At 11:30 in the evening, a body was found in a very nice hotel in Beika-cho 4-chome.

After the body was found, the hotel manager immediately called the police.

Officer Megure, who received the alarm call, immediately rushed to the scene, and Hakuba Matsu and others who were already resting at home were also called to work overtime overnight.

Soon, several people arrived at the door of the hotel.

Because it was very late, everyone basically looked listless, but for the sake of the case, they could only force themselves to cheer up.

That being said, I was still really sleepy.

Sato Miwako yawned and complained,

"How come a case happened at this time, and it’s a locked room type, it’s really a headache!"

"Hey, is today's case a murder in a closed room?"

Takagi Wataru asked doubtfully.

"Yes, don't you know?"

Sato Miwako said

"If not, Inspector Megure would not have been willing to take on such a fast horse as Inspector Hakuba."

Shiratori Renzaburo said with a smile.

Sato Miwako and Takagi Wataru also laughed.���However, Sato Miwako seemed to have thought of something and said,

"By the way, there seem to be a lot of murders in closed rooms recently."

After hearing her words, several people nodded unconsciously.

In fact, there are not many, but they just dealt with a closed bathroom a few days ago, so they are a little sensitive.

At this time, Bai Masong spoke,

"Okay, let's go up first. This case may not be as simple as the last time."...............................................................................................

Several people quickly went up to the crime scene upstairs in the hotel.

The crime scene is located on the top floor of the hotel. It is a high-end suite with a room.

The suite has two rooms, the living room and the bedroom.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see the living room, which is furnished with sofas, coffee tables and other items. On the left hand side of the door, that is, on one side of the wall of the living room, there is a door. The door opens to the bedroom.

The place of death of the deceased is located in the bedroom of the inner room of the suite. When the deceased was found, he was lying not far from the bedroom door, facing the bedroom door directly.

There was a knife stuck in his body. The blade was very long, about 30 centimeters, as if it was going to pierce through the deceased and the floor. When Bai Masong and others arrived, since Officer Megure had arrived here first, they had already conducted basic interrogations and identified the suspects.

At this time, everyone had gathered in the corridor of the hotel.

Bai Masong took a look and saw that in addition to Officer Megure, there was also a middle-aged man in a suit management uniform. A man wearing glasses and looking gentle and refined. A young man with dyed yellow hair and a big hair. And a young woman with short brown hair and sunglasses.

When Officer Megure saw Hakuba Matsu coming, he immediately stepped forward and shook his hand, saying with relief

"Brother Bai Ma, you are finally here!"

Bai Masong shook his hand gently, then let go and asked Officer Megure,

"Officer Megure, is this case really a murder in a closed room?

Officer Megure nodded and said affirmatively,

"According to the people present, it was indeed a locked room case, but it was hard to say whether it was homicide."

"Then let me introduce the case first."

Bai Masong said


Officer Megure agreed, and turned to the hotel manager and said,

"Please tell me the story again."

The hotel manager did not dare to be careless and said hurriedly,

"It was like this. At about 11 o'clock at night, Mr. Hanai called the front desk and said that there was a scream coming from President Murakami's room. He knocked on the door but no one responded."

The hotel manager pointed at the man with the eyes, meaning that he was Hanai, and then continued,

"Afterwards, since I was the only one in the hotel who managed the spare keys, I hurried up to help open the door."

"When I arrived here, the three passengers on this floor, including Mr. Hanai, had already gathered in front of President Murakami's door."

Hearing this, several policemen were very curious about their reactions. Shiratori Rensaburo asked first,

"Why did you gather in front of President Murakami's door?"

As if he felt that the police suspected him, the yellow-haired man immediately said,

"Of course it was because I heard screams."

After the yellow-haired man finished speaking, the short-haired woman also said,

"Mr. Kinoshita was right. We all heard screams in the room and were afraid something had happened, so we all came out to check."

The yellow-haired man, Kinoshita, immediately took over the conversation and said,

"Then we came out and saw this uncle knocking on the door, so we followed and waited together."

After listening to the two people's words, Bai Masong then said to the person in charge of the hotel,

"Manager, please continue."

"OK," said the manager.

"Afterwards, out of concern for Mr. Murakami's safety, I immediately took out the spare key and opened the door."

"After the door was opened, the room was pitch black. I immediately turned on the light. After turning on the light, we saw that there was no figure of President Murakami in the living room, so we thought about walking towards the bedroom."

"As luck would have it, the bedroom door was open, so we went in together and found that President Murakami had been stabbed and was lying unconscious on the ground."

"I mustered up my courage, sniffed and found that President Murakami was dead, so I called the police immediately.

The manager quickly told the story of the incident. After listening to the manager, Bai Masong asked Officer Megure,

"Why do you say it is a secret room?"

Officer Megure sighed and said,

"Brother Bai Ma, you will know if you come in and take a look."

Bai Ma Song and Sato Miwako were immediately curious, so the newly arrived police officers walked into the room together.

When they entered the room, the first thing Bai Ma Song saw was a tape recorder placed on the table.

Bai Ma Song narrowed his eyes and asked,

"This is?"

"This is where the screams we heard came from."

The short-haired woman continued,

"President Murakami was already dead before we came in. The screams were recorded by a tape recorder and then played at a fixed time."


Bai Masong nodded.

""The point is not this, brother Hakuba, the point is here."

Officer Megure urged, leading everyone to the bedroom.

Entering the bedroom, Hakuba pine, no, not just Hakuba pine.

Everyone including Sato Miwako, Takagi Wataru, and Shiratori Renzaburo, all stared at it.

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