My name is Tequila, I am 41 years old, 2 meters tall, and I am from Kansai.

I used to be a bounty hunter, but later I felt that it was not good to be alone, so I joined the organization and lived the life of a regular soldier.

Because of my strong skills, outstanding ability, and courage to fight, I was soon promoted to a regular member of the organization and got the title.

Today, I have another task.

This task is very simple, to get a list from a person who was scared by the organization.

Of course, it is not for nothing.

The organization pays and he makes the list, which is fair.

As for why he wants money, we have to talk about the 150 million yen he owes in the organization's casino.

Induce him to gamble, let him lose big and win small, then coerce and lure him, owe him usury, and finally keep collecting, forcing him to give up what the organization wants.

This set of methods is the organization's usual method, which is very useful for dealing with 80% of people.

Of course, these trivial matters do not need me, a regular worker, to do anything, the low-level employees without code names will handle it.

Gin assigned me this task today, probably because I just massacred a small gang last time, so he let me do an easy job and take a break.

Also, since my car was damaged in the last operation, Gin asked Chianti to bring me here today.

Apart from anything else, her Dodge Viper is really cool. After completing this mission, I have to get one too!

Originally, I didn't want Chianti to follow me. I can do such a simple task by myself, and if she follows me, she will share my mission funds.

However, everything is because of that person.............................

The man who has the same dress taste and temperament as us.

If Gin hadn't known him, I would have thought he was in the same business as us.

That's him - Bai Ma Song.

This is a name that Gin once mentioned. Gin said that"under his seemingly calm appearance, he hides a bloodthirsty heart."

In the past, I thought Gin was exaggerating, but today, seeing him, it's true.

We, who live on the edge of a knife, can tell that feeling at a glance.

To be on the safe side, Gin asked me to bring Chianti with me, otherwise, if he caught me, it would be troublesome.

I have always been very confident in my abilities, but today, I don't know why, I agreed with Gin.

So, Chianti came with me.

I was responsible for entering the Mantiantang company and conducting a face-to-face exchange, and Chianti was responsible for providing reconnaissance on the periphery and necessary firepower support.

After entering the Mantiantang building, I soon saw the trading partner.

He had a bz face, looked very confident, and looked very romantic, but that was just an appearance.

I still remember how he confidently pushed out chips in the casino, then lost everything and bowed to the lower-level members who came to collect debts.

That was really, haha............................

According to him, if we went directly to trade, it would be disadvantageous to both parties, so we had to find a suitable and covert way to trade.

He mentioned exchanging number tags.

He said that Mantiantang Company has a storage service, where you put your things in, and when you pick them up, you pick them up with your number tags.

So, as long as they each put their things in, they only need to exchange number tags to complete the transaction.

Although I was very disdainful of his soft-assed look, I have to say that this is indeed a good method.

So, I followed him first, and waited until he put the box with the list in it. Then

I put my box with the money in it.

After depositing the box, it was Mantiantang Company's press conference. I have never been very interested in these electronic things.

So, I didn't follow in to see, but just kept an eye on the trading partner to see if he had any excessive actions.

As a result, he really didn't seem to have much courage.

After the press conference, we also started the formal transaction.

Exchanging number plates was also very simple. I just needed to find an opportunity to bump into him, and then I could make small adjustments with my excellent technical ability.

Soon, I saw him going to the toilet, and I knew this was an opportunity.

So, I followed him immediately.

I just didn't expect that this guy seemed to be courageous, and he even brought that Bai Ma Song with him.

Although I was still a little afraid of Bai Ma Song, it was impossible for me to be timid.

According to the original plan, I walked up and bumped straight into the trading object. At the moment of collision, I completed the exchange.

However, this kid's body was a little rotten, and I knocked him down in one fell swoop.

In order to warn him, I took a look at him by the way. I thought he should not dare to make any moves.

After changing the number plates, I thought I should go back.

At this time, Chianti's voice came from the headset.

"Hey, Tequila, something seems wrong!"

"What do you mean, Chianti, please explain clearly."

I frowned and asked Chianti.

At this time, my experience as a veteran told me that I should pay attention to the information and suggestions of snipers, because they can see farther than me.

"The number plate of the transaction partner seems to have been replaced by someone."


I asked in surprise. If this is true, then I have worked in vain.

"chianti, are you sure?"

"I'm sure I saw someone take out his number plate."

Chianti's voice was very sure, so it seems I have to make one more trip.

"Who changed the brand of our trading partner?"

I asked

"It was the man in blue clothes who looked honest."

Chianti said so.

I quickly found the man she described.

Honest? On the surface, yes. But inside, he didn't seem to be very honest.

I walked towards him, bumped into him, and exchanged number plates with him.

If Chianti had said it earlier, I could have saved some money, but now...................

Forget it, the money is what the transaction partner deserves, and we have professional ethics.

I took the correct number plate and took the briefcase from the counter.

After everything was done, it was time for me to leave the scene. Although I didn't know why the honest man changed the number plate, it was definitely not a good thing, so it was better to leave first.

Just as I was about to leave.......


The explosion happened.

It looked like the honest man tried to open what he thought was a list, and was killed directly.

Tsk...........Poor thing.

Fortunately, Chianti is here, otherwise, I would be the one to open the box...............

I turned around and looked at the scene, and found that Bai Ma Song seemed to be looking at me, with such sharp eyes!

He seemed to be staring at me!

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