One day, the weather was fine.

Maori Kogoro took Xiaolan and Conan out of the taxi and came to the door of a villa that looked very luxurious.

After getting off the car, Xiaolan looked at the exquisitely arranged garden in front of her and smiled.

She jumped to the small fountain in the middle of the garden, turned around, and smiled at Conan and Maori Kogoro,

"Look, if you stand at the fountain, the left and right sides are exactly the same!"

As she spoke, Xiaolan looked around, then looked at the villa behind her, and was surprised to find

"It's not just the garden, but also the buildings in the villa!"

After hearing Xiaolan's words, Maori Kogoro pretended to be deep and smiled slightly, looking like he understood.

"This kind of building is the so-called left-right symmetrical architectural design!"

"Professor Teiji Moriya spent his high school years in the UK, which is why he is fascinated by the British architectural style."

"His dedication and pursuit of classical symmetrical architectural style is beyond the imagination and understanding of ordinary people!.............

Conan looked at Maori Kogoro in amazement. Is this still the Maori detective who was ignorant, only knew how to smoke, drink, and gamble on horses and ping-pong balls?

Could it be that Moriya Teiji was so charming and capable?

He actually made Maori Kogoro start to prepare seriously?

Conan just exclaimed in his heart, but..................、

As a result, I saw that Maori Kogoro took out a small notebook full of notes from behind.

It turned out that there was a cheat sheet!

Maori Kogoro didn't know Conan's thoughts. He took out the cheat sheet, took a look, and then continued,

"Professor Moritani's real name was originally Moritani Sadaharu, but later it was changed to the bilaterally symmetrical"Eiji" for reasons of symmetry."

"Ah, Professor Moritani is so persistent!"

Ran couldn't help but sigh.

It's weird to be persistent! It's simply pathological!

Conan complained in his heart

"Although I am very persistent, this is the first time I have seen such a beautiful lobby!"

After Xiaolan sighed, she praised the garden lobby.

""Hahahaha, I'm really honored to receive your praise!"

A voice came from not far away.

The three looked over and saw a man wearing a green suit, a pink lining, a red and blue tie, and a mustache that curled up.

He smiled and said,

"Hello everyone, I am Teiji Moriya"

"My name is Mao Lilan, this is my father Mao Li Kogoro, and this is Edogawa Conan who is staying at our house."

When Xiaolan saw the host coming out, she hurriedly greeted him politely.

"Hehe, Ms. Maori, Mr. Maori, and this little friend Edogawa, hello."

Moriya Teiji also responded with a smile

"I'm really sorry, it's just that Kudo Shinichi really couldn't make it to the appointment, so we came here in his place."

Xiaolan said apologetically

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. It's my honor to invite the famous Mr. Maori Kogoro!"

Moriya Teiji waved his hand and said.

Maori Kogoro heard this flattery and raised his head and chest, acting like a master.

"Three of you, the tea party will be held in the backyard. Please follow me."

Moritani Teiji invited.

Maori Kogoro and the other two followed Moritani Teiji through the villa and came to the backyard.

The three of them followed Moritani Teiji while looking at the surrounding environment.

Conan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it is worthy of being an afternoon tea of a world-class famous architect. Those who come here are either musicians, artists, famous critics, or entrepreneurs. They are all people from the upper class!

"Here, these are some snacks, you can enjoy them at will."

Moriya Teiji said to Maori Kogoro and the other two with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite!"

Mouri Kogoro said with a smile.

Xiaolan also picked up a small cookie and put it in her mouth. She felt that it tasted really good. It was very delicious.

"Oh, these snacks are delicious."

"Hahaha, thank you Ms. Maori for the compliment," Moriya Teiji laughed heartily,"These snacks were all made by me."

"Oh, Professor Moritani can also make snacks!"

An actress next to him complimented,

"Oh, no, no," said Moriya Teiji modestly,"I am a person who has to do everything myself. If I don't do it myself, I will feel uneasy."

""I see," another food critic came up and said,"That’s why those beautiful buildings were created!"

"Of course, if they don’t have the conditions of beauty, I can’t accept those buildings!" said Moriya Teiji.

"Just like many young architects nowadays, they simply lack the awareness of beauty. They must have a stronger sense of responsibility for their work!............................................"

As Moriya Teiji spoke, he became more and more excited.

Seeing his somewhat extreme appearance, everyone did not dare to approach him and could only wait for him to slowly calm down.

Finally, Moriya Teiji himself realized that he was talking about these things, which was a bit like talking to a cow, so he changed the subject.

"By the way, Mr. Maori, as an excellent detective, I would like to ask you a question, how about it?"

"Ask me a question?"

Mouri Kogoro had a headache, but he still pretended to be confident.


"Okay, I have a card with the names of my three friends written on it. The answer is a noun made up of their names."

Morigani Teiji took out a stack of cards, shook the cards in his hand, and said

"By the way, if you want to try, you can give it a try.

Everyone present wanted to give it a try, and 60 to 70 percent of them picked up the cards.

Conan was also very interested in decrypting the puzzle, so he also took a card.

On the card was written,

"Oyamada Tsuyoshi, blood type A, born in October 1957, hobbies.............."

"Sorato Sasuke, blood type B, born in June 1957, hobbies................"

"Konoha, blood type O, born in January 1957, hobbies.................."

After reading the information of the three people,

Conan, I understand!

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