"Ason, this gray..............Is it the child’s mother’s last name?"

"‘Alas, this word is really used...............The child's mother has a deep grudge against you!"

"Asong, I taught you since you were a child that as a man, you should have a sense of responsibility. Now, you................"

Bai Majie sighed, feeling helpless, not knowing how his excellent child had become like this.

Bai Masong couldn't help it, he said coldly,

"I know you won’t believe me no matter what I say, but I think it’s not too late to do a paternity test first!"

"Why do you need a paternity test? How can I not recognize our own children?"

Grandma interrupted directly.

But Bai Majie was a little hesitant. After all, Bai Masong insisted so much, and paternity tests would never lie, so he said,

"Since Asong said so, let's do it."

Then he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, is this Dean Iida? It's me, Bai Ma. Can you please do a paternity test for me right now? I have the materials here. Please come and get them...................."

The issue of paternity testing is not a big deal for the Bai Ma family. Bai Majie can solve it with just one phone call.

After the call, Bai Majie said to his grandmother,

"Mom, it's getting late. Go back to bed first. I'll tell you when the notice comes out tomorrow."

"Humph! Okay, I'll go back to sleep first."

Grandma snorted coldly, and calmed down. Seeing that it was indeed getting late, she went back to her room.

"Ah Tan, you should go back to sleep too."

Bai Ma Jie said to Bai Ma Tan again,

""Okay, father."

Bai Ma Tan replied.

In fact, Bai Ma Tan stayed here mainly to listen to the gossip about his elder brother, not to wait for a result.

Go back to sleep now, you can still go to class tomorrow.

Seeing that Bai Ma Tan also went back, Bai Ma Jie said to Bai Ma Song,

"Ah Song, don't go to work tomorrow. I'll take a day off tomorrow and wait for the result with you."

There is a reason why Bai Majie attaches so much importance to this matter. He really wants to have an offspring.

Bai Masong is 28 years old. As a father, he has never heard of Bai Masong dating since he was a child. It is impossible for him to say that he is not anxious...................................................................................

The next morning, after a night's sleep, Huibara Ai gradually woke up.

She opened her eyes and looked at the unfamiliar environment around her, seeming very confused.

Feeling the quilt covering her body, she scratched it with her two little hands. This texture did not seem to be from an ordinary home.

She remembered that she was found by the organization yesterday?

What was going on now?

That person did not kill her, but took her away? Is this a base of the organization? But it does not look like it.

The complicated thoughts deep in her heart made her like a frightened deer. She only wanted to shrink her head into the quilt, not daring to inquire too much about the outside world.


The sound of a door opening startled her.

She looked outside nervously and saw an old lady in elegant clothes standing at the door, saying,

""Oh, Miss Haibara is awake, come and have breakfast."

As she said this, she came over to help Haibara Ai.

Haibara Ai was a little confused. What was going on? Where were the people from that organization? Is this person from the organization too? But, there was no smell of the organization on her.

Her mind was extremely unclear. She was led by the housekeeper Mitarai to put on her clothes in a daze, and then walked to the restaurant in a daze again.

In the restaurant, everyone had eaten. Shiraba Tan went to school, Shiraba Song was reading a mystery novel, Shiraba Jie was reading the newspaper, and grandma Shiraba Chiyo was watching TV.

When the housekeeper Mitarai led Haibara Ai out, everyone stopped what they were doing and turned their eyes over.

The moment grandma saw Haibara Ai, she showed a kind smile,

"Little Ai is awake, come on, come and have breakfast and try Miss Mitarai's cooking."

Grandma was very enthusiastic about Haibara Ai, but at this moment, Haibara Ai only had Hakuba Song in her eyes.

In her eyes, she saw the member of the organization yesterday again. She would never forget the murderous aura that surged from him.

Haibara Ai subconsciously hid behind Mitarai's housekeeper, but she suddenly realized that these people were in the same group and she could not run away.

"Grandma, she seems a little scared of me, I'll step aside for a while."

Hakumasong looked at Huihara Ai's eyes and recalled her organizational radar function. She probably also remembered that it might be because of her dress yesterday that she misunderstood something.

So, she also suggested to step aside for a while.

Grandma waved her hand and said with some disdain in her tone,

"Go ahead, go ahead, you must have scared her yesterday."

After saying that, grandma performed a facial expression change on the spot, and said to Huiyuan Ai with a loving face,

"Come on, come on, little Ai, come to grandma."

Although Huihara Ai was still very alert at this time, she gradually relaxed in front of her seemingly kind grandmother.

However, she remained silent as she was born in an organized family.

Her grandmother ignored her and just thought that the little girl was shy, so she continued to talk incessantly.

She talked about how Bai Ma Song happened to pick her up yesterday, and then kept talking about how she woke up until now. Her grandmother also joked that she and the Bai Ma family had a great affinity, and even her hair color was very similar to the two Bai Ma Song brothers.

Huihara Ai didn't quite understand at first, but as she listened, she had sorted out the general situation by herself.

In her opinion, what happened yesterday was that Bai Ma Song went out shopping and happened to see the little girl, and then picked her up.

She was also very lucky, it just so happened that She came to the safest place in her heart. (She went to Kudo Shinichi's house just because she didn't know where to find Hakuba Matsu, and Kudo Shinichi was also a shrunken body, so he should empathize with her.)

And now she can understand Hakuba Matsu's murderous aura.

After all, this can make Tequila, Gin and others suffer. It's normal to have a little murderous aura.

After that, grandma also said that the name Haibara Ai was made up by Hakuba Matsu, and asked what Haibara Ai's name was.

Haibara Ai said that she didn't remember, and that this name was fine.

This is because, although she can think of another name by herself, she inexplicably feels that the name Haibara Ai is very kind, so she just decided on it.

In this way, Xiao Ai lived in the Hakuba family.

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