Gin looked at the white horse pine that looked like a prehistoric beast, and knew that it was impossible to keep him here today.

So he started giving orders into the headset.

"Vodka, let's go straight away"

"Chianti, Korn, please pay attention to your surroundings and report any abnormalities immediately."

"Tequila is always on standby."

As soon as Gin finished speaking, replies came from the back of the factory and the two high-rise buildings nearby.

Why did Gin choose to retreat immediately after seeing the outbreak of Hakumaso?

This goes back to the beginning, that is, why did the two sides start fighting?

Logically speaking, Gin came for Miyano Akemi, and if Miyano Akemi was not there, he should have left directly.

However, Gin already knew that Miyano Akemi had contacted Hakumaso, so he had always been prepared to deal with Hakumaso.

Therefore, he brought Chianti, Cohen, Tequila, and Vodka together, with the purpose of targeting Hakumaso.

Originally, by Due to intelligence reasons, Gin always believed that it was Miyano Akemi who came here, and even if Hakuba Song came, he would have followed.

However, because Hakuba Song asked Kuroba Kaito to help him disguise himself, he was able to deceive Gin.

Therefore, Gin and Vodka were surprised at the beginning, because all their arrangements were made according to Hakuba Song's arrangement outside.

Don't underestimate this arrangement. If he was outside, it would be Hakuba Song who would run away now.

Because Gin has arranged snipers on the periphery, as long as Gin and Vodka quickly kill Miyano Akemi in the factory, Hakuba Song will face Gin and Vodka after coming out, and then... Baimasong was unable to cope with the situation of being double-teamed by two snipers.

However, due to Baimasong's disguise, it was now Gin and Vodka who had to face Baimasong.

Moreover, one very important point was that when Baimasong showed up, both sides played with their cards open.

Both Gin and Baimasong knew that there would be reinforcements from the Public Security Bureau later. As long as Gin killed Baimasong before the Public Security Bureau arrived, they could still run away with the help of the snipers and Vodka's driving skills.

Baimasong also knew that as long as he could hold Gin back until the Public Security Bureau arrived, Gin would be dead. , he will also lose a layer of skin!

Gin originally thought that even if it was only himself and Vodka, there was one more person who could still kill Baimasong.

But now it seems that there is no way to deal with Baimasong in a short period of time. Even after Baimasong’s outbreak, his strength is unknown. It is very dangerous to stay here.

So, Gin immediately made a decision to run away!

At this time, after hearing the reply, Gin immediately fired two bullets at Baimasong.

But now, the huge Baimasong is more flexible than before. He jumped into the air and dodged two bullets in an instant.

Moreover, his figure is still approaching Gin rapidly!




Gin fired three shots in the air, and he knew that Baimasong was no longer someone he could deal with with his pistol.

He retreated quickly, and his hands did not stop. He quickly took out grenades from his windbreaker with his right hand, and threw three in a row at Baimasong.

Facing the grenades, even Baimasong now did not want to try easily, so he tried his best to dodge.

Baimasong's dodging created a good space for Gin to escape.

Gin quickly ran towards his Porsche 356A. At the same time, Vodka also ran over from the other side.

""Brother, what the hell is this!"

Vodka said with a horrified look on his face. Although Bai Masong was not chasing him, he was still frightened.

This is catching a bullet with bare hands!

"Ha, it is probably some kind of human weapon with great side effects. It seems that Japan is not honest either."

Gin sneered.

He and Vodka watched as they got closer and closer to the Porsche, and it seemed that they would be able to get in their own car soon.

But at this time, Bai Masong still chased out.

He was holding a huge abandoned iron plate in his hand.

There was nothing in this abandoned factory, just a lot of messy iron blocks and iron sheets.

Bai Masong picked up a piece and threw it directly at Gin's Porsche 356A.

With a loud"bang!", Gin's beloved car was hit violently and was basically scrapped.

Gin and Vodka almost stayed where they were when they saw this scene.

This car has been with them for who knows how many years, but they didn't expect it to fall here.

Gin's heart was bleeding, but he still endured the pain, calmed down, and quickly called in the headset,

"Tequila, drive to our location now"


Although Tequila didn't know what happened, he knew it was very intense after hearing the fighting on the other side, so he drove over immediately.

After Gin finished speaking, he immediately pulled Vodka and ran quickly to the open area outside the factory.

At this time, Bai Masong saw that Gin's car was scrapped, so he rushed over again, wanting to take them down directly.

However, at this moment, Bai Masong's heart was once again alarmed, and he quickly dodged to the side.


A 7.62mm bullet hit the ground in front of Bai Ma Song.

After Bai Ma Song dodged it, he didn't feel lucky and immediately hid in another direction.


Another bullet hit Bai Masong's previous position.

At this time, Bai Masong once again retreated to the door of the factory, breathing heavily.

"Whoosh whoosh..................."

"I didn't expect that there would be a sniper. Gin really thinks highly of me."

Bai Masong murmured to himself.

Bai Masong said so, but he did not chase after him.

Because he felt his strength was gradually fading, he knew that the side effects of his explosion were slowly coming.

So, he could only watch a black car speeding to the front of the factory, taking away Gin and vodka, and then speeding away.

Moreover, before they left, perhaps thinking of making trouble, they fired a shot at the red car that Bai Masong drove over and detonated it.

A few minutes later, three police cars arrived late.

The first person to come down was the model worker of the Ministry of Public Security, Yuya Kazami.

As soon as Yuya Kazami got out of the car, he immediately shouted anxiously,

"White Horse Police Inspector, White Horse Police Inspector......................"

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