunt Xue was thinking about her daughter?

Just because she refused to tell the truth, Aunt Xue had a repeat in her heart!

This is not a good phenomenon. After all, Aunt Xue is with her mother-in-law almost every day, and the two are in the relationship of sisters.

If one day she suddenly couldn't help it, and told Madam Wang about it...

Thinking of this, Li Wan couldn't help but shudder, and at the same time came up with a thought: Something must be done to solve this hidden danger completely! (https:)

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