Bai Masong opened the plastic bag and saw a bomb with two wires, one red and one blue. There was also a pair of small pliers in the bag.

"How about it, Chief Baima, I'm pretty good to you, right? In order to ensure the test goes smoothly, I've specially prepared a pair of small pliers."

The bomber said with a smile

"Well, that's very thoughtful.

Bai Masong said calmly.

"So, what I have to do is to choose one of the two wires and cut it."

"That's right. Please start, Chief White Horse."

The bomber said, and then he reminded him again.

"By the way, Chief Hakuba, this phone must be kept open at all times. If I find something wrong, I will detonate it."

"I won't do such a vulgar thing."

Bai Masong said

"Haha, Chief Inspector Baima is indeed very courageous. After this, I really want to make friends with you.

The bomber laughed and said with some sincerity.

"There will be a chance."

Bai Masong replied.

There was no movement from the bomber for the time being, but Bai Masong was not in a hurry to cut the wire.

In fact, Bai Masong saw that there was still a long time, which was enough for them to run away.

However, he was also afraid that the bomber on the opposite side would directly detonate the bomb, so he stayed here.

Thinking of this, Bai Masong turned around and said,

"Manager Matsumoto, why are you still here?"

Matsumoto Kiyonaga still had a serious expression on his face, which made the scar on his face look even more hideous and frightening.

"You are the inspector of my first investigation department. The fact that this incident has come to this point is also related to the fact that I blindly brought police officers to the rescue before conducting a thorough investigation."

"Others can go, but I won't. If you succeed, we can go out together, otherwise, I will pay for my mistakes."

Matsumoto Kiyonaga's earnest words made Bai Masong feel indescribable.


Bai Masong said calmly.

After that, Bai Masong took out his mobile phone, pressed a few buttons, and then began to sit in front of the bomb and chat with the bomber from time to time.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes..............................

An hour has passed

""Inspector Bai Ma, are you still undecided?"

The bomber asked with concern.

You read it right, he asked with concern.

The bomber is very concerned about Bai Ma Song, or, he is very concerned about the result of Bai Ma Song's creation.

At this time, Bai Ma Song's mobile phone vibrated, he opened it and looked at it, then closed it again.

"It's settled."

Bai Masong said coldly.

"Oh?" The bomber asked impatiently,"Which one is it?"

Bai Masong took out a pair of pliers and cut the blue wire.


Bai Masong's colleague who cut the wire announced the result.

""Huh!" the bomber let out a long breath and said with a smile,

"Congratulations, Police Inspector Baima, fifty-fifty, you still made the choice without hesitation. I admire your courage and envy your luck!"

"Now it seems that I can make a friend like you."

Hearing the praise from the bomber on the other side of the phone, Bai Masong was not very happy, but instead showed a sneer.

"I am also very happy to make friends with you, Professor Moriya Teiji!"

Professor Moriya Teiji!

"Haha," the bomber on the opposite side, or rather Moriya Teiji, was stunned for a moment, then laughed heartily and said,

"Police Chief Bai Ma is really amazing. When did you find out it was mine?"

Bai Ma Song put down the pliers, took the phone, stood up and answered,

"The police have already discovered that the ring line bomb was placed on the Sumida River Bridge. Add in the Kurokawa family and the current Beihua Municipal Building, and it seems not difficult to guess."

"Haha, awesome, awesome, it's really Inspector Hakuba!"

Teiji Moriya sounded very happy and gave Hakuba Song applause.

Although it still doesn't make sense, it could be done by someone who hates Teiji Moriya?

But, as a successful architect, Teiji Moriya has always only looked at the results.

Just like his own works, whether it is the Sumida River Canal Bridge or the Beika Municipal Building, they have won him many honors and medals.

However, they are not symmetrical buildings after all, which means that their results are bad, and they deserve to be destroyed!

"However, since you pointed out my identity so directly, aren't you afraid that I may have hidden bombs in this building?"

Moriya Teiji asked curiously.

"No, I have just asked Manager Matsumoto to search the place."

Bai Masong said calmly.

"Well, you have considered it very carefully!"

Meng Gu Diji nodded and asked,

"Then doesn’t Inspector Baiba worry that I will run away?"

"You can't run away. I have asked Officer Matsumoto to notify Officer Megure and others to go to your residence. They should have arrived by now."

Hakuba Matsu was not panicked at all in the face of Moriya Teiji's question. He had already prepared everything.

"But you may not know that I live in.................."

Moriya Teiji chuckled, but was interrupted by Bai Masong halfway through.

"Did you actually plant a bomb in your house?"

Bai Masong asked softly.


Moriya Teiji let out a long sigh and smiled again, but this time he felt a sense of relief.

"I didn't expect you had considered this. It seems that I lost this time, but it's not unfair!"

"Don't worry, I will turn myself in later!"

"However, it seems that the chance to make friends with you will have to be in the interrogation room."

After saying this, Moriya Teiji hung up the phone. In fact, in his opinion, being able to destroy his defective products was already a success.

Now he can have a contest between smart people with Hakuba Matsu. Although he failed to cure Kudo Shinichi, it was still okay.

And what about Hakuba Matsu? He actually didn't win as easily as Moriya Teiji looked.

As early as when he heard the first test mentioned by Moriya Teiji, he had already remembered that this was the plot of the first theater version, although he didn't know why the others didn't match.

But at least these explosions and so on, they matched.

Therefore, he knew everything in advance, and naturally he could make targeted arrangements.

This is also the reason why he stopped Sato Miwako and the others. Others are fifty-fifty, a fifty-fifty probability, but he knows the answer!

With him, sacrifices can be avoided.

So far, today's case ended with Moriya Teiji's surrender and the escape of the organization.

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